
Sunday, April 10, 2016

Random Fun!

I feel like we need a little random fun!  Weekends are always welcome and highly anticipated, but they aren't always fun!  I mean, if you work you have to spend the weekend cleaning, grocery shopping, generally... taking care of business.  Not fun, but it has to happen.  

Yesterday was our 34th wedding anniversary!  When we say 'time flies', we are not kidding! It seems like only a few years ago I donned my wedding gown...which was nothing of the sort!  A capri jump suit and a trip to the courthouse! 

Tonight we will celebrate with good friends from our 'Old Portland' crew.  One couple lives here in Nashville and the other couple is visiting from Portland.  Blast from the past, lots of good conversation and tons of laughs!

Anyway, on to random stuff.  I have an app on my phone called Boomerang.  If you don't have it...get it!!  It's hilarious!  I'll show you!

I've been working on a quilt and accumulated this pile of cuttings.  You know me and photos or random scraps!  Then I thought of Boomerang...and got this hilarious video!

It's Alive!!

The past few days we have had a wild turkey hanging out in our yard!  Really crazy, especially since there is a resident fox who lives across the street.  You would think a turkey dinner might me enticing to him!

After I posted my tutorial for the Wonky Mini Charm, Vicki immediately pulled out a patriotic mini charm pack that had been sitting around for two years, and whipped up the cutest table runner!  

I still cannot believe how quickly she put this together!  And I'm so thankful she shared it with me!  She staged it so perfectly with Uncle Same, don't you think?!

Photo courtesy of Vicki knitbug2
Back in February I started a quilt for my daughter.  It was a milestone birthday for her and one that deserved a special quilt!  I recently got it back from the long arm quilter and sewed the binding on it that same day!  I wasn't too excited, was I?!  While she and I were taking photos for a upcoming blog post, we couldn't resist a little more Boomerang fun!

I'm hoping these videos work...if not I have both posted on Instagram!  You can check them out there!

I hope you have a random fun filled weekend!


  1. Thanks for the shout out Jayne, that was fun seeing my runner on your blog;-) I took it for show and tell yesterday and had to give out your blog addy to the gals, they loved it too! Happy Anniversary! Our 34th is this year too. Seriously where does the time go. Fun video's.

    1. Thanks for sharing with all your friends. Your runner is just adorable and it was my pleasure to share it on my blog!

  2. Happy Anniversary Jayne! How fun to have longtime friends to celebrate with! I loved your little leaping scraps video so much I shared it on my Facebook! It really tickles me! I love having a local turkey or birds!

    1. I still laugh every time I see those scraps! I'm happy you thought it was fun and funny too!

  3. Yes about squeezing in a little fun! And congrats on the anniversary! We are just ahead of you, celebrating 37 this year!

    1. Thank you Debbie! I'll take fun where I can get it nowadays! Congrats on 37 years…and counting!

  4. 34? Really? That is not a typo? :) Enjoy!

    1. Not a typo at all! It's hard to believe it's been so many years!

  5. Congrats on the 34 . We will be 32 this year and I can't believe it - where the years have gone , not that we are still married !! Love your charm pack quilt with Uncle Sam

    1. I'm surprised it's been so many years, and it's probably a shock to a few people who never thought it would last too! I didn't make the Uncle Sam runner! Vicki made it from my mini charm tutorial and was kind enough to share a picture with me!

  6. Happy Anniversary!! I have charms and sashing cut out -- taking them to our guild first-ever retreat this weekend. That Boomerang app is funny.

    1. I hope you have fun at your retreat! I know you will…I hope you share a picture of your charm project when your finished! My son says I am obsessed with the Boomerang app…he may be right!

  7. Happy Belated Anniversary!! Sounds like you enjoyed a great evening with friends. I have never heard of the Boomerang app, but I'm going to have to check it out. Those video clips are hilarious.

    1. I don't often share much about my personal life, it's just too boring!! We did have a wonderful evening!!

  8. Happy anniversary! The Boomerang app looks like good fun, I did enjoy the dancing quilt on Instagram.

    1. Just playing around, having random fun! I think we all need that every now and again!

  9. Happy Anniversary! We are coming up on 34 years in September. Looks like your daughter's quilt is happy to be home :)


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