
Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Off Kilter ~ Wonky Quilt Finish

Before I share my tutorial, I thought sharing the finished quilt might be the best way to start off.  I will have a tutorial for a block made with Charm Squares in the next couple days!

Off Kilter
44 1/2" x 60"
When I first posted about this Wonky madness, I hadn't had a chance to work some quilting goodness on it.  

I'm happy to say I actually free motion quilted the entire...the entire thing! Sounds impressive right?  Actually, the majority was stippling.  Pretty quick and easy.  Last time I did stippling on a big quilt, I sewed through my finger!  That was a few years back and a big lesson was learned!

I just want to dive on top of this quilt and eat a hot dog...isn't that what you do on a picnic?!  

Each block I did a fan/flower type of FMQ.  That part went pretty well.  I didn't flub up too much!  

The stipple might be a little dense and it isn't exactly smooth and free flowing.  I just kept saying to myself:  'it'll be fine after washing'!  

You know that's true!  Look!  I also may have crossed over a couple (few, several) lines in the frenzy of my quilting adventure.  It does happen!

The back was a pieced wonderland!  In an effort to use up some of my Feed Sack stash, I used BIG pieces.  I still have far more than I want, but I imagine I'll use it one day. 

The binding was also piece together.  I continued the rainbow from the front into the binding.

From beginning to end, this was an enjoyable finish.  I may not be a feed sack lover any longer, but I appreciate the fabric and style.  The wonkyness of the blocks always appeals to me, they ooze carefree fun!  And the quilting, I did it!  Trying to get comfortable with free motion quilting isn't easy, practicing isn't fun.  When you finally put it on a quilt and see the finish...that is super fun and makes me feel a little proud of myself!

I hope you check back for the block tutorial in a couple days!



  1. This is a fun quilt, I love simple styles that really showcase the fabrics. x

    1. Thank you Kay! It was actually kind of fun playing outside my normal lines!

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you Alison. It's a fun and quick project and we all like those!!

  3. I think your quilting looks fantastic. And I love the scrappy binding to finish it off. Congratulations on the finish!

    1. I knew the quilting would be 'interesting' when I started it, but it does look fine especially after a wash and dry! I'm totally fine with it! I'm just happy I used some of my stash of feed sack!

  4. this is darling, Jayne, and if you want to destash a pack of those awful feedsacks, will you let me know first? Charm pack or scrap pack or whatever, I'd be interested.

    1. Thanks Jenny! I'm not usually know for making 'darling', but it sure was fun!

  5. Such pretty colors in this happy quilt! I think you did a fantastic job with the quilting. Well done!

    1. Sometimes we need a quick finish and this fit the bill for me! The quilting, while not perfect, was a lot of fun and I'm very happy with it!

  6. This is so cute and cheery! Are these actual feed sack fabrics, or feed sack style prints? I love the little green border, too!

    1. They are reproduction fabrics, not the real thing! This design is a cute one, and the prints just work with it I think! I'm planning on having a charm pack for a giveaway when I post the pattern!

  7. And proud you should be, it's wonderful. As for your statement that the stippling might be too dense-I don't think so as I probably would have done it more dense, LOL Forget it is feedsack and just enjoy those pretty colors!!

    1. I am enjoying the rainbow of color and the quilting! There is something to be said for a quick and fun project sometimes!

  8. This is a perfect spring finish! Love the setting, the quilting and the colors. Nice job!

    1. It does have a sweet spring feel to it! I'm happy for the finish, for doing something different! A very welcome change!

  9. You should be very proud! It is beautiful! I love it! I am proud of you! I can't wait for the tutorial :)

    1. Thank you so much! I am very proud of the quilting. Especially since I didn't harm any fingers in the process! I'll have the tutorial up in a few days!

  10. Lovely. It makes me think of picnics on the beach, holidays, summer, and fun times. Great job.

  11. Jayne, this is a great use for your feed sack stash. I notice how we get used to seeing the traditional feed sack used with lots of white to 'make it go further', and this quilt does that, too. Makes it feel fun with the tilted block, and rather authentic, IMO. Very nice work!

  12. The quilting is perfect, Jayne and enhances the softness of the feed sack blocks. You are so right! This quilt is perfect for a picnic!

  13. The quilting looks lovely. I think it is funny that as quilters, we obssess over crossing back and forth on the stitching. The user of the quilt probably never notices these details. I love the fans on each square too. Very pretty Jayne.

    1. Thank you Bernie and I couldn't agree more. One of these days I will stop apologizing for my FMQ! The untrained eye isn't going to notice and frankly, I'm very pleased with how it turned out!

  14. A pretty finish is always a good thing. Especially when fingers survive the FMQ.

  15. Wonderful and pretty quilt, pretty perfect for a Spring picnic. Great job on FMQ!

  16. Your FMQ is great. This is a great quilt. Looking forward to the tutorial.

  17. Yea for you! You did a great job. And you are so right. Quilting is always fine after washing. In fact, I think washing adds so much texture to a quilt that I'm not even sure I want to do "fussy" FMQ anymore.

  18. Your quilting looks great, Jayne! I don't think I've managed to stipple anything yet without crossing over my lines at least once, especially if I'm using thread that blends. Those lines can be crazy hard to see! The fans in each of the blocks look really pretty...kind of carefree and simple, like the rest of the quilt feels. It does invite hot dogs in the park, I think :)

  19. Looks great Jayne! Can't wait to see the pattern. I have an overflowing bin of charm squares that need a project.


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