
Sunday, May 22, 2016

Skinny Minny ~ Fun and Games

I needed a project!  I really did!  We were having an open sew at our Guild meeting and thought Skinny Minny would be the perfect piece to bring.  You know I love paper piecing and Jeli Quilts has some amazingly fun patterns.  If you love flying geese, you really should check out her Craftsy Pattern Shop!  From teeny tiny, circles, squares, big and small, there are geese galore.  

Skinny Minny Jeli Quilts

I picked six of the darker shades of my Heavy Metal fabric (Windham Studios) for the geese, grabbed some Kona Ivory and Bone scraps, and a fat quarter of Cotton + Steel.  Mixing it up!

The spots on the Heavy Metal are...of course metallic.  Bronze, gold and silver.  Notice I didn't go with rainbow colors?!  While they maybe the obvious choice, I knew I needed to go in a different direction.  For this time.    

There isn't much rhyme or reason with the background.  I'm trying to not over think it and just do! Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't.  

I've come to the conclusion that if something doesn't work, its okay.  All isn't lost, the world won't crumble, fabric is just fabric. A lesson learned from a fail or trying something new is just as valuable.

I have two 6 1/2" blocks completely finished and two partially finished.  The little skinny geese are just over 2" long and 1/2" tall.  Totally skinny!

I think I'll get the four blocks finished and decided on a layout.  It doesn't have to be a circle, but I do like that.  There have been a few ideas brewing in my head, which I keep tamping down!  Now is not the time to decide...but what if?!  You know the routine!

I've had this project on my 'to do' list for far too long! It's always a good feeling when you can cross it off and hopefully move on to yet another...or make room for one more!  The good old vicious cycle never ends!

Do you get bewildered when a project doesn't go as planned?  Or can you be a duck and let it roll of your back?  Mostly I'm a duck...quack quack!



  1. I do love all the variations of paper piecing circles and geese that Jeli Quilts has to offer. I know what you mean about when a project doesn't quite go to plan. It totally depends on what "not to plan" means whether I can roll with it or need to "fix" it. Usually if it is a quality of workmanship thing, then I will work to address it to the best of my ability. If it is a lesson in color placement or other topic, I can usually roll with it and file it in the "lesson learned" category. I hope that makes sense, and even if you don't do anything other than play with alternate layouts, I hope it is fun. :)

    1. I'm pretty sure I could never make such a tiny goose without paper piecing and Jeli Quilts! I agree letting workmanship slide by is hard, and usually it is fixed until it's right! There are times when a project hasn't been fully formed and is ripe for tweaking, doesn't go as planned, yet is fine just the way it is, or needs 'something' more than what it has become. Once upon a time…I would go crazy over the little things.

  2. I rarely tear out; mostly start over. I do analyze what it is that bothers me and try to learn from it. If I let something simmer long enough -- sometimes years -- I will eventually come up with a "plan," even if it means throwing it in the trash!

    1. I've ripped and started over! But rarely have I been so disgusted that I throw it in the trash!! I can be a duck…I guess to a point! It does help to set it aside until a solution can be reached, even if it is the trash! Libby, you are so funny!

  3. I have looked at her patterns for a long time, I just know your's will be adorable when done. It'll be fun to see what you come up with! If my project doesn't go as planned it usually gets tossed aside to deal with later.

    1. Thank you Vicki! It's one of those 'filler' projects that has been on my list for a while. There was no better time to start it. Hopefully after the last two blocks are finished, I can either go with the way it was intended or put my own twist on it! There is a lot to be said for tossing it aside, at least for a while. Usually a plan will start to form. eventually!

  4. You already know I don't go backwards. If something Ian't working, I see it as a design opportunity and adjust to it. Even the projects I don't think turned out well seem to find a home. Thanks for sharing your project with Oh Scrap! I like it!

    1. I know you could! I've always found it difficult to stick with a pattern from start to finish. If I can change it up, I do.

  5. GO DUCKS! And by the way, your mini looks great too! XOXO

    1. I knew you would appreciate the Duck reference! Skinny Minny thanks you…and so do I! Love you!

  6. I like the way it was going, but I gather from one of the replies above that you've unpicked. I rarely unpick piecing; if I think it's really bad I toss the piece in the orphan box and start again. Unpicking paper piecing seems like a nightmare! This is such a beautiful pattern I'd want to make a show-piece of it too.

    1. Actually on this piece I didn't do any unpicking. I decided I would grab the background scraps randomly and see where it led me! Believe me I have done my fair share of unpicking on paper piecing! Yikes! It is a pain, a big pain but always worth it in the end!

  7. Nice looking colors! I admire people who enjoy paper piecing.

  8. Lovely paper piecing, I do like your colour choice. Shhhh a paper piecing UFO is calling me but I have too many projects on just now HeHe

  9. You are great at paper piecing. Love your fabrics with the white really setting them off so beautifully. Yes, I am not happy when my quilting plan goes not as planned But, it provides a opportunity too.

    Glad I found your quilt through Cooking Up Quilts.

  10. I love where this project is going!

  11. I like how your blocks are turning out! My teacher taught me to strive for perfection - if you see something is going wrong, you'd better correct it at once before it gets worse.

  12. Your blocks are looking great! Are they taking very long to complete? And, I'm more in the 'lesson learned' camp, and hopefully all my rejected blocks will end up in this amazing improv quilt one day, where a bit of wonky & perfect points won't be noticed!

  13. Jayne, thanks for sharing the link to those patterns. I am really enjoying some paper piecing projects I'm working on and love this flying geese pattern you are working on. I especially like the darker colors you are using. I know whatever layout you decide on it will be awesome! Thanks for sharing this on Main Crush Monday.

  14. Great geese, the only way to do a mini is with paper piecing. I did a minitature mariner's compass once and nearly went mad.


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