
Tuesday, January 5, 2016

First Finish ~ EPP Plus

My first finish has happened!  Technically it's a left over WIP from last year, but it's a finish! Waiting for inspiration to hit me after the holidays seemed to take forever.  Motivation was in short supply.  What I needed was to ease back in to the saddle and to finish a WIP was an excellent choice.

20" x 20"

EPP Plus Wall Hanging complete.  Last time I blogged about this was in October (Here).  I was trying to figure out a layout I could live with.  Once that happened, the tedious process of hand sewing each and every piece together began.  

Crunchy, crisp and clean! The fun part was popping all the templates out at the end!  I choose not to sew through the card stock template which made it quick and easy taking them out.

When I started quilting I knew I wanted a geometric design.  Beyond that, I had no plan whatsoever! It's the way I roll, what can I say?!   

 Vertical, horizontal, squares, diagonal...grey, aqua and copper thread was used throughout.  

There are areas where I carried the aqua and copper thread through the grey background.

I knew exactly what I wanted to do for the binding.  Something new and different!  A Faced or Knife Edge binding.  Have you ever used this method?  I first saw it on a quilt that Debbie @ A Quilter's Table made.  Right then and there I knew I was going to try it on my EPP Plus quilt.

The tutorial is available here: @ Bloomin' Workshop Blog  

 I didn't want to hide or break up the edges with a regular binding, I wanted to keep it clean.  

With this binding method I wasn't able to do my usual mini hanging method with the corners. I'll come up with something that will work.  

I'm just happy I finished and started...finished a WIP and started that flow of inspiration again!



  1. A finish is a finish, no matter when it was started! I really love how you carried the colors through the background with the thread, that is a fantastic detail.

    1. I totally agree! I'm happy I finished it, it could have easily hung in my closet for another few months! Carrying the thread through the background was mentioned on IG. I thought it was a very good idea and ran with it!

  2. Great finish, I haven't seen that kind of binding before. I never sew threw my EPP shapes either especially as it makes them so much quicker to remove. Happy new year. x

    1. I was very surprised at how easy the knife binding was. The tutorial is well written. There is something about popping out templates that I love!!

  3. Oh the copper thread is divine! Good to see you back in the saddle :)

    1. All it takes is one little project to get you out of a slump!

  4. Hi Jayne! Beautiful finish to start the new year! Great choise for the binding! x Teje

    1. I plan on using this binding technique again! Very easy and effective!

  5. I think it was the perfect finish for the start the new year, so cute!

    1. It was the perfect project to get me going again! Plus, I got to use a new technique!

  6. oh I love the way it turned out! Gorgeous! Sometimes I sew white bone rings on the back for hanging minis... just a thought!

    1. I've never used the rings, but have seen it before. I plan on keeping this one for myself and hope to hang it soon!

  7. Lovely finish and yay for trying the new binding method! Perfect!

    1. I knew as soon as I saw you do it, that it would work perfectly for my EPP Plus! I love learning new things!

  8. Great finish! I need to get my EPP project out and work on it. You are so good about getting projects finished!

    1. I've become addicted to EPP! I have another one that needs to be finished and one more that I'm working on. Of course I have no idea what the last one will be…it's just relaxing to have something to do at night!

  9. Ahhh! It's fantastic!! And I didn't know EPP projects could be finished???! I thought they were for languishing around forever and ever. ^_^

    1. Well, you know being a rebel is everything to me…I'm kind of surprised that I finished it myself!

  10. I so absolutely LOVE this! It's just beautiful. How big is it? The fabrics, colors, quilting - perfection. I love knife edges - a lot of my grandmother's quilts have them. Perfect choice for this piece. How fun to finish something so soon! Come to think of it, I guess I have a finish too - that huge queen-sized quilt for my friend's son. Except now I am trimming off all the strings - OY it's taking forever! An A+ start for the new year, Jayne.

  11. This is a great mini quilt Jayne. I love the grey stripe in the middle of the cross blocks , as well as the colours in the quiting. I've never seen a knife edge finish before. Thanks for the link to the tutorial.

    1. It's my first time doing something other than a traditional binding and I have to say…I love it. Not for everything, but it's nice to have another tool in the tool box!

  12. This is just brilliant! I love the dark edges on some of the pieces. I hope you are entering this in a show somewhere! Fabulous!

  13. It's amazing!! Great first finish. Thanks for the link for the binding. I had never heard of that before. Very interesting.

  14. Oh wow! This is absolutely beautiful, I've seen this develop on IG and I love it! The EPP is gorgeous, I particularly like the hints of black or dark grey in some of the crosses. Your quilting is a stunning mix of verticals and diagonals - a great job, well done!

    1. I've shared a few photos here and there! I'm happy that this EPP didn't linger in the deep dark closet for very long! The quilting was crazy, but I think I like it!

  15. Congrats on your finish! Looks lovely!

  16. What the heck?! I've never once thought of doing pluses as EPP and here I am seeing it twice in one day. That's got to be a sign, right? Your knife edge binding looks a lot like how I used to do bindings before I learned "how to do it right". Just goes to show there is more than one way to skin a cat! I like how it disappears and lets the top design take the stage.

    1. I needed a quick, easy and fun nightly project. You know, just to stay busy. When I found the EPP Plus design I knew it was just what I was looking for. The knife binding was the perfect choice for this quilt I think. I like how the edges aren't broken up by a traditional binding! Now go jump on the band wagon!!

  17. What a great EPP project! I have sort of tired of seeing hexies (no offense to anyone meant) so this is really refreshing. I especially love how that striped fabric reads. And the colored quilting in the gray is luscious! I've tried just one similar binding (but narrower) on a wall hanging and really liked how flat it laid. But I didn't know about the understitching. Thanks for sharing the link. I'll try that next time.

    1. I know what you mean about hexie over load! I was looking for something different and easy. The EPP Plus fit the bill! As for the binding, it's very easy and worked perfectly for this quilt!

  18. I've really wanted to try out that binding method. I'm still waiting for the just right quilt. And I really like how the way you cut the fabric not only are your stripes coming together in the center but you get that grey outline at the edges. Fantastic!


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