
Monday, March 7, 2016

Supply Stash ~ Free Motion Quilting Hope

How often do you see some gadget or tool that promises to make your quilting life a little easier, faster or more accurate?  Something that will improve a skill that you haven't quite mastered, but promises to help and make a difference.  

I don't often buy tools.  I use what I have and make the best of them.  On occasion I'll bite the bullet and buy.  I didn't buy fabric this week, but I did buy this array of supplies!  I'm trying to take my limited free motion skills to another level.  Basically, I want to go from Pre-School to Kindergarten.

According to Leah Day, these are the things that will help me with that.  I don't have much to lose and if they help I'm all for that. 

Supreme Slider.

It says it will improve my FMQ.  The Teflon cuts down on friction and makes your quilt glide. I haven't tried it, but I'm game!

Magic Bobbin Genies.  

The little Teflon donuts fit under your bobbin to reduce birds nests.  I get that with my machine. They were pretty inexpensive, and they seem to have made a difference.  My bobbin doesn't seem to wobble and clunk around as much.


Quilting gloves are a must!  I already had a pair of glove, but they didn't seem to grip as well as I would like.  I know these are highly rated...all the big girls wear now I shall too!

Lastly, Clover Self Threading Needles.

What a find this was!  I've heard of these before and wish I had bought them sooner. Thread burying can be a pain in the butt sometimes.  Occasionally have a hard time threading needles.  Those little eyes are so hard to hit, plus when it's attached to a quilt...well, it's harder to adjust to see the needle eye. 

These I have used, they work and they are amazing!  The top of the needle has a groove that the thread snaps in to and that's it.  Bury your thread and move on! 

Tell me, are you one who buys gadgets or tools to make things easier or better?  What was your best find?

Does anyone use the Magic Slider?  If you have any tips, please share!!


  1. Great analogy, going from Pre-School to Kindergarten. You've just described my experience! I use most of the tools that you've listed, except that my machine (Bernina 1230) has a tight fitting bobbin, so no Bobbin Genies. And I found that gardening gloves, the rubber palm kind, work very well for FMQ. I can get them cheaper than the Machingers, and in size Small. If I wear larger gloves, they get caught under the needle occasionally. The Supreme Slider is wonderful as are the self-threading needles. Have fun!

    1. I'm trying to expand my FMQ skills and if any or all of these help in any way I'm all for it! I never thought about gardening gloves, but it makes perfect sense. I hope to give the gloves and Supreme slider a try soon, I'm really anxious to see how it goes!

  2. I know a few who swear by the Slider, but I've heard a good coat of Turtle Wax works as well, if not better. I love my Machingers. You may want to cut the tip off the index and thumb on your dominant hand so you don't have to take off the glove to pick up pins (or work your iPhone). I never understood the purpose of self-threading needles before you explained how you'll use them. Thanks.

    1. I've heard good things about the Slider and can't wait to give it a try! I had a pair of gloves, but compared to the Machingers they seemed pretty wimpy! Good tip on cutting off the tips, however I will be concentrating too hard to even look at my phone! I'll bring the cheater needles to our meeting this month if you want a closer look at them Libby!

  3. Seeing these purchases on your page makes me smile big time. I have all of these (except the cheater needles) and love them! If you should find over time that the supreme slider loses some of it's stick, I just use painters tape to tape the sides down so it doesn't move on me. Much cheaper than buying a new one. But, seriously your purchases make me smile because it means you will be trying more free motion and I think you are gonna like it, my friend :)

    1. You had a role in my latest FMQ supply purchase Tish! Seeing your latest projects inspired me. I'm so excited to get practicing with all my gadgets! There will still be a lot of practice to improve my skills, but if any or all of them help…I'm all for it! I've heard about the tape on the sides and plan on doing just that. I really think FMQ is fun. It's time to move on to the next level (and practice, practice, practice!) Thanks for the encouragement Tish. I'll be sharing my progress!

  4. I have all those tools except the gloves. One tip on the slider. It's never happened to me but I know of other quilters that have had the slider slip loose and end up sewing it to the back of their quilt! Yikes! So, I tape the sides of the slider down to the sewing bed of my machine/table...just a little masking tape....mine stays in place that way.

