
Thursday, April 28, 2016

It's Best To Rip The Band-Aid Off Quickly

For those who have followed me for a while, you know I seem to be prone to accidents! Getting stung by bees, slicing my thumb with a utility knife, rotary cutter blade slices...the list of little incidents is endless!

One more 'share' of how my days have gone!  And please, don't feel sorry for me...I've always been a walking calamity of mishaps!  

I took some time to prep the yard of it's winter funk.  Flower beds weeded, bushed planted, bark mulch freshly laid.  Oh, bark dust you say?!  Sunday my husband and I went to the Home Depot.  Love me some Home Depot!  We bought 16 bags of mulch (twice actually). In an effort to help and stay out of the way, I leaned over the seat with the headrest in my boob area...pulling on the bags to make a nice stack.  At some point, my hand pulled, slipped and I crashed full force into the headrest.  Resulting in a scream of pain.  It appears I may have cracked a rib!  So there you have it.  Accident prone.  Anyone who has possibly cracked a rib knows the pain involved.  A sharp pain every time you breathe.  It ain't pretty!  I've been taking it easy, but it's so hard to do.  Even the simple movement of using a rotary cutter is painful!

Now I sound like a whiner and I'm a bit embarrassed about this mess I'm in!  I didn't have to 'fess up', but who doesn't like a good story?!  I'm a big suck it up and deal, don't complain...who needs a doctor kinda girl...I did just that by finishing two loads of bark mulch and not complaining or telling on myself until that night!  

After a couple days, it was time to get over it and Improv!  I was asked if I could make a wall hanging using a certain variety of colors.  Sure I can...with a general guide these are the colors that will be used.  These and any thing remotely close.  The plan is to have red as the standout color.  The grey will become the background letting the red shine!

As of this afternoon, I have this much done.  Not a lot, but it's a start.  I always forget how much I love Improv.  With a break now and again, it feels like coming home when I get to start something like this!

Occasionally it takes something akin to 'ripping the band-aid off' to get started with improv.  I need to cut, slice, stitch and press ...just to get started.  After that there is no holding back!   

In the end this wall hanging will be 35" x 40".  Still a lot to go, but I've started and that's half the battle!

Honestly, I wasn't sure how these colors would work together.  It wasn't until I pieced a few blocks that I realized they do and they will!

My carnage!  It isn't bad, and I love having a mess like this.  It makes it so much easier to create for me.

These pieces are the left over pieces from round one.  I'll pick it up again tomorrow and hopefully make more progress.  

My little thread catcher pixie basket isn't the best size for improv scraps!  I don't know about you, but when I see something like this...I know I've been busy!



  1. oh it's looking good! Bummer you're hurting though!! Hope you heal quickly!

    1. I was so happy to get in to some kind of Improv again!! I never know how much I miss it until I get back in to it! Ribs…argh!

  2. Poor you! Pain with every breath sounds really tiring. Your improv must be therapy because those pieces look really good.

    1. It seems I'm always doing stupid things and having accidents! I was just happy to get back to work and get back to improv!

  3. Ouch! Broken rib is a lot worse than what I thought would happen -- headrest collapsing on sensitive area. Improv is fun.

    1. I'm such an accident prone person it isn't funny! I have yet to learn to take it slow and easy! There isn't much you can do for cracked or broken ribs either. As always I'll power through and hope it gets better sooner rather than later. It sure puts a wrench in all my big plans!

  4. I hope you heal fast Jayne. I slipped off our deck step 2 weeks ago and well yup my hiney hurts-felt like I bruised it good, and scraped up my wrist. Not pain like yours though so I am grateful. Your wall hanging is going to be gorgeous!

    1. As careful as we try to be, accidents happen! I hope your hiney heals fast too! Youch! Hopefully I can work on more improv today, that's the plan. I'm not sure if it was therapy or not! Thank you Vicki! Let's both be more careful!

  5. Your improv is bananas good! I can't wait to see what you do next. And your Pixie Basket is my favorite! Try and take it easy and heal fast, okay? :)

    1. Bananas good…now that's one I've never heard! Thank you, I like that! Have you made a pixie basket yet? They are so much fun and cute as can be! That healing part is easier said than done. I hate being idle. I have so many things that I need to do, but I also know if I don't take it easy I'm not going to heal.

  6. I sure hope that you heal quickly and start to feel better. Cracked ribs are nothing to sniff at. And with improv, getting started can definitely be half the battle. I look forward to seeing where this one takes you. :)

    1. I could kick myself for being so stupid! Who would have thought pulling a bag of mulch would cause such pain?! There really isn't much you can do for cracked ribs except take it easy. Believe me that is the worse part about it! I'm just happy I got going on a new project, started some much needed improv…worth the pain! (maybe not!!)

