
Wednesday, February 3, 2016

It's A Party ?!

You can't  have a party without confetti, right?!  But you can have confetti without a party...I'm making this up!!

When I find time to do what I want, with no deadlines or pressure, self imposed or otherwise, I like to revisit previous projects.  How can I make it different or better?  Do I really need to change it up?  Is it even worth the trouble?  Can I take it to another level?

When I first made my Confetti Pillow Cover, there was a lot of interest in it.  Honestly, I liked that...a lot!  It feels really weird saying that!  I have always wanted to give this design another go, I know there is something more I can do with it.

For the past week I have been plotting, cutting, stitching and piecing.  There is a plan in mind, however it changes with each completed block!

As of today, I have five blocks.  One that I am sure I will not use, as it was my first and I was just playing around.  While I would like to call this my Alison Glass quilt, I don't thing you get that Abacus 'Artifact' by looking at this!

Especially this side, which is the back and basically is just like the front.  I am mesmerized by the seams, can I say perfection?!  The squares are 1/2" finished and believe me when I say it isn't easy getting the rows to line up perfectly!  

I started out with a whole lotta these pieces, specific measurements, a huge variety of solids and Kona Snow.

And ended up with a whole lotta of this!  I'm going to say it!  I love seeing this, I love taking pictures of scraps!  

I'm a huge fan of what I like to call 'Quilt Porn'.  To me this is quilt porn, I cannot get enough of it!  Grab your camera, zoom in and snap!  

A warn and fuzzy feeling washes over me when I see something like this!  Seriously, is this not an amazing shot?!

I would love to have a regular feature of 'Quilt Porn' on my blog or even a link up!  Am I the only one who gets a little excited seen shots like this?  Would you link up? Or maybe to start out, would you send me pictures to feature on my blog?  Just wondering!

It may be a while until I figure this Confetti Quilt out, but it sure is fun to play once in a while!



  1. Hi Jayne! Again you are making something really exciting! I loooove your photos and would absolutely join link party! Have a happy sewing day! x Teje

    1. I think it's easier to get great close up pictures of scraps or detail than it is full quilts! There's just something about those kind of photos that I love!

  2. Replies
    1. I love getting close up shots, they can be so interesting!

  3. I am really wondering what your end project will look like! I love the confetti and I see solid color sashings. Or even take a block and slice diagonally twice corner to corner and add colored sashings. Maybe that only works if it is a pillow or you end up with on point sqs.

    1. The more blocks I complete, I keep getting more and more ideas on how to finish them! So many possibilities! Thank you for even more ideas!

  4. I LOVE those tiny bits of color - they get me all excited, too. You take such great quilt porn pics - I hate all my photos. I don't really want to spend time learning until I see photos like this and then I do. But I can't wait to see where you're going with this -it's an eye party!

    1. See!! I knew I wasn't the only one who gets it! Taking a full on quilt picture is never easy for me, but quilt porn I can do!! You need to play with your camera…talk real nice to it!! Zoom in and snap a few pictures, you never know what you will get, you can always delete them!

  5. It is sometimes hard to document along the way, especially when you get in that 'zone'! Thankfully we have digital cameras and phones, it makes it so much easier to play with photos. I find beauty in a pile of scraps, or a tangled mess of thread! The detail can be amazing!

  6. Haha! I not only love photos of scraps and trimmings, I have a really hard time throwing them away! I have several mason jars full of particular projects' HST trimmings...or the bowl I collect them in while trimming will sit and sit....and sit. Usually until the next project, when I am certain to have more!! I would definitely link up!! :)

    1. You need to share those jars and bowls full of scraps! I figure if I take a picture of trimmings then I don't have to keep them! You have taken it to another level Sarah! I'm really going to consider a Quilt Porn link up. I think it would be a fun and different way to share with each other!

  7. When I saw the Abacus piecing thrown in, I started looking for that rainbow compass... boy that is really lovely and going to be a fun eye spy treat! That sounds like a fun link party, I'm sure I'd have something to add on occasion. :)

    1. On my first block, I used 2 of the rainbow compass'. Then thought, if I do that I will hack up way too much fabric for that little bitty 1" piece! As of right now, I have one incorporated in a block. I can't wait to get more done, but I have a tutorial I need to get written before I can have fun again!

  8. Dare I say this looks a little tedious but what a great result. I love seeing your quilt porn though I'm not sure I take alot of photos like that. I'll try harder! ;-)

    1. I'm not even sure I can explain how crazy, tedious these blocks are! I often wonder what possesses us! We are a strange bunch (in a good way)!! Yes, you must start taking a few porn shots…it could be the centerfold?!

  9. Your pictures are great and so is that pillow! Quilt porn, oh yes please! I would join :-) Maybe instagram hashtag #quiltporn would be good for these? :-)

  10. Quilt porn photos are hard for me in my dark sewing room. But I would sure give it a try. Love your project!

    1. I feel like I'm trying to corrupt people with Porn!! Luckily it's only quilt porn!

  11. Quilt Porn indeed!!! Why did I not think of this?
    Your pieces are sexier than mine ;-p But I will definitely bring my raunchiest ones to the link-up.

  12. What a lovely project you have going on there. I too often take photos of the mere trimmings because I think they look so nice (in fact one of them ended up on some business cards I recently got printed - shhhh don't tell anyone!). Your back side of the blocks is just gorgeous aswell!!!

  13. Those seams!!! You have some lovely photos there, can't wait to see this quilt. No pressure.

  14. I LOVE quilt porn and I am not ashamed to say it! I try to create some when I can. But, Jayne, you always have the best pictures It's one of the many many things I love about your blog. I'm enjoying all the shots of those tiny pops of color against the white. Yum.

  15. I LOVE quilt porn to and love the shots of all of the color with the white.

  16. this is a total party - confetti party! you just made one with all that confetti. golly, it's so crisp and bright and pretty. show as many photos as you like! the seams are amazing. maybe you can figure out how to showcase them instead. =) it's going to be a great quilt.

    1. ps - i like photo overload, but i despise the term "porn". real porn is a serious problem that ruins families and lives, so i don't like that term applied loosely to photo overload. just sayin'! =) i'd be partial to a link party that wasn't labeled "porn."

  17. Love it and yes love those up close insider shots!

  18. These look great!! Can't wait to see what you end up with when it's done.

  19. You are an amazing photographer. I'd love to participate but I'm not there in the photography department yet. It's another interesting project Jane.

  20. Wow, the back side of your seams looks fantastic. When work is so precise and neat I think it would be interesting to have it on the front sometimes - maybe a wall hanging? Quilt porn is right up my street!

  21. I'd link up. I always love your photos.


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