    1. I could easily see me sewing the slider to the back of a quilt! Tape will be used for sure!

  5. Oh heck yeah! Supreme Slider has made my FMQ life infinitely easier. I don't even have the large size and it make a HUGE difference. It's easy to clean, too. I love my Machingers! I've been using the same pair for nearly 4 years and they are just as awesome as they were when I bought them.

    1. I am so glad to hear that the Slider will make a difference! I haven't tried it yet, but if it lives up to the reviews I will be a happy girl! My FMQ gloves needed upgrading, they were more like Easter gloves than FMQ gloves. I think with these new tools, the chances of improving my FMQ skills has a fighting chance!

  6. Love my machingers! And the self threading needles! I haven't tried the supreme slider or the bobbin genies - maybe one day.

    1. I'm getting great feed back on the machingers, the upgrade from my old ones will be like night and day! Hopefully I can carve out some time to try the gloves and the Slider. Anything will help me at this stage in my FMQ!

  7. This is so timely, as I have been trying to locate a Teflon cover of some kind...I have yet to hit pre-school, but I am determined this is my year! I better get crackin!! Thanks for the tips!

    1. Yes Sarah!! I hope that these supplies will help in some way, they can't hurt! I decided it was time to take it to another level, any level really! Now if I can just find the time. I'll let you know how the slider works out, unless you get one before then!

  8. I use those bobbin Genies in my longarm and yes they help! I have some other gloves and since I longarm I don't use them for the quilting process. However, I wear one on my left hand while applying a long border and when I machine stitch my bindings on. It helps my hand to be way less fatigued during that process. Yes I sorta am a tool junkie but I do resist a lot too.

    1. If any or all of these tools helps me in anyway, I will be over the moon!

  9. I hope these items make a great difference for you. I have personally never used any of them... but I do wonder if the glider especially would be beneficial. I'm definitely going to be curious how it goes for you!

    1. I don't know if any of them will work either, but at this point it's time to move to another level! I haven't tried the Supreme Slider yet. And of course I will be updating when I do!

  10. I would be lost without my self threading needles. I can bury a thread lickety split as I quilt. The right tool makes all the difference.

    1. The needles are wonderful! My aging eyes appreciate it very much! I agree on the right tools making the difference, let's hope that holds true and my FMQ improves too!

  11. Look at you and your gadgetry! You'll be FMQing up a storm in no time. The only one of your treasures that I have is the Machingers. Whenever I forget to use them, my shoulders know it the next day. I'm on my second pair! I'm very interested in those needles... I might have to source some.

    1. Avonport. I have a package if you want to try one.

    2. I'm trying to improve my skills and if any of these help in anyway…I'm all for it! And if they don't help, well I gave it my best shop! The needles are very handy and so smart. Aren't we all looking for a something to make our quilty life a little easier?!

  12. Ack!! I *need* those needles!! I'm going to a quilt show next week and they are on my list of things to get. I love my gloves - they make a big difference in gripping and moving the quilt. My sister has the slider and loves it. You'll be in high school before you know it! :)

    1. The needles are the only thing I've tried from this haul. And I highly recommend them! It can be frustrating trying to bury threads, but these needles make it so much easier! I'm hoping with this combination of supplies my FMQ will improve…if I make it to first grade, I would be happy!

  13. Good luck with your new tools. I have those gloves and needles, but haven't tried the other two. Look forward to hearing your reviews.

  14. Good buys! I have the gloves and needles, too. I have read good things about the other two. I'm a little scared to try the Supreme Slider because I'm a bit of a Klutz, and I'm afraid I'll get it out of place an wreck it, so I'm looking forward to finding out how you like it. Also looking forward to where you take FMQ (or is it where FMQ takes you?)

  15. I LOVE my machingers- worth every penny. And clover wonder clips- I was a late convert to them and can't believe how much I love them now... But I hated the self threading needles when I tried them... hmmm...

  16. As for the Magic Slider, just make sure you remove it before putting your feed dogs up. I've done a bit of damage to mine by going from free-motion to using a walking foot without removing the Slider.


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