
Tuesday, February 9, 2016

My Obsession With VInyl

Somethings grab you and won't let go...dare I say like a 'hand on the throat'?  I've had a slight attraction, more like a fatal attraction, to clear vinyl.  More specifically, WIP Bags.  My first go around with them was pleasant, almost perfect.  (Clear Vinyl WIP Bags)  Yet, there was a desire to see if I could improve them.  

Like an old dog with a bone, the desire to make the WIP Bags better or more to my satisfaction, held on.  What could I do differently?  My main issue was how the binding frayed at the zipper.  It did fray, it did get messy and it did interfere with the the zipper. While watching an episode of 'Project Runway', I noticed how a designer (not the first) installed the zipper to the outside of the fabric.  Wasn't that interesting?!   Could I do that and would it work?  The zipper wasn't the issue actually, the raw edge was.  

When I saw these lace zippers from Fort Worth Fabric Studio, I thought it could be the perfect solution!

Would just a zipper across the vinyl hold up?  I tried it, and while I think it would stand the test of numerous zipper opening and closings, I wasn't convinced.

I decided to try a fabric casing, There wouldn't be any exposed fabric edges, which of course would eliminate fraying.

I took a 2" piece of fabric, folded and pressed it, and folded the edges to the center to make a casing.  

I placed the vinyl inside and stitched close to the edge. The result was perfect!  Yay!  No raw edges!

With the zipper pinned on the top of the casing, I stitched close to the zipper teeth and close to the outside of the zipper edge.  It was not going anywhere and you can barely see the thread!  

I like the lace zipper 'twist' and the fact that I don't have to tuck and hide it inside the fabric.

Here is the back of the zipper.  With the raw edge of the fabric safely and securely hidden, there won't be any interference with zipping and unzipping.

Next time I may use a wider casing so it shows more.

I still feel like there is more I could do with these WIP Bags, but I'll give it a rest for a while!  

There will be more lace zippers in my future!  

The Clear Vinyl WIP Bag was not my idea.  I came across it on 'Crazy Mom Quilts'.  I 
bought the pattern and promptly made a stack.  I'm happy with them, but I was inspired to change it up.  

I won't take credit for the design, but happily thank Amanda Jean for inspiring me to explore other options.

Check out:
Fort Worth Fabric Studio

Tomorrow I'll have a new tutorial featured...another clear vinyl project!!



  1. You are so funny, Jayne. I love your idea and am glad you find your WIP bags so satisfactory.

    1. I am done for a while , not that I don't have other ideas that are screaming in my head!

  2. Very cute with the lace zipper. I can see how that would be addicting!

    1. It doesn't take much with me to become addicted to something! I love the WIP bags and just needed to tweak a few things to make them better for me!

  3. I have to try those!!! Great rpoject :)

    1. They are very handy, stylish and fun to make! Especially now that I've fixed a few things to my liking!

  4. Please come share this handy pattern revision at my new linky:

  5. I have one of these zips and some vinyl - I'll have to give this a go!

    1. It's a fun little project Jodie! I'm happy with the way they turned out with my adjustments to the pattern!

  6. Great tip for working with vinyl. I'm adding this to my arsenal!

    1. Glad to help and hope you get to pull out this weapon from your arsenal soon!

  7. I've been tempted to purchase the pattern, but I think I'm going to delay and continue to watch all the variations you're coming up with. LOL I love this new one...and the lace zipper.

    1. The pattern was a big help to get me going even though I have changed a few things to my liking. Let me know if you ever need any help if you do decided to make them! The lace zipper was a great find and worked so well!

  8. You are just too brilliant!! Thanks so much for sharing that.

    1. I'm not sure brilliant is the right word!! Maybe mildly obsessed, with a touch of crazy in there!

  9. I love those little lace zippers and they look great on your WIP bags. I think Amanda will be happy to see what you have done with her pattern. Great job!

  10. Beautiful! Wonder if bias cut strips would prevent the fraying, without having to pess under the folds. Would a longer stitch length when attaching the binding keep the vinyl from eventually ripping open? Keep on quiltin'


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