
Wednesday, March 9, 2016

When The Last Piece Of Confetti Falls...

Does that mean the party is over?!  Somehow, I don't think so.  This design has bounced around my brain for far too long.  It was time to try it again and hopefully make it better. 

Enter...Confetti.  The long awaited premier of a design that I have played with, swooned over and yes...finally completed!

42" x 54"
It wasn't an easy under taking piecing each little 1/2" (or damn close) square.  It was more like a labor of love.  One that needed to be done on a large scale.  

I was inspired to try again when I saw 'Artifact' by Alison Glass.  It seemed like a perfect compliment to Confetti.  So I set out to incorporate her design into mine.  Personally, I felt it was a perfect fit.

There are bits and pieces of Artifact throughout this quilt.  Why go to all that trouble?  Good question!  I like to improve on a design, try and make it better.  Perfection is always a goal. Something we all strive for.  

This quilt isn't perfect, but it's better than the last time I tried!  It has it's wonky moments, that's for sure.  I even tried taking extra time to mark, measure and stitch.  I learned early on that it wasn't going to happen.  

And I learned that it wasn't going to matter.  Perfectly imperfect.  There is something beautiful about imperfection.    

The backing is all Allison Glass Artifact.  Now that's perfect!  I tried really hard to line up the front of the quilt with the backing when I basted it.  With a little extra time and a hell of a lotta lined up!  

I knew early on that I would straight line quilt it.  I like the grid design and think it works well with the design.  And really...Alison Glass said so too!

I couldn't resist a few 'cheese cake' shots, you know... centerfold worthy shots!  How about that little rainbow star?!

Playing with shadows.  When you can't get out and find a location to shoot your photos,  the next best thing is playing shadows.  You can get some interesting shots! 

If you would like to read more about this quilt, click on these links for a little more insight and detail:  It's A Party! and Pillow Talk!  

Background Fabric:  Kona Snow
Binding:  Kona Pepper
Star:  Kona Pepper
Backing:  Alison Glass ~ Artifact

There are a total of 608 ~ 1/2" squares in a zillion colors!  

To me...totally worth every single second!  



  1. I love this, straight line quilting is always beautiful.

    1. I felt the quilting needed to have a supporting role, not the lead! The grid worked out perfectly for me!

  2. Tedious work, but well worth the effort. Love the little bits that pop up here and there.

    1. If it wasn't for the love of quilting and an obsession for 'tiny' piecing lately, I don't know if I would have ever made this one!

  3. Awesome! Lots of work but so worth it!

    1. Very worth it in the end! I am very happy with how it turned out!

  4. This is SO gorgeous and absolutely worth the time put into it. I love it! You're making me want to jump into some teeny stitching again! I've been off it for far too long. Congrats on a fab finish!

    1. I've been obsessed with tiny piecing lately! It was absolutely worth the time and effort…I'm very happy with it!

  5. Oh wow, this is amazing! So inspiring... Designs like this are the reason I'm learning how to quilt. Thank you!

    1. Thank you so much Veronique! I am so happy to have inspired you! I feel the same way when I see other peoples work!

  6. Sew worth it! Love the little 'artifacts' sprinkled in with all the colors! Turned out fantastic!

    1. I think the moment I saw Artifact, I knew instantly how I wanted to use it. I've done several versions of 'Confetti', but was inspired to give it another go on a larger scale!

  7. This is fantastic, Jayne. I love that larger black star and keep trying to figure out how you did it, LOL. The straight line quilting really compliments this grid perfectly, and the black binding is a great frame. Hooray for taking the extra time to line up the top and back, that can definitely be tricky and I'm happy for you it worked so well!

    1. With all the advice I received on Instagram, I had to go with the black star! It fit so perfectly with 'Artifact'! The star is paper pieced, BTW! I was shocked, surprised and more than a little thrilled when the quilting lined up with the backing. That doesn't happen often!

