
Friday, May 13, 2016

Crystallized Glacier ~ Unselfishly

Last Sunday I was hanging out with myself wondering what ever should I do?  You might think hanging out with myself sounds sad and pitiful, and it may very well be!  I don't mind having alone time, I really don't!!  

I decided I would take Sunday and do some selfish sewing that actually turned into unselfish sewing.  Is that a thing?!  Selfishly unselfish?!  I mean, I wanted to sew (selfish), but I wanted to sew something for someone else (unselfish)!  

With time on my hands, I pulled out my 'go to' paper pieced star templates, grabbed my scrap bin and decided on a color.  Rainbow is the logical choice, but instead I went with blues, more specifically teal to turquoise.  It's all about the scraps!

13 1/2" X 13 1/2"
I saw a color and knew right a way I was going with it...add, win!  Of course, I wouldn't me if I had a plan from the very beginning...what fun is that?!  The star would be the jumping off point, it would tell me what to do and where to go.  (I normally do not hear voices)

The star pieces came together quickly.  I am so in love with paper piecing!  I would love to make an entire quilt...oh wait...I have one on the back burner...I maybe should get back to that!  This little star has been nothing but good to me.  But this one deserved to be the star...literally!

The transition from one color to the next had me swooning!  

4 1/2" Unfinished
From this point I had to figure out step two.  I found a sheet of tiny diamonds I printed off for some other project and thought I could work with it, or try to make it work.  I picked a pretty teal and made a total of eight.  

1 1/2" x 2" Unfinished
Super long story short, I played with the diamonds changing them around in every which way until I settled on the final design.  Border around the star, diamonds strategically placed with the correct pieces added here and there, another round of border in white...STOP! I couldn't end with white.  I grabbed a couple colors from the star and made a 3/8" border in two coordinating colors.

But first, I love these shots and had to share!  I love the stained glass effect, the seemingly perfect seams, the light shining through the colors!

I was hoping the borders and the binding would transition together.  I wonder if I should have added an extra 1/4" to the outside border.  

The star is free motion quilted and the rest of the quilt was basic straight line geometric lines. Simple and effective.

I picked a light aqua Alison Glass 'Ink' for the backing.  Another stash buster!

Stepping out of my comfort zone, and that hurts so much...I did not wash this mini quilt.  I wanted to, I want to...I probably will!  I love the crispness of the finish unwashed, but I have always loved the crinkle after a wash even more.  Do you wash a mini wall hanging or not? I know many people don't, why is that?  Because it's small and washing may distort the shape?  Just curious. I'm having a hard time sharing a photo of an unwashed piece...what the heck is wrong with me?!

The person I have in mind for this mini will (hopefully) be surprised!  They have been extremely kind and generous with me, very deserving of a surprise gift.  

When I started making this with the idea of selfish/unselfish it felt really good.  It's easy for me to get caught up in a project with the thought of getting it done and moving on to the next newest and greatest.  Taking the time to do what I love, not for me, not for my shop, not for anything other than hopefully...surprising and making someones day a little brighter.  

I kind of want to do this more often!



  1. Fantastic Jayne! I love the little paper piecing and the water colours are beautiful! Gorgeus photos, too! x Teje

    1. The colors really got my attention when I was was starting this project! I love when I don't have to fret over which colors to pick!

  2. Replies
    1. I'll take clever! I have always been one to get an idea that isn't fully formed and work through it!!

  3. Ya done good, Jayne! those borders are color and size! I used to add thin lines and tiny triangles on edges of little quilts...we are talking 80s/90s! Don't know where they went! (I will try and dig up a few pics!)

    1. Why thank you Sarah!! Starting out with no real plan or direction…it turned out pretty darn good I think! I am curious now about your tiny triangles…go now…find one…show me!

  4. I could look at your little stars all day, I just love them to pieces. And I love the graduation of the colors you used in the star. I'm sure the recipient will love it. Washing...hmmm..I usually do not wash my wall hangings. If I used a water soluble pen I spritz them down really well with a spray bottle and will block them. If I'm happy with the shape and they are not marked I usually just leave them be :)

    1. I know washing is a personal preference, which I prefer…but I decided to step out of my comfort zone! I know, its a big step!! There is something about these stars that I just love. So many possibilities! The colors jumped out during fabric selection, that rarely happens! I like how it came together in the end!!

  5. I really love the photos of the quilt top looking like a beautiful stained glass window outside. Isn't it fun to be able to do something you really enjoy and feels like play but be doing something for someone else at the same time? Quilting is pretty darn cool. :)

    1. I think the best part was knowing I was making this for someone else. I know how fun and exciting it is to receive something unexpected! Surprises are the best! Quilted surprises are even better! It's always fun to grab the camera and shoot random photos!

  6. Well Jayne, ya did it again...adorable!!! I think you have me swooning over it too. Love it! I really love that shot with the tree.

    1. I'm just in love with these color, cool and collected!

  7. This mini is just amazing. I really enjoyed reading about your process and how organic it was. I don't usually wash minis.

    1. So many don't wash their minis! I thought I would give it a try, but it is driving me crazy not having it washed and crinkled!

  8. I love the crisp colors in this one. Looks like you had a great day playing! My favorite kind of day!

    1. The colors are what I love in this Mini! It was a great day to sew just for the fun of it, no rhyme or reason (other than a surprise for someone)!

  9. Jayne, you never cease to amaze! I love everything about this gorgeous little quilt.

    1. It was so much fun to have a 'sew for fun' day! Making something for a surprise was also a fun treat to do!

  10. Such a beautiful finish and I just love the photo from the back. Looks just like stained glass.

  11. This is a truly beautiful mini. I love the colors (I tend to gravitate more towards the cool colors)and the white sets them off perfectly. Whoever is to receive this is one lucky person! Great job once again!

    1. Forgot to add who I was -- oops, another one of those days. Nadine W. Northern Cali

  12. I'm starting to feel like a broken record over here, but of course I love this!! Also, between you and me my first thought was "oh, I hope it's for Yvonne!" Which I don't even know where that came from, I'm sure you have plenty of lovely people in your life but she likes blue and she's so generous she just popped into my head. Weird!
    I really love the additional diamonds you added around the outside, it's such a fun element!

  13. This turned out so nice and sounds like a fun time!!

  14. It's absolutely stunning Jayne.

    1. I think the colors are what make this one a standout to me!

  15. Beautiful work Jayne, sometimes it is so much fun to just "play" and work on something different!

  16. I love this, Jayne! It is so perfect! I struggle with the wash/do not wash too. I live the new look, but I want to know what it will look like washed as well. If I give it away unwashed, I will never know! I need to make a little quilt this week, just for the fun of it. Yours is exquisite.

  17. I love the way this is quilted! You added such dimension to the already lovely top. Nicely done!

  18. This little mini is beautiful! I love everything about it. Gorgeous.

  19. This mini is just so adorable, the tiny piecing and the quilting are perfect!

  20. Whoever receives this is going to LOVE it - it is gorgeous!! Selfish/unselfish sewing is the *best*! You did a fabulous job Jayne, I love the colors you used and the quilting is perfection. Thanks so much for sharing this on Main Crush Monday!!

  21. Sometimes selfish is good, you definitely made good use of your "me" time. Beautifully done!

  22. Oh, I need to take some alone time too :) Pretty little thing!


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