
Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Rainbow + Stars = A Finish

Rainbow, stars, paper piecing....blah, blah, blah!  Seems like that's all I'm doing lately!  With this finish, the stars are perfectly aligned which more stars!

I'll let you decide what's too much or not.  Me?  I am basically addicted to it all!

During my impromptu photo shoot where nothing was coming out right, I threw it down in the shadow of the deck rail and snapped.  It's never an easy thing taking photos, but when you let go and frankly at that point, I didn't 'give a care' can get some pretty interesting shots.

15 1/2" x 15 1/2"
It all began with one star for another quilt (which I didn't use) and quickly became a satisfying obsession.

You will notice that each star has its own Rainbow color combination.  I wanted to have a variety and that is exactly what I got.

There wasn't a plan for what I was going to do with them, Why ever would I plan anything? Eventually I thought a Mini Wall Hanging would work just fine.  

Once I decided to go with sashing, I thought a black 1/4" square would be a nice detail to add.  A little bit tiny!

You know I love a great shot of the backs of tops!  Honestly, this just makes me happy and smile.

What design to quilt isn't usually something that comes to me right away.  There's plenty of thinking on the subject before I jump in to in!  This wasn't one of those...I knew it would be concentric circles. Using white thread and 1/2" spacing, I finished it pretty quickly!  Of course it's only 15 1/2" x 15 1/2" which helps!

Not perfect, not bad!  I couldn't leave well enough alone, so I added rainbow rays shooting off the sides.  

I used my usual hanging method on the back (Hanging A Mini Quilt).  The back looks blotchy in this picture, but I assure you it isn't!  The back is white on white Mini Pearl Bracelets and getting a good shot proved to be impossible!

With this project complete, I only have three or four more until I get caught up!  Chalk it up to getting side tracked every other day with new ideas and a spare second...which always turns in to half a day!

I feel like sometimes I over share too much or too often, so thank you for putting up with me and my ramblings!



  1. oh this turned out awesome! I love the shooting rays and those teeny tiny cornerstones!

    1. I have to say it was a fun one to make and quilt! Apparently I have this obsession with rainbows and tiny squares...

  2. Lovely! The colour variety is great, and the quilting super. Thank you for sharing; that helps me, for one to focus on the details.

    1. I enjoyed paper piecing these stars and couldn't be happier that it all came together without a clear vision at the beginning!

  3. Love the quilting which created the shooting stars. And thank you for showing the back before quilting, so pretty! Great finish!

    1. I had so much fun quilting the concentric circles I didn't want to stop! That never happens! I think that the back is just as interesting as the front, so a picture had to happen!

  4. This is a fun fistful of rainbow stars. They are spewing their colorful goodness all over your wall (tree, and deck). The back is marvelous. It would make a great quilt ... hint, hint!

    1. Don't think I haven't thought about making a quilt Amy! Maybe with bigger start, but I can envision it! Maybe now my rainbow obsession has subsided!

  5. Ummm... that shooting star quilting... AMAZING! Also the circles! Fabulous job!

    1. I love this little wall hanging! I have to say quilting it was a lot of fun, maybe because I didn't have to agonize over what to do!

  6. That is the cutest little quilt ever!! That back makes me think snowflakes.

    1. Now that you mention it, it does look like snowflakes! I just know it was fun, it came together and it's a finish!

  7. Great quilt-I love anything with rainbow colors

  8. This is a beautiful finish, Jayne. I love the rainbow rays you added to the quilting, and the 1/4" squares are fun, too. Hooray for beautiful, fun finishes (and I love the photo in the shadows)!

    1. The entire time I was making this I thought of you. I'm not sure why other than you love a good rainbow too! I think it's always nice to add something 'different' to a standard project. The black squares and the rays were just what it needed! The shadow photo was out of frustration! I was pleasantly surprised how cool it turned out!

  9. No, keep sharing!! I love this SOOO much! The addition of the little rainbow rays shooting off those stars was genius! And the first shot with the railing shadows is very cool. I'll say it again, you always have the best pictures.

    1. I try to get at least one interesting/artsy picture for each project. Something interesting. Thank you for the encouragement Tish! You push me to keep trying and experimenting…with everything!

  10. Wow! And your backs are as pretty as your fronts. So lovely

    1. One of the many things things I love about paper piecing…the gorgeous backs!

  11. What mean "over share"? This is like a rabbit trail trophy to hang on your wall! It is just wonderful in all it's details! And the shadow shot is undoubtedly a new rabbit trail to follow? Maybe?

    1. You know me and pictures Sarah!! Playing with photography can be frustrating, but every once in a while a great shot happens from it!

  12. Lovely my friend! Your work is always amazing. Keep it coming!

  13. Jayne, this is adorable! And the backing, wow it's super! There is a gorgeus other pattern behind! Perfect photo with the shadow lines! x Teje

  14. Lovely quilt! I'm falling in love with rainbow quilts. I especially love the thoughtful quilting choices. Oh, if they ever came to us that easily!

  15. Amazing - your rainbow rays are perfect. You're so inventive! :-)

  16. Love that photo with the shadows and love the quilt....even the back is gorgeous.

  17. What a beauty, Jayne! I love every little bit of it :) especially the fact that you changed up each star's colors.

  18. Very pretty! I love the rainbow stars, and the way each of them has a tail from a different direction is pretty neat!

  19. I think that is gorgeous! I, personally, can never get enough of rainbow colors and stars! Thanks for the inspiration!

  20. Beautiful! Awesome job. I like the rays.

  21. Gosh, this is beautiful. In fact your backs are as pretty as your fronts. Love the quilting on this too.

  22. Love the rainbow quilting shooting from the stars :)

  23. Wow this is stunning - I love it!!! For me the extra colour quilting is great.

  24. I am speechless, Jayne. Your work is so beautiful and so neat. Your attention to detail (and I mean every stinking detail) is mind-blowing. And here is a piece of advice about oversharing - DON'T STOP.
    When I grow up I want to be like you. And thank you so much for your darling comment on my Sun City!!!

  25. Rainbow mini goodness all wrapped up in gorgeous quilting! Love the photos, Jayne. Especially that one with the shadows.

  26. What a fun design! And I love that first picture!!

  27. I never get tired of rainbow projects :) Yours is no exception! LOVE! :)

  28. Love it. Crisp, bright, rainbow. The quilting is awesome! Another fab finish.

  29. Such a pretty mini, Jayne! Love the first photo.

    Thank you for linking up on Wandering Camera.

  30. Such a beautiful mini. I don't even know where to begin with my favorite aspect - the shooting rays, the teeny tiny cornerstones, or even the really cool photo with the shadows. Love it all!

  31. Everything about this is beautiful! I love your rainbow stars and those little black squares and your quilting bring them all together perfectly :)


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