
Sunday, February 14, 2016

I Make No Excuses.

I'm not going to make any excuses for this latest purchase.  I cannot deny that I love Anna Maria Horner fabric.  I did what I did, and I can live with that!!


Look at these!  Could you pass them up?  Filigree was one of my favorite tone on tone designs from years ago...years!  When I saw AMH had a new batch, a new color combination, I knew it would make it to me.  The hardest part was deciding on either fat quarters, 1/2 yard or full yard bundles!  I landed in the middle, half yard it is!

Westwood Acres splashed it across their caught my eye...I bit!  With no regrets, no guilt.  

I had to pull out the old line and compare it with the new...I likey like!  Plus, I have a half baked plan in mind! you know how hard it is to type with your index finger bandaged up after an encounter with a rotary blade?  No matter how dull you think your rotary blade isn't! This short post took way too much time!  



  1. Oh no! Another quilter down to a rotary cutter incident! As for the fabric, there's something lovely about buying fabric you just plain love. Even if it is The Year of The Stash!

    1. It makes all the difference! First of all there isn't the guilt (as much) and you know you are getting something you love! I'm not regretting this decision one little bit! Well, I might be regretting that I didn't get the full yard bundle…other than that…I'm good!

  2. Oh man, so sorry about your finger; I hope it heals very quickly. If I don't have an exact plan for fabric, I tend to buy a half yard... although it sounds like you might already have a plan! :)

    1. One of the risks involved with the job! It amazes me how sharp a really dull rotary blade can be! It'll be fine!

  3. Oh your poor finger - I did the same thing when I was making 30 hats for elves in the nursery school float in the local Santa parade. Not pretty. And mine required stitches…. So I try to be careful. I do like the bandage.

    1. It wasn't a bad cut, just enough to require a bandaid! Rotary cutters are no joke! I hope your finger healed quickly!

  4. I hope it heals fast!! I've been a victim once too and it was horrible. :( Good fabric therapy, though!

    1. It'll be fine, nothing serious! It was the first or the last time it will happen!

  5. Ahhh! Rotary cutter accident is my biggest fear. I'm more in fear for my toes. I'm guilty of leaving the blade out. One of these days I'm going to knock it off and it's not going to be pretty. Love those fabrics, too by the way ;)

    1. I have a retractable blade on my cutter, which helps and makes me feel safer! Obviously not totally safe! I'm in love with this new bundle and can't wait to slice N' dice them up!

  6. Ouch. But that's a mighty fine looking bandaid.

    1. LOL! You gotta have pretty First Aid on hand, especially something 'quilt-ish' for those minor accidents!

  7. No worries - you are excused. Those are some fine fabrics!

  8. I had ti succumb and purchase those too. I hadn't seen the older green and gold ones before though. Hope your finger gets better soon.

  9. I like the pinky purple gray beside the blue one! Sorry about your finger, hope it heals fast!

  10. Okay, first, OUCH! Second- this was one of my all time fave prints and I have some carefully hoarded from years ago. I can't wait to get my hands on the new ones!


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