
Sunday, February 28, 2016

Fabric Frenzy

On our way the the retreat last weekend, we had to stop at a fabric shop.  Had to. Required. End of story!  

We weren't required to buy anything.  When you feel like you just escaped (from home) and were on the run (from making dinner), buying fabric was the last piece of the puzzle in our temporary life of crime!  Rebel!

There was a little fabric shop that has never been visited by me, and it was time to remedy that! Granny B's is in the heart of Dickson Tennessee, and we couldn't wait to check out the stock!

I really didn't buy that much, some more print filler.  This would be my Cotton + Steel haul.  I ended up getting extra fat quarters because it was Friday and they were and additional .25 cents off! 

And just as I'm getting my fabric cut, I turn...and there is Tula.  Damn it Tula Tigers...You are so pretty!  I had to.

This fabric will be the backing for my daughter's Birthday quilt.  April Rhodes ~ Bound, which will work perfectly fine with the Wanderer line.  Now to prep it, the quilt and wool batting for the long arm quilter!  

Late presents aren't always a bad thing!   Her birthday was yesterday and like nearly every year at this exact time...she get sick.  No exception, no surprise!

This last batch has my all time favorite, Anna Maria Horner's Echinacea.  And I must say this color way is exquisite!    

I was thrilled when I was presented with opportunity to yoink these!  Thank you...

More Tula.  I don't believe I need to say more.  

If you would please stop me now.  I cannot take any more fabric.  I'm feeling the guilt mounting at having beautiful stacks and not using any of it!  



  1. Hi Jayne! Don't feel guilty just enjoy all the beautiful fabrics you can get! I love your picks! x Teje

    1. I try not to feel too guilty when buying fabric, but lately I've gone bonkers hoarding it! If I didn't love it so much...

  2. Rebels don't feel guilty especially the stash adding kind. Love all your new additions.

    1. Darn me! You are so right about that! I just need to start using some and then I'll feel much better!

  3. My personal philosophy on fabric buying -

    1. Finish 6 quilts (size does not matter, Ms. Master of the Mini...), and you can buy with abandon.
    2. If you need it to finish a specific project, buy it.

    And very nice haul!

    1. Thank you Amy!! I like your philosophy! It isn't that I feel guilty for buying it, I feel guilty for not using it!! Once I finish stack of quilting, it will be my mission to break that ugly cycle!!

  4. Oh but you will use it, eventually!! I know what you are saying as I go through the exact same thought. Early January I pulled out all my green fabrics and refolded them, it was so fun seeing them all lined up nice and neat. BUT then I decided to do the same with the black's. By the end I had made myself a little sick-in a panice mode of having too much!! We are all just a bit sick, but hey there are worse things we could be spending our money on!! I love that coneflower print.

    1. It is very true! I'm not going to beat myself up over it, nor should anyone! It will be used either by me or someone else! I really think I need to go back through my fabric and play a little touchy feely!!

  5. Did your stash gobble up your purchases as readily as mine did this week? You are on such a creative roll I find it hard to believer you should stop. Maybe cut back on occasion... but we all need to have pauses so we can really savor something new, big, and delicious sometimes, right? :)

    1. Yes it did! I've been putting all my new and favorites in my Ikea cart. Maybe my goal is to fill it up and be done?! (the bottom tier is empty!) Yes, to cutting back. I gotta make a plan…one day!

  6. Ha ha "yoink"...did a fair bit of that this past week...guilt: a bit there too! Tula: yes!! Me too! Things come in threes right? I got a kit with those tigers in it a a great price at Craftsy...not enabling you or anything. ;-)

    1. I found myself looking on crafty today…them promptly deleted the email! What am I thinking? I love the tigers and super happy I got that piece!

  7. So many pretty additions! I know you will create beautiful things with all these. ;)

    1. Yes there are! I need to quit while I'm ahead. Time to put them to good use for a change!

  8. Wonderful additions! Yoink, yoink! It's not your fault. No one can resist the pull of Tula and Cotton & Steel. Darn them anyway!

    1. It is so true! It wasn't until recently that I jumped on the C+S bandwagon. Guess I'm making up for lost time!

  9. Oh my, I haven't seen Tula Tigers in person! Very pretty! All great additions to your stash!

    1. Honestly, I hadn't seen the tigers in person either! They are really gorgeous and I caved when I saw them!

  10. There are quite a number of these prints in my stash. Oddly, one that you purchased will be on it's way to you very soon! And the C+S sloths are in DT's I Spy. And I was working with those Tula Tigers this week-end!

    1. Dang! One of the ones in the photo is going to you too! The sloths are damn cute, could resist! But the tigers…lord, I hadn't seen them in person before and there was no denying I needed it!

  11. Great haul of fabric. I just saw the tigers in person yesterday...very cute.

  12. Oh let that guilt go - you are so fast, you'll get to it soon! (I did laugh a little when I saw the echinachea fabric, though...I know you already have some of that!)


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