
Sunday, February 7, 2016

An Objective View

When I get at a certain point in a quilt design, I inevitably hit the proverbial wall!  It's the point where you wonder if your trying too hard, not trying hard enough or maybe keeping it simple is the best way to tackle the big finish!  I'm sure many of you have met that point and maybe very familiar with it.  I'm thinking maybe if I write about it, document it...a solution will come my way!

Here I am.  With all my Confetti pieced, pressed and crisp as big green apple...I'm wondering what my next step will be.  

Today, I toyed around with a paper pieced rainbow star.  I was thinking it would tie in with the blocks and since I'm using bits of Alison Glass 'Artifact', it mimics the rainbow compass. Too much?  Too rainbow?  It isn't like there isn't enough color already, but we must play and try and test and tweak and change!

Perhaps if the front of the quilt was black & white the rainbow star would make more sense. GAH!  Ever had one of those moments where an idea all of the sudden veers off to an entirely different direction?  Darn you star!!

Weather or not I use this star in my Confetti quilt, I really rather love it!  It's a little 4" hunk of love in my mind! 

Why does the back have to be so interesting?  Paper piecing is so amazing, I'm not sure I can get enough of it!

My first test block will end up being a pillow cover.  (yes, again!)  It also ended up being a test for another sashing idea for the quilt.  I can picture color in the sashing, I'm just can't nail it down in my mind.  

I have found it helps with my process if I write about it and of course, take pictures.  While I want to go full force and finish it up, I also need to step back and breathe.  Take a break. There is that pesky word 'perspective'.  That I am in need of right now!

Do you ever feel like you are trying too hard on a design?   If you get to that point what do you do about it?


  1. Hi Jayne! I love your little star! It's like a jewel! I'm so amazed and inspired by your little pieces!You should join the link party at Happy weekend! x Teje

    1. I'm in love with the little star, and whether or not I will use it remains to be seen!

  2. Sometimes things just present themselves when you are playing around with a project - the back of your star really is beautiful, lucky inspiration for another quilt, maybe! - so I think a mixture of inspiration, and waiting for that thing to happen is good. I'm always in awe of your quilts so whatever you are doing works:-)

    1. I'm still toying with ideas, and that star may make an appearance somewhere! I haven't given up! I'll step back for a day or two. I think that is always a good thing!

  3. Jayne, your star is great and yes, it mimics this AG little compasses perfectly. What if you framed the star with double the amount of confetti squares and it would be medallion like? Then You would have to create confetti sashing or panels to complete the top. I don't know either, just throwing an idea out, but it is so colorful and beautiful. And I love the test block!

    1. I'm at a point where stepping back is the best option for right now! I'm not letting go of that star idea…if nothing else it will be used in something else. I almost think this quilt should be kept simple, but does need sashing, so we'll see where that leads!

  4. I hate when a project stalls out. First I try to move it along by pinning up fabric and blocks and look for inspiration. For me that might take days. Thankfully I always have another project ( or two) to work on. What about a long, skinny 4 point star?

    1. It sometimes drives me crazy when I get stuck on a design. Getting so close to the end, it should be the easiest part to finish! I think the star will make it in the design somewhere, but for now I shall step away from the wall!

  5. Oh the sweetness of all that confetti!!! I know you aren't technically "asking" for ideas, but have you considered a string of confetti through the middle of the horizontal and vertical sashing? The right thing will happen ,of that I am certain!!

    1. I am always up for advice Sarah!! Especially when I'm stuck on a design! I have thought about confetti in the sashing, and that may happen in some form or another. I need to play with it a little bit more, but I feel it does need sashing!! As for that pesky star, it's going to make it in this quilt I think!! Thank you for the vote of confidence!!

  6. I love this confetti quilt and really LOVE the little star in middle, definitely keep it! :0) xx

  7. What if you make black stars for all of the sashing corners except one, ala the Alison Glass 'Artifact' print?

    1. You may have seen my IG post…a small Kona Pepper Star has been born! I think it was a great idea! Hopefully I can button up this quilt in the next day or two!

  8. I gasped when I saw the AG fabric behind that block. GO FOR IT!!!

  9. Love the tiny confetti pieces. No matter how you finish it, it's going to be so wonderful. You worry about trying too hard on a design and I feel I don't take the risk of designing much. I need to take some inspiration from you.

    1. I wish it were easier sometimes, but then those 'light bulb' moments wouldn't happen and I wouldn't get that tingly feeling!

  10. I think the star would look really neat interspersed between block with white ashing. We all overthink our creations, everyone else loves our work, we see the flaws, the crooked quilting, the things we should have done. Your work is always fabulous, so I am sure this piece will be too.

  11. It's a hard one. I usually sleep on it, give it time, and browse my stash a lot.

  12. I know what you mean. I love that star with the confetti, and I think there are so many fun ways you can go with this - I'm getting several ideas just looking at it - maybe you should just make a few sketches with ideas you have and see if any of them excite you. If not, let it ride - you are so clever it will come to you, of that I have no doubt!

  13. I love that mini star. And the pillow is great -- loving the little pieces of colour in the border. Such creativity.

  14. I have been enjoying all of your confetti blocks on Instagram as you have been posting pictures about it. All those tiny little yummy squares. I was reading down through the comments, and I love Yvonne's idea of the black or maybe black and gray stars in the sashing corners and that beautiful multi colored one in the center. What ever you decide to do it will be great. Listen to the quilt, Jayne. It is talking to you.

  15. I love your little star, but it also gave me an idea. I'll pass it on to. What if you did white sashing-say 2" and a colored triangle at the end of each sashing strip and the colored center so you form a friendship star when the sashing is added to all the blocks. Clear as mud????

  16. I love the confetti blocks AND your sashing idea. If it was me (and I know it's not, of course!) I'd do something with the star on the back. Even if you sashed just one confetti block with that bit of color, it would really stand out on the front. Whatever you do, you've got awesome building blocks!

  17. The back of your star intrigues me...Is that what you would call "quilt porn"? It makes a center star with rays, really more complex than the star on the front. Hmm...I wonder if this idea could be used in a different project, for a similar star, possibly a little larger, but this time being careful to match the bobbin thread to each color as it was sewn, instead of using a neutral. And no backtacking on this one. Then, after careful pressing, as you did on this one, buttonhole appliqué stitch all those raw edges--and use it as the front! Keep on quiltin'


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