
Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Epic Sampler BOM Blocks

Here I am three months behind on my Epic Sampler BOM!  Seriously, not a huge surprise.  I started back in October with high hopes of staying on top of it, unlike my Technicolor Galaxy which has been tossed aside (don't ask...but I'll get back to it), this one was to be different.  I was going to control it.  Good intentions and all, right?!

Yesterday I pulled out the previous blocks and decided to make some sort of progress with it.  Always wanting to put my own spin on a design, I totally colored out side the lines on this one!  Why don't I just go simple?!

Total crazy!  Which, in my opinion is so much harder!  Three blocks a month are released, not in any particular order, so getting the rainbow effect is a challenge.

There are 6" blocks, 12" blocks, 18" blocks...traditionally pieced and paper pieced blocks.  It has been a fun ride, but this girl has got to get on the ball!

This one was paper pieced, talk about lots parts and pieces!  It helps to mark each color on the paper template first, especially because I'm trying to make these blocks flow from one color to the nest.

6" - The Claw
Baby Paw was a traditionally pieced block.  It was nice to have a simple block in the mix!

6" - Baby Paw
And then there was this one!  I did have a little issue with the quarter square triangles, but quickly fixed the problem.  Which was most likely my problem not the pattern!

6" - Polaris
Three more down, 6 more to do before I'm caught up!  Making progress is always a good feeling, there is no denying that!

These are the blocks that are finished so far.

In between these, I've been working on a design, wall quilt and tutorial for Benartex.  Stay tuned for that!  I'll share the details soon!  

I made a test quilt from the tutorial to make sure it would 'fly'.  However, I changed several things in the final design.  It always happens, which is why it's a good thing to test it out!  

It was a miracle that I had the exact perfect thread colors in my stash for these odd colors, how often does that happen?!  I hope to finish the quilting today.  And yep, I'm attempting more free motion quilting!



  1. Nice looking blocks. QSTs are easy. I'll show you Saturday if you're going to be at the meeting.

    1. I can make QST's, the directions didn't say anything about trimming or what size they were suppose to be! I kind of had to wing it!

  2. I love these block! You remind me I have the Moda Modern Building Blocks I need to get back into. And Yay! I'm excited to hear there will be more FMQ from you!

    1. So far I love all the blocks too! Some more than others. It's so easy to get behind in BOM's…especially when I'm using so many different colors and trying to build something spectacular!

  3. Well, if you ask me... simple is just not fun! I know your dilemma all too well of wanting to put your own spin on things!

    Tja, it might be lots of pieces, but you just can't beat the designs that you can get with a paper pieced block! Congrats on the progress!

    1. It appears this is the way I like it! Hard and complicated! I think it will be worth it once it's finished, getting there is a little harder than I thought!

  4. Very inspiring again Jayne! All your blocks and photos are bautiful! I enjoy following your progress while I don't have time for a one stitch. x Teje

    1. I hope you find some time soon for quilting!

  5. Those blocks look amazing in those colors. Beautiful.

    1. Thank you so much! I think it will all come together in the end! It's a challenge, but that seems to be my way!

  6. This quilt is going to be amazing! :)

    1. I sure hope so! It's crazy difficult pulling out a million colors and making it flow every month! I do think it will work, at least I keep telling myself that!

    2. I liked yours so much that I signed up myself. It may take me the rest of my life, but I'll get it done eventually. :)

  7. I love the rainbow effect you are going for, and getting behind on samplers seems like it is almost a good idea when you are trying for something so specific. And I look forward to seeing what you are creating for Benartex!

    1. It's so much harder than I thought it would be when I decided on this rainbow theme! If I had only gone the safe route!

  8. That BOM does look like a really fun sampler. And your solids choices are very appealing. Of course you know how much we both love the solids! Can't wait to see how your quilting of the green/blue quilt turns out, Jayne!

  9. What progress on the sampler blocks! And I like looking at your checked off blocks on your coloring page. Cant' wait to see your tutorial!

  10. Beautiful & inspiring, love all the solids....

  11. So happy for you doing the Benartex quilt! Eeep! Love those 'odd' colours together. They sent me FQ bundles of 2 different lines for promoting their lovely surprise...gotta get on that baby. I'm also so glad you are stepping away from straight lines--go get 'em girl! And talk to me about 'setting aside' and 'getting behind' ...hello City Sampler by Tula Pink, sigh.

  12. You'll make it look good. I think waiting for blocks to be released is the hard part. I have no patience.

  13. I love this batch of blocks! This will be really great!

  14. This quilt is going to be amazing. I think you have made great progress so far! I have totally fallen off the wagon with all of my quilt alongs. I need to get back at it too! My Technicolor Galaxy is sitting beside my machine imploring me to work on it but I have so much I need to do right now.

  15. This is indeed going to be epic. I think I'd have a hard time bouncing around from colour to colour and still getting the rainbow gradiation that you're going for. You are a brave quilter to be sure!

  16. They are looking great, Jayne! It is hard to get that rainbow effect with blocks made over time, but I like your plan!


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