
Monday, August 29, 2016

Shock & Awe~ One Lovely Blog Award

The 'One Lovely Blog Award' is making a splash among the blogging community!  Bringing attention to blogs that 'tickle our fancy' or blogs that we may not be familiar with otherwise. This quilting community of ours is remarkable!  Gracious, giving and inspirational.  In many ways I think of our blogging community as my virtual sewing circle!  So, thank you all for that!

I was honored to be nominated by these amazing ladies: Katy @Katy Quilts, Carrie @The Zen Quilter, Lena @Quilt Art, Tish @Tish's Adventure in Wonderland, and Shannon @SF Designs.    

There are rules for this party and we all know...Rules are Rules:

*Thank the person who nominated you, and give a link to his/her blog.
*List the rules.
*Display the image of the award on your post.
*List seven facts about yourself.
*Nominate (up to) 15 bloggers for this award, and notify them to let them know you have nominated them.

The hardest part of this is listing seven facts about myself!  Yikes!  I don't talk too much about myself, because frankly...I'm pretty boring!  I'll give it a try, I'll dig deep, I'll do my best!

#1:  First and foremost, I'm a klutz.  I'm an accident waiting to happen.  I bang into walls, trip over my own feet, have a love hate relationship with sharp objects (knives, rotary cutters).  If I'm not burning myself with the iron, its the oven.  Which explains why I hate cooking.  I can lean on the counter and bang my head on the cupboard.  If you tell me to watch out for 'that', 'that' will find me!  

#2:  It wasn't until late in life that I discovered I do have a creative bone in my body! Through quilting!  Who would have thought?  If it wasn't for my artistic and creative daughter, I may never have known.  She was the one who taught me how to quilt, the one who dug out that creative buried bone inside me.  I may not say it often enough, but I am so thankful that she forced me (kicking and screaming) to give it a go!  There was a time in the yearly stages of my quilting where I would demand ask her help on picking fabric/color, she was happy to give her opinion. Until one day she said told me to do what I think is best...use my judgement...go with your gut.  It was tough love, but great advice!

#3.  I really do not like silence.  Not even one little bit.  I go to sleep with the TV on, I wake up and turn the TV on.  I don't actually watch it, I just like the constant noise.  If the TV isn't on, I play music.  If music isn't playing, I listen to podcasts.  Having seven siblings, you can imagine the constant commotion, that may be why I don't like quiet!  The only exception:  if I'm on a beach!


#4.  I love lime green!  I don't know why that is.  When I had to share a bedroom with my sister, she got to paint our room lime green and I hated it!  I guess our taste changes with age.

#5.  My favorite animal (besides my dog) is baby elephants.  If I had a baby elephant I would name it Breezy.  

#6.  Coffee is my favorite drink.  I could drink it all day long.  Black, unless the Baileys Irish Cream spills in to it.  Caffeine does not keep me awake!

#7.  My take on modern quilting is I don't even know what that means!!  Over the past year or two, I've come to the conclusion that my style is called 'quilting'!  I may play with improv one day, solids the next.  There will be days when old fashioned feed sack prints make a scene, or a traditional block gets a tweak for good measure.  I can look at other peoples quilts with admiration instead of feeling like I don't measure up.  There are still doubts, but I don't beat myself up over them any longer.  I need to do me, you need to do you.  

Blogging isn't easy these days.  Many people have left the blogging community for the instant gratification of Instagram and the like.  I'm not ready to give up on blogging, not even one little bit!  It takes time, a lot of time, but it is so worth the extra mile we take every day!

With that, I'll nominate some of my favorite 'Lovely Blog Award' blogs! 

Debbie @A Quilter's Table ~ Sign up for her news's always full of great stuff!


  1. Hi Jayne! Congratulations and thank you! What a great post and nice to get to know you better! Some things I couldn't have guess like that you don't like silence; I need that desperately! This moment I hear only my computer. Friend's puppy lives with us this week and all the dogs are huzzling most of the time, but now they all sleep!I hope I have time to do some epp before they wake up. x Teje

    1. I think growing up with so much commotion going on all the time, it gives me a sense of comfort! The only time I like silence is in the morning before the rest of the house is up…I think of it as ‘my’ time!

  2. Congratulations on your well-deserved nomination. I'm right there with you on #7. I tell DH what my virtual "friends" are up to all the time.

    1. If we can’t be true to our quilting self, what would be the point? Its much more fun to and rewarding to do what makes us happy!

  3. Congrats on all your nominations, Jayne! I agree it is a challenge coming up with 7 facts about yourself. And that baby elephant is adorable. Now I want one. And I sure hope you never give up on blogging. I love reading about all your quilting adventures.

    1. I was very surprised, thankful and shocked with all the nominations. I’m so thankful for the continued support from you and everyone who takes a moment from their day to stop by my blog. That alone makes me never want to stop blogging! I’ll only stop blogging when I get that baby elephant...

  4. Gosh, I would be so sad if you left the blogging world! I just adore your blog and always marvel at how you make me feel like I am right there experiencing everything with you! I couldn't agree more on the importance of "doing you" and being true to what feels right for you. Now I'm off to check out the bloggers you nominated, many of whom are new to me!!

    1. I don’t plan on stopping with my blog any time soon! It’s such a great way to meet people, learn, get inspired. The experiences alone from blogging far out weighs anything else!

  5. I knew we must have something in common even though you do more modern stuff and I do traditional. we both come from large families (I'm 3rd oldest of 12) and caffeine doesn't keep us awake. Glad you have not given up blogging - yes plenty do leave for the one photo and couple words of Instagram but I like to read what people are doing and hear more! I'm glad there are still a lot of us out here blogging.

    1. If it wasn’t for blogging I wouldn’t have met so many wonderful likeminded people! That alone is worth it! Traditional or Modern…it doesn’t matter. Quilting is quilting. I’m not sure how our parents did it with so many kids! What were they thinking!

  6. Congratulations Jayne! I am glad you don't plan on leaving the blogging world. I enjoy the stories, not just the picture. I like to hear and see how you got to the end picture.

    1. Blogging has become much more than just a blog. Besides documenting our journey from one quilt to another, it has become a part of my life…like family! Until I’m kicked of the island…I’m staying put!

  7. Fun to read your answers =) I like the statement, "My style is called quilting"!

  8. Yippee for not giving up blogging! I love quilty blogs. Not so much IG😄

  9. Thank you Jayne. Yes, blogging is time consuming but sooo worth the time and effort. I appreciate the nomination and your blog over all. You have such a gift for color, which made me smile when I read number 2!!

  10. Thanks for tagging me. It's always fun hearing about some new facts about you.

  11. Coming up with 7 facts is definitely the hard part. I love that you would became a baby elephant Breezy - what a fantastic name! And I am so with you on blogging taking time but being with it. :)

  12. This is a great post Jayne: I'm with you on blogging over instagram. Instagram is kind of fun to chat back and forth but I prefer blogging. I wish I had a bit more time to give to blogging but it's only a few more years to retirement. I wonder if people will still be doing it then.
    That's a very cute elephant picture you have there so I can see why you are smitten.

  13. I am so glad you are not leaving the blogging world, especially as I have so recently entered it. I am on Instagram but so rubbish at finding my way around I haven't even posted yet! It's been great finding out more about you.


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