  8. As soon as I saw this in my Bloglovin feed I could not help but smile! Jayne, this turned out amazing. Everything about it. It's almost like the Artifact fabric was made specifically for this quilt. I do hope you enter this into some competitions. It's quilt that needs to be seen.

    1. A long and tedious process, but I cannot complain one bit about the finish! I agree…'Artifact' was perfect for this quilt! It isn't a quilt I would make often, but it was worth and is with doing it again. Later. One day. Next year!

  9. What a labour of love! I think using the Artifact fabric in the mix was a brilliant idea and I like that it is almost, but not quite perfect.

    1. I am not sad that it isn't perfect, except I think for me it is! We put a lot in to all our quilts. Blood, sweat and tears…definitely a labor of love. And for sure worth it in every way!

  10. Oh Yay! Love it in al it's imperfect (?) perfection!!! What a joy it must be to have and to hold :)

    1. You know I'm thrilled with this and I'm especially happy it's on the finished pile! Thank you for your never ending support!

  11. This is so pretty! Is there a pattern for this?

    1. Thank you Andrea! There isn't a pattern for this. I have making variations of this design for a couple years now. The time was right to finally make it into a quilt!

  12. Just stunning!!! If I could only ever do one type of quilting again it would be straight lines - they look perfect on this. In fact I really rather covet this quilt!!

    1. The straight line quilting fit perfectly with the design. I could not be happier about that (I always have issues on how to quilt things) and the fact that the backing is lined up pretty straight!

  13. I agree with Tish above this is a quilt that not only looks wonderful but is different and has so many clever aspects it should be entered into quilt shows. I think it looks perfect to me, its handmade which brings charm and beauty. After all who'd want a 'perfect' digitalised image printed onto fabric by comparison!

  14. Oh my! This would have taken some perseverance but what a cool quilt in the end! Love it!

  15. That's crazy and awesome all at the same time. LOVE IT.

  16. So glad you pushed on and arrived at wonderful destination with this quilt. You are amazing piecing all this little bits!!

  17. I like the fact that it's not perfect Jayne. I really like the addition of the artifact and the stars as well.

  18. At first glance, I thought, "Oh, neat, pretty colored squares." And then I took a second look--followed by many more. This is just SO. COOL. And handmade is always perfect. Imperfections are what makes it so, well, perfect! This is the kind of quilt that got me blog-obsessed. It's like going to a super quilt show every time I go online.

  19. Wow! You must have so much patience. With each look I found something new, it's lovely,

  20. This is so cute! I love the little sprinkles of color and the little black star.

  21. This turned out wonderfully!! When I saw the initial blocks I didn't quite get your vision, but now I'm totally sold. :D Love love love it!

  22. Wow Jayne, this is spectacular! I bet you are pleased as punch with this one! Great work.

  23. Amazing!! Such tiny But the effect is awesome.

  24. Holy guacamole! This is fabulous! I don't know whether you are crazy, (or not!) for half inch squares, but what a way to use all of those tiny, tiny, scraps. I love it! Has Amanda Jean seen this? It's right up her alley!

  25. Wow, such small squares! A true labour of love and totally worth it, well done on another amazing finish!

  26. Oh my, Jayne. Oh my. This is absolutely incredible. I can't believe you lined up the backing and the front... I never seem to be able to manage that quilty feat. And those wee bits of Artifacts on the front. Bang on. You rock, my quilty friend!

  27. Oh wow -- that's so striking and beautiful. I'm fascinated by tiny piecing, especially on a large scale. It really does look like confetti, too.

  28. Wow, that is a lot of small pieces, but it makes such a big impact. Totally worth it. This quilt wins my viewer's choice award!

  29. This is truly incredibly. I've eyes it for years. Curious, do you have a pattern for it, or directions? I'm tempted to give it a go, even though it will likely take me 10 years lol. Either way, absolutely beautiful work.


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