
Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Wonky Mini Charm Tutorial

I couldn't very well leave well enough alone!  While I was writing the tutorial for my 'Wonky Block' using Charm Squares, it occurred to me that perhaps we have the same problem with Mini Charm Squares.  How to use them!  With a little encouragement from a Blog friend, we worked out a plan for a Wonky Mini Charm ~ Mini Quilt!

Wonky Mini Charms
20 1/2" x 20 1/2"

For each block, you will need the following pieces:
1 - 2 1/2" Mini Charm Square
2 - 1 3/4" x 2 1/2" Strips
2 - 1 3/4" x 5" Strips

Just like the regular Wonky blocks, sew one (1) 1 3/4" x 2 1/2" to the top and bottom of your 2 1/2" square.  Press seams towards the center.

Next, sew one (1) 1 3/4" x 5" strip to each remain sides.  Press seams towards the outside. Your block will be 5" square before the 'Wonk Magic' happens.  

And for these mini blocks, I use my 4" ruler.  You can see I put a piece of tape at the 4" line which comes in very handy when trimming each block.  

Tilt, turn and move your ruler to the desired angle making sure that the block is inside the 4" square.  Remember to change it up!  You want your blocks to tilt to the left, right and center to get the total effect.

Trim your blocks to 4" square.

I've had a Mini Charm pack of Aneela Hoey's Posy f-o-r-ever!  I decided this would be a fun mini quilt for that little bundle of sweetness!

And now for the real treat!!  Sarah who blogs @Cedar Fork Stitches was more than willing to give this tutorial a go!  She, like many of us, has Charm Packs sitting in the wings waiting for the perfect project.  When I mentioned to her that I thought Mini Charms would make for a fun project, she flew in to high gear and whipped out her very own version!

Photo courtesy of Sarah @Cedar Fork Stitches
Sarah used her Sphere Mini Charms and totally mixed it up with the different background colors!  Isn't that cool?!  So many options with these blocks.

Photo courtesy of Sarah @Cedar Fork Stitches
  The quilting is a perfect compliment!  

Photo courtesy of Sarah @Cedar Fork Stitches
I have to share two of Sarah's Mini Quilts.  The one on the left (Cool Jayne, as she calls it!) was inspired by my big quilt: Cool Waters.  (Block tutorial here: Shadow Block)

And yes, she did name the one on the right too!  How about 'Wonky Jayne'?!  Sarah is a goof! (in a good way)  Thank you so much for volunteering and making this beautiful Mini Sarah!  Also, thanks for always making me smile with you comments!


Here's a sneak peak of an entirely different combination of fabrics made using the Mini Charm Tutorial.  I'll be sharing this one very soon!



  1. I love it!! And I love "Wonk Magic" -- needed a little chuckle this morning. I keep seeing wonderful things online that I want to make. I need more hours!!!!

    1. I'm always pleased when I can make someone chuckle! There will never be enough time to do everything we want…that is such a shame!

  2. Ho ho! I won a giveaway last month that included a couple of sample mini charm packs. This wonkiness is perfect for these packs! Too bad my machine is in for her tune up. I'd start now! Thanks!

    1. I'm very happy this tutorial may have inspired you to use those mini charms! Half the battle is finding the right project! I hope you get your machine back soon…a clean machine is a happy machine!

  3. So this is the answer to the question "What exactly can I do with those adorable and affordable (lethal combination!) mini charm packs?" Love it!!

    1. While those little minis are fun to look at and adorable, it's always nice to find a project to use them in! I have always had that problem with any precut! I hope this is the answer to your question!

  4. Oh I love the mini-and I happen to have one of those in patriotic. After I bought it I thought why, LOL It's been sitting here for 2 years just waiting for your project!! Do you know how much background fabric it took?

    1. I would love to see this block in patriotic colors! Now you have a use for that 2 year old mini charm pack!! I think I used 1/2 yard of background fabric. You'll knock this mini out in no time if you make it!

  5. super cute and love the variations too!

    1. I figured I may as well take the block and run with it using every charm pack imaginable!

  6. Clever idea for a mini, and yours look so cute! Thanks for the tutorial.

    1. Hopefully this tutorial will inspire us to use some mini charm packs!

  7. Sweet! Thank you for the tutorial. I love your Wonky idea.

    1. The more ideas for charms the better! I always have trouble knowing what to do with them!

  8. Replies
    1. We all love quick projects and if we can use our charm packs that have been sitting around…all the better!

  9. Ooh I just received 3 mini charm packs so this could be a good use. Love the tip of marking a line on the ruler to get the square right whilst trimming.

    1. Putting the tape on the ruler helps so much! Speeds up the cutting and gets you to a finish much faster!

  10. Nice mini and such lovely happy colours, I love happy colours. Just the thing for my new sewing room.

    1. Not that a sewing room isn't already a happy room…but a mini always makes it better!

  11. I can't wait to get started as soon as I finish the one I'm working on now. That means by next week I should be good to go. Thanks for all the helpful hints.

    1. I hope you get that chance to make one! I'd love to see it when you do!

  12. I can't wait to get started as soon as I finish the one I'm working on now. That means by next week I should be good to go. Thanks for all the helpful hints.

  13. I bought a few minis a few weeks ago at out local quilt show. They were the right price and just too cute! Had no idea what to make. Now I know! Thanks!!

    1. That is so cool! I hope you make a wonky mini! I would love to see it when you do!! Thank you!

  14. I love this idea so much! Thanks for sharing!!!

  15. Oh my gosh! I love your mini! And isn't that Sarah a funny one! Love her minis too! I have a little drawer in my sewing corner that has a bunch of these little gems, I need to get sewing!

  16. It's so great, Jayne. Lots of variations to be had here, as you show. Way to go, as usual!

  17. Ok, I think this is even cuter in mini size :) Everything is better mini...well except chocolate.

  18. Pretty! Thank you for sharing all these lovely creations.

  19. I love you wonky blocks! I may have to steal this idea ;) Thank you for your ongoing inspiration x

  20. Lovely minis ! Thank you for sharing.

  21. These are sooooo make me want to do patchwork!!

  22. What a great way to use those mini charms. Thanks for sharing the tutorial and linking up with TGIFF

  23. Very cute Jayne.Thanks for the tutorial!


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