
Friday, February 19, 2016

Epic Sampler BOM ~ Update

I think this is the first Block of the Month where I have kept up!  I'd like to think I have turned over a new leaf, but sure as I say that I'll fall behind on the next one!  

I have two more months worth of blocks to share with you.  The rainbow concept of this Sampler Quilt is coming together.  Knock on ends up looking like I see it in my head!  I shared my idea here: Epic Sampler BOM, you can see my idea take form.

I know this is a strange color combination, but I really like it!  And it's the first time I've made the ever popular 'X' Plus block!

6" X-Plus

Pinwheel Star is a paper piece block.  Total hotness!

12" Pinwheel Star
12" Ninth Frame

Finally getting in to the blues!

6" Courthouse Steps
This Sampler quilt has quite a lot of paper pieced blocks, like this one.  The more I paper piece, the more I am totally in love with it!  For someone who does a lot of Improv...paper piecing is totally the opposite!  I like to think of it as a good balance!
6" Double Star
Last one!  Purples!!  This one looks pretty simple, and it is...except when there is a pattern problem! It didn't take long to figure out there was an issue.  I swore a little and then figured out how to make it work.  Since then the February pattern has been updated!

12" Radiant Ring

I'm at the point where laying out the finished blocks before making new blocks is a good idea. It helps to ensure the rainbow effect will happen and flow.  

Three months left, nine more blocks.  I can't believe I'm caught up...that's all I'm sayin'!


  1. They are all lovely, but my fav is the double star! Can't wait to see how this progresses.

    1. All of the blocks have been so fun to make! I have a few favorites that I will be revisiting one day!

  2. Wow - actually, double wow! You are on a roll!

    1. I've really enjoyed making these blocks! I think it's because there is a lot of paper piecing involved and I'm very in to that right now!

  3. This is so fun- I love that Pinwheel Star! I can't wait to see it all together!

    1. Three more months to go and we'll see if my Rainbow idea worked!

  4. Love! Love! Love! Keep them coming, they look great.

    1. I am happy with each block so far! I'm crossing my fingers that they will all fit together like a rainbow puzzle!

  5. Beautiful! I really love both of the paper pieced blocks!

    1. I'm certainly enjoying this BOM and to be caught up is amazing!

  6. These are wonderful! I love them all... Good luck staying caught up with the BOM- I know that's always a challenge for me!

  7. These are great blocks. Kudos for keeping up. I love the pinwheel star.

  8. Great blocks! I can see how the rainbow will come together and it is going to be awesome!

  9. These are really striking. Can't wait to see how it all comes together.

  10. Isn't it wonderful that you are keeping up! Your X plus block is my favourite. I have yet to make that block myself.

  11. I love seeing solids in quilt blocks and your blocks are looking great! It will be a very pretty quilt.



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