  7. Not to be remedial, but tell me about that lint roller! I am having fits with threads on my Irish Chain, and here it appears you are on top of them as you go!!!! Your improv therapy looks sparkly :)

    1. I always have my lint roller near me! From threads on the cutting mat, ironing board and floor, it comes in handy. I do all my quilting on the dining room table, which we use nearly every night for dinner. The lint roller keeps me from having a mess everywhere and makes clean up easier. When I'm cutting fabric, I use the roller. Trimming, I use the roller. After the quilt top is finished, I use the roller. After it's washed, I use the roller! I guess it's my most used roller, one I couldn't live without! You need one too!

  8. Glad to see you are healing and able to start sewing. Those spring garden projects can be dangerous to our quilting hobby.

    1. As long as I don't use a ruler, the pain isn't so bad! I want to say I've learned my lesson, but I really doubt I have. Being careful is important, but I forget about that when I'm trying to make progress!

  9. Oh no, it sounds painful. But what lovely therapy you have given yourself, I am in awe. It is bee-u-tifullllll hugs Sue x

    1. I would have never thought it would be so painful! Now that it has happened to me, I totally get it! I needed a distraction like improv…very much some good therapy!

  10. ooh sore but so refreshing to read a blog, warts and all, not how perfect everything is but everyday things to get on with and overcome. Well done you and love, love, love the colours and improv

    1. Have I got warts! I didn't want to get sympathy, I just wanted to share my 'journey'…warts and all! I'm just happy to be back at the machine! If I ever do yard work again…it will be next year!

  11. A cracked rib is so painful, not much to be done either except painkillers. Listen to your body, quilting can wait until another day. Maybe some hand work? Sending healing thought your way.

    1. Thank you so much Kate! I never would have thought a cracked rib would be so painful! I'm managing, and yes quilting can wait! It has taken my mind off the pain a little. Distractions are good!

  12. I love this improv. I hope you heal up quickly....I didn't know you were accident prone.

  13. I broke three ribs a few years ago and the pain was horrible. You have my sympathy and it takes so long to feel better.

    LOVE the improv!

  14. Sorry to hear that Jayne! My hb broked a rib when he sneezed strongly! I saw that it was very painful. I hope your amazing, colourful project helps you a little bit! x Teje

  15. This start looks great ! I can't wait to see where improv' will take you.

  16. Yes, yes yes we all like a good story but getting a cracked rib to get a good story??? Only Jayne would do that. Tch tch tch...
    I am rolling my eyes as I write this. No sympathy from me.
    Does not look like you slowed down...not one bit. But honestly, sending you warm hugs and healing wishes.

  17. I hope you feel better...this color scheme is fabulous!

  18. Love where you are going with this improv! Love the little basket too. Did you make it? So sorry about the rib... yikes!

  19. Yikes, Jayne!! I am so sorry, hope you feel better soon. The colours of your improv-piece are looking great together. Looking forward to seeing more. Please take the time to feel better first.

    -Soma xx

  20. I'm going to remember your little saying about improv! The colors look great together and I like where this is headed. I do hope your rib heals fast!

  21. Oh my goodness! I've never cracked a rib (knock on wood) but I feel for you! Your color choices are awesome though and this quilt will be amazing so take heart from that. :)

  22. Loved seeing this on IG and I had wondered how you had chosen your colours. I haven't done any work like this but it looks awesome and a fun way to sew.

  23. Ouch! and Double Ouch! Poor you! I can't believe you still kept on mulching Jayne!
    This improv is looking gorgeous! I hope you add it to the Ad Hoc Improve Quilters link up at either Kaja's Sew Slowly or Ann's Fret Not Yourself! People would love to see it!

    1. Oh bother - it should say IMPROV, not Improve. :)

  24. I broke a rib cleaning the bathroom (slipped on the bathmat, which had a rubber surface/water collected underneath - smack onto the porcelain tub) i can relate. I kept a 10" pillow close by for when I sneezed/coughed. Hope you heal quickly!!

  25. I hope your improv shenanigans occupy your time for a while. If only to prevent you from further gardening related mishaps. I myself broke my finger while gardening a number of years ago. Extreme sport, that gardening. The improv panels look so good!

  26. For real, only you could crack a rib and keep on sewing. I cracked a rib coughing with pnemonia as a univ. student. Painful.


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