
Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Rowing Along

Here I go again!  Starting a quilt with very little direction!  The bare bones are there, the fabric is there, the idea was not 100% there!  

The end of the month will be my beautiful and talented daughters 30th birthday.  It's shocking!  Time does fly by far too fast, before you know it your baby is grown!  The one thing she asked for was a quilt.  That I could do.  With a monumental 'Three-O' coming would have to special and I hope I can deliver on that!

April Rhodes ~ Wanderer
The fabric is a bundle I bought not long ago.  The theme of this quilt will be a Southwestern vibe, these certainly will play well in to that. 

This past week has been a fury of work!  I'm determined to have the top finished by the end of the month. (her birthday is the 27th)  Honestly, I tried to find a pattern that I thought she would like, but she wasn't having it!  'Mom, do your thing Twiggy thing' she says.  Gulp! I took a deep breath, cringed, cried and went for it.

The blocks are a combination of pieced, fussy cut and paper pieced.  I had to made a couple paper pieced blocks in EQ7, very simple ones!  Like this one below.

I have two 'X's on the front and plan on adding a second to the back...Roman Numerals...XXX = 30! Subtle, but fitting.

Row by row I go.  Trying to figure out something spectacular on the fly!  It's a good thing that my husband has been working away from home the past week.  I had fabric and paper everywhere!

Squares, diamonds, diagonal.

Delectable Mountains.  I was going to use a variety of fabric in each block, but it seemed far too busy.  Like it isn't already!

There's still a few more rows to add, mostly for spacing.  It's getting there.

The quilt will be at least a twin size quilt and I plan on using wool batting.  This one I am not going to quilt, not me, no way!  I'll send it out with a huge sigh of relief!

I'm not totally feeling it, but I think it'll come together.  It was a struggle, as are most 'design as you go' quilts.  

Stay tuned!!



  1. It is looking good, pretty colors.

    1. I appreciate that! Still waiting for that grand moment when it feels right, but I'm sure it's just around the corner!

  2. Replies
    1. You are too sweet! Thank you for stopping by and making me feel better about this quilt!

  3. I can't believe how quickly this one is coming together, it is looking great!

    1. Funny, it doesn't feel like it is coming together quickly! Damn kids and their milestone birthdays! This one is so out of my comfort zone in color and design…hopefully it will come together!

  4. This is going to be gorgeus! Good Luck, I hope you finish this in time! x Teje

    1. You are too sweet! Thank you for stopping by and making me feel better about this quilt!

  5. Oh my word! My daughter turns 3-0 on the 18th of this month. And she's getting a quilt (which I'm pin basting today... fingers crossed to get it done by Thursday!) made out of her old polar bear pajamas and nightgowns. It won't be pretty like yours, but it will keep Karen warm with the best parts of those worn out favorites. Have fun! (and my sister and uncle share your daughter's birthday. A great day to be born!)

    1. Isn't it crazy to think our babies will be 30?! It would be fine if she just said she wanted a quilt, but she insisted I put my mark on it!! I'm sure your daughter will love her quilt and especially since it will be from her pajamas and nightgowns! that is special!

  6. AWWW!!! Super sweet. She's going to LOVE it!

    1. We shall see! I know she will love it. I always feel like I have to love it first in order for her to love it. I'm not giving up hope, I'm not done yet!

  7. It's gorgeous already - she will love it. I love the southwest colors - even though I live in the cold Midwest. I know what you mean about them being babies one day and the next they are all grown up. My son turns 36 this year. He was 5 years old when I started my full time job. I will be completing my 31st year here. Where did the time go. However, he and his wife have given me 2 beautiful grandaughters (2-1/2 and 4) so there is an upside. I wish he'd ask for a quilt - but he's a guy....

    1. Thank you so much! I am very up in the air about this design, but I have to believe it will all come together! I'm counting on that! You are very lucky to have grand kids. I'm not sure that is in our cards!

  8. She will LOVE this! You seem to be making very quick progress :)

    1. I don't feel like I'm making good progress, but considering I'm making it up as I go…maybe I am. She wanted a southwestern feel and that is what she shall have!

  9. Love the fabrics as well as the pattern! Looking forward to see this quilt finished. Lucky daughter you have! Barbora

    1. She likes to put the pressure on! I'm happy to make her a quilt, even if it feels like I'm treading water with it! I'm pretty sure she will like it when it's finished. Just a little more work to do before then!

  10. Love it. Love the fabrics. Love the design.

    1. I might need to re-evaluate my take on this quilt! I'm not use to working with prints or this color combination. Maybe that's why I'm on the fence about it!

  11. Definitely a cool southwestern vibe! Love the colors. The subtle XXX is an awesome idea too!

    1. Thank you! She and I do have a special relationship! She was the one who taught me to quilt and has always pushed, prodded and encouraged me in my quilting journey! Don't tell her, but she has always inspired me through her creativity!

  12. Looks good so far. What a compliment that your daughter wants you to make her a quilt for her birthday!

  13. It's coming along beautifully. As for designing this level of complicatedness on the go, you are a brave, brave quilter, Jayne!

  14. Wow. For not having a plan, it's amazing. Can't wait to see it all done.

  15. Your "Twiggy thing" is definitely working! It looks great - can't wait to see it finished.

  16. Those are some gorgeous fabrics and look fabulous in the designs you have chosen. Very Southwestern and very fresh! Happy Birthday to your girl!

  17. Lovely fabrics, looking great, she will love it. She will love it more because you made it for her.

  18. This is going to be a stunner!! Love your style and your free flow planning.

  19. OMGoodness! For your daughter, and her 30th!!! I love her directive, "your Twiggy thing"! Just wonderfully soft and boldly graphic all at the same time! I love it!

  20. Wow - this design is just incredible. I love the airiness of it. All the light background is perfect to show off your sparks of color. Love it!

  21. Loving what I am seeing so far for this quilt!! If she doesn't like it, I will be delighted to give it a home. LOL. Also you do not look old enough to have a 30 year old daughter.

  22. Great colors! Certainly a perfect modern twist to a southwestern inspired quilt. This looks great so far!

  23. This is looking awesome! The quilt is going to be amazing and she is going to love it!

  24. I also design as I go and it's usually well worth the effort! Maybe our quilts would lose something if we worked otherwise! You have a very beautiful piece there - something that your daughter will undoubtedly treasure.

  25. Jayne you are fearless. Well, you certainly appear that way--I know you said you cried and cringed when she wanted you to do your Twiggy thing ;-) I am loving this and am so intrigued by how you are constructing it and making it up as you go, whoa baby. Love the XXX, but I love subtle messages within quilts.


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