
Tuesday, August 30, 2016

A Few Projects & A Couple Supplies!

I feel like I should share the project(s) that inspired my Scattered Petals Wall Hanging.  After all, it was the catalyst that inspired me to make that wall hanging and it might be rude not to show how it all began!

Before I made another pile of triangles, I picked through what I had and put together a table runner. The colors blended well together and it felt like a nice calming palette to combine in a quick and easy project!

14" x 42"
The simplicity of a triangle is always appealing, so I thought that along with the improv was sure to be a great combination.  

Clean and simple, you can't go wrong!  Let's take it a step further and add some quilting.  I mainly used grey thread for an all over semi-straight line quilted detail.  

I decided to add a little more pizazz by adding lines of blue, green and aqua.  Very subtle, so subtle you can barely see it!

Besides this runner I also make a couple quilts.  Baby quilts actually.  Using scrap hand dyed fabrics, I put together enough triangles to make two different quilts.  By different, I mean the same?!  Maybe I changed the size of the back ground fabric and left the layout the know, different but the same!

29" x 39 3/4"
The background fabric is Kona Shadow.  I've always loved grey of any shade combined with a rainbow of color.  In this case, the colors are hand dyed scraps.

Simple quilting with 1" lines, all in grey thread and an added quilted design element vertically...a little more of a visual punch!

29 3/4" x 39 3/4"

This one was a little more 'daring'!  I threw caution to the wind and used Kona Frappe for the front and Kona Aloe on the back.  I dug deep in my stash for both of these colors.  It was all about using what I had.  


The grey quilt was the first, but with this one I increased the background pieces slightly.  I wanted it a little bigger.  Not nearly enough, but next time I will know better!


Each triangle was cut using this template.  It was the perfect size to show the scrap strips and make an impact visually!  

I always forget how much I like triangles!  And I always forget how quickly they go together!


The splurge of the month!  I'm trying to build my Hand Quilting arsenal!  

I kept waiting for a confirmation from Connecting Threads, it never came.  It helps if you actually complete the sat in my cart for a few days before I noticed it!  DUH! 

The neutral Perle Cotton should get me through a few hand quilting projects.  And looky there...thimbles!  I'm not much of a thimble person, these adhesive thimbles were suggested and I pounced at the chance to give them a try.  I've been known to put first aid tape on my thumb when I hand quilt bindings on, so I'm thinking these won't be much different.  We shall see!

What is your favorite acrylic template to use?  I like triangles!!  Hexagon, diamonds, clam shells? Inquiring minds...



  1. These triangles are very inspiring ! I really have to try that shape.

    1. I’m always surprised how fast they go together! Plus, there are so many different triangles shapes…it’s a win win!!

  2. Hi Jayne! Triangle is also my fav. so I really love all these! The Frappe background is beautiful! We should try more often colours for the background. Hmm why it's Frappe? Greek frappe is surely brown. I try to epp and quilt a little bit but this week we have a puppy at home so when she's awake, nothing can be done. x Teje PS. she is in my blog today.

    1. I usually go straight for a neutral for my background color. I know it will always work! Using Frappe, it feels like I stepped outside my ‘neutral’ box a little bit!

  3. Very pretty, very bright, so lovely...just like all your other work.

  4. I love triangles. These are all beautiful. I love the straight line quilting. I am working on mastering that now.

    1. Straight line quilting is probably my favorite way to quilt. I don’t think you can go wrong with it on most any project! Plus, I don’t have to wrack my brain on what design to quilt!

  5. I'm a triangle kinda girl, myself. I think it's the way the angles direct the eye from here to there. No favorite, but I don't enjoy making those Peaky and Spike things (Tri-Recs); can't ever seem to get them quite right.

  6. I've bought those stick on thimble pads, I don't think they were sticky enough for me. It felt like a hindrance to use them. Maybe I need to try again. Let us know if you like them :)

    1. Oh, I hope they are sticky enough!! I’m afraid the stick on thimble pads will feel awkward when I first use them, but I’m going to give it a shot! To be continued…!

    2. If you rub or hold your finger over the pad for at least 30 sec they really stick. As in its still on when I wake in the morning. I use the clear ovals instead of the metal thimble disc. Have you tried the clover thimble? Its adjustable and has a metal ridge across the top that gives amazing leverage. I use that on my right hand and the thimble it on the left - I have to be able to feel the needle coming through.

  7. It's a beautiful combination: Hand dyes and triangles.

  8. I use the stick on thimbles and they work for me - you have to make sure to have no lotion on your fingers before you put them on though and if you sweat a lot they do not stick as well. One leather stick on thimble can be reused for several days of quilting and the metal with the adhesive on the underside will last me a week of nightly quilting sessions before I have to replace the sticky piece - be very careful taking it off your finger though as the adhesive might pull off the metal and it can be hard getting it back on as it can fold - if you are careful with it, it too can last for days. Just wipe your fingertip off with some alcohol or wash hands first with no kind of lotion

  9. All so pretty! My current favorite acrylic ruler is my Clammy, though my triangle one is coming out to play soon!

  10. I just bought a whole bunch of Kona Shadow and really like the Kona foam very much. Looks really lovely and fresh with your triangles!

  11. I have a bolt of Frappe because I like it so much! My favorite specialty ruler is the Hex and More. So many shapes with one template. I can play for days with it! Your quilts are all lovely but I really like the colors in your table runner.

  12. These triangle designs are do effective. I love improv but like it in a controlled way. I'd imagine it would make a great scrap buster.

  13. Hi Jayne... I've read all your posts, but haven't come over to leave comments... all so colorful and interesting. What great posts you write. I love both doing and the look of hand quilting... have fun with it. LeeAnna

  14. I am visiting from Bernie's Needle and Foot blog and I am pleased to find another quilting blog of interest here! :)

  15. I love triangles even though I've only really used them once. Need to revisit them at some point. I don't really use very many templates to be honest. Good luck with all the fun hand sewing stuff that's heading your way.

  16. I love the frappe background. Such an unexpected color choice, but it's absolutely delightful! :)

  17. Love your triangle quilts, and the texture on your table runner is awesome! My favorite template is actually my 6-1/2" square with the diagonal clearly marked. I use it for so much, pretty much anything smaller than 6-1/2", but it's absolutely the best for squaring up HSTs. I do love triangles, too.

  18. At the moment I'm a wee bit triangle obsessed myself. Can't seem to stop making triangle stuff. Love the runner.

  19. Probably the best template for me is the HexNMore ruler. There's so much that can be done with it!

  20. Do you sleep? Seriously, your productivity is amazing. Do you keep track of the number of finishes you have in a year (I probably don't want to know, but I admit to being very curious anyway!!)? :)

  21. These triangles are fabulous! Truly inspiring projects. I am also in to using what I have, so am going to hit the solids bin with your idea!

  22. I love the look of the improv panels cut to fit within a shape. The triangles are gorgeous. My favorite acrylic template is the honeycomb, sometimes called skinny hexagon (maybe?)... it's the one used in the Lucy Boston Patchwork of the crosses EPP block. It's a fun one!

  23. I had a sudden craving for sherbet when I saw these quilts. I have the same triangle template. I really like it, but it's the only template I have, unless you count my 12 1/2 inch square ruler that I use for all sorts of things. I've had my eye on a giant hexagon template, but it's really for just one project at this point and VERY pricey so I might have to dust off those old math skills, get out the protractor and compass, and make my own.

  24. I really love these triangle quilts! I think my favorite is the runner with the matchstick quilting, it is fabulous!

  25. Jayne, these are gorgeous! Love the scrappiness combined with the muted colors.


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