
Wednesday, May 25, 2016


I don't know about you, but I think we all need a tropical vacation!  Imagine the salty water, the mist from the waves, the tropical ocean back to reality!  As much as we would love sunsets and palm trees, we have to be practical.  A vacation like that takes months and months of planning!  Thankfully with a little imagination, the perfect color combination and maybe a glass of wine or two, we can at least dream!

This colors in Seahabilitated has me pining away!  Bring on the surf!!  Kona Lapis, Sour Apple and a hint of Breakers!  Add in to the mix Anna Maria Horner's Loominus and honestly...I can't get enough!

Once I settled on a design, I ended up expanding on it with a bright border to tie in with the center.  Adding the geese and having them 'chase' around the quilt was an easy choice. 

It was fun to use some fabric that has been sitting around.  The colors are just strange enough together to work.

I'm becoming less scared of free motion quilting and much more willing to take chances. I'm not sure what you would call the quilting design, but it was fun to do.  The random funky flying geese came to me towards the end.  A little twist!

I have to say that I love the combination of of the green thread against the backing!  It may be my new favorite color combination!

Way back when I bought a scrap pack of Loominous at Anna Maria Horner's shop ~ Craft South. I've used it in a couple projects (small ones), but was lucky enough to have enough of four different colors to put in to this quilt.  Isn't it amazing how far you can make a few scraps go?!  I guess it helps when you are being frugal with them!

I'll bask in the fantasy of laying on a beautiful beach while looking at this one.  

36" x 36"
I rarely ever go anywhere, let alone on vacation.  My first choice is always the beach, tropical and sunny.  Where would your dream vacation be?  



  1. This is a very cool quilt and such great fabrics and colours! Well done on being so brave with your fmq. As winter has pretty much arrived here Down Under, a sunny warm beach sounds perfect to me for a vacation!

    1. I was determined to use something from my stash and these colors are the ones that stood out! It's hard to imagine winter is happening somewhere…I'm just now thawing out from our winter!

  2. A margarita might go better with that quilt! Put me on a mountaintop any day and I'd be happy (as long as I can bring my sewing machine along).

    1. I'll take one of those! I've always wanted to be in a cabin in the winter with lots of snow, my machine, a roaring fire and a few quilting buddies!

  3. Your sea worthy quilt combined with the picture you paint of a tropical vacation are tempting indeed! Another beautiful finish! My dream vacation would be a quilting retreat where all my bloggy buddies could meet up and spend some time sewing together in a woodland setting in the early fall.

    1. Wouldn't it be fun to meet up with all our bloggy friends?! I don't think I would ever have come so far with my quilting had it not been for all the support of our quilting community!

  4. I think I would vacation anywhere as long as I can take my machine with me. I love the colors in this quilt. It's so relaxing. It actually makes me want to start filling up our pool and float around with said wine bottle :) Love the quilting too!

    1. Taking our machines on vacation is like taking our toothbrushes! Gotta have them! With enough wine and a pool…you could almost believe you were on a tropical beach!

  5. I would love to go back to Hawaii someday. It is so awesome and peaceful there. Your quilt is awesome of course!

    1. Hawaii is my dream vacation. We've been once and it was magical! I wonder if it would be possible to string an extension cord to the beach and sew? Not a great idea, but I can dream!!

  6. I adore this and boy do I appreciate your use of color in this one!! And yes, an exotic vacation sounds lovely 'bout now!

    1. I feel like I went out on a limb with these colors! For some reason they work!

  7. These colors really do invoke a since of the sea and serenity. I love how the binding helps pull out some of the lighter tones in the luminous prints. Dream vacation? That's a tough one, but it would probably be some remote island in the Pacific with warm water, clear water, and pristine beaches. :)

    1. For some reason these colors together make me very happy! Strange combination that works! The backing and binding helped pull it all together! Plus, it was all stash! Were on the same page for a dream vacation.

  8. That's so beautiful Jayne and you've got me dreaming of being 'sea-habilitated" now too, LOL. Wonderful piecing and quilting!

    1. I would love to be in Seahabilitation every day…I have a feeling I would have a lot of relapsing!

  9. This is amazing, Jayne! I love the improvised look. And your quilting is top notch!

    1. You are too kind, but thank you very much! I guess I'm getting to the point with my FMQ that it doesn't scare me anymore. Maybe that means I will stop complaining about how awful it is!

  10. lovely. And don't forget you went to Paris.

  11. Such creativity. I really like this. The colour scheme is awesome.

  12. Oh clever, I really like that. I love greens and blues together, strange as I've never made a quilt in that combination. I am going away this year, first time for a while, to Corfu with my daughter and the kids, as neither of our husbands can go. My favourite place is Italy, I would go to the Lakes or Sorrento any time.

  13. Wow! Straight line FMQ! I'm really impressed! This quilt takes me to the beach, too. But a little differently. My body doesn't like sun, so I'm sitting in my deck chair in the wooded dunes looking out over my beloved Lake Michigan. It's a little cool in the shade, but so comfy with a quilt wrapped around me.

  14. Seahabilitated definitely puts one in a beach frame of mind. The flying geese border really works and the colors are perfect.


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