
Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Art With Fabric :: Blog Hop

I can't remember when I signed up for the Art With Fabric Blog Hop hosted by Alinda @Tweety Loves Quilting but it was something I was looking forward to exploring. 

The basic idea of the Art In Fabric Blog Hop is to pick a piece of art and let it inspire you to create a quilted piece.  There is a lot of inspiration in the world of art.  I thought about exploring Mark Rothko, Joseph Albers, Harold Krisel, Frank Stella and Howard Kleiner, all amazing artists and full of inspiration.  However, I decided to go a different route.
20 1/2" x 20 1/2"
When my daughter was in college she took a few art classes and would occasionally bring her pieces home.  One piece she left with me has always intrigued me and I always said how cool it would be as a quilt.  I kept it sitting on top of the bookcase for years with that thought in the back of my mind.   

With the Art in Fabric challenge I decided it was now or never!  I didn't really change anything from the original because to me, it was perfect as is.  The colors are right, the shapes are interesting.  Why mess with a good thing.  Plus, it is a good lesson in color harmonies.  

I started with designing two paper pieced patterns.  That way I was sure I could get the shapes needed.  What I totally forgot was that the block would be opposite the pattern!  

Let's start with the first block.    
Radial Symmetry - Complimentary Colors
This block explores Complimentary Colors on the color wheel.  Complimentary colors are opposite from each other on the color wheel.  The blue-green and red-orange represent this very well.  

The design is Radial Symmetry, which means similar sections that start around the center.  

I had to make the paper pieced pattern for this one in order to keep symmetry and plus, it's just a cool design.  

Symmetrical - Split Complimentary
This Symmetrical block is the ever popular Log Cabin in the world of quilting!  Symmetrical meaning sides or halves that are the same.

The colors are what is referred to as Split Complimentary.  Using the complimentary colors and adding adjacent colors.  

I didn't plan this one very well!  I ended up adding additional stripes in order to increase the size of the block.  

Asymmetrical - Triadic Color 
I have to say, I love these colors!  Vibrant and bold!  Another paper pieced design in order to keep the asymmetry.  Asymmetrical is two sides that are not the same, not symmetrical.

The Triadic Color scheme are colors that are evenly spaced on the color wheel.  

In the case of this block, I used Kona Lipstick, Kona Pickle and Kona Regal.  Slightly off from the wheel. 

Asymmetrical - Analogous
Here's another Asymmetrical version.  I considered using the six-minute circle for this one, but with the block being only 8" it would prove to be too crazy for me.  Instead I pulled out the Steam-A-Seam and did some simple applique.  Layering the pieces on top of each other.  

The last color lesson is Analogous.  Colors that are next to each other on the color wheel.

I have never been one to pay much attention to the color wheel.  I tend to grab what ever moves me at the moment.  The only reason I am talking about the color wheel is because that was the lesson which resulted in the piece of Art I wanted to use.

Enough of all that, let's get to the fun part!!  Quilting and finishing!  I used Kona White for the sashing.  It was sure to make each block stand out and frankly...that's how my inspiration art is!  The center sashing is 1 1/4" and the border ended up being 1 3/4". 


I was looking forward to quilting this one!  I love the quilting...geometric straight lines and a block full of pebbles.  I did coordinate thread colors with the fabric.  I wanted the texture, but didn't want it to glare back at me!  The back...oh my favorite!

But first this!  Gotta love that crinkle!

Looking at the back, I'm going to pretend this is my first whole cloth quilt!  That might be pushing it, but it sure was fun and it sure makes me happy looking at it. 

What would a quilt of mine be without a little pieced binding?  (at least on my recent finishes!)  It didn't turn out exactly as planned, but I'm not going to complain either!

I'm so excited for Britt to see this in person.  I think she will be blown away that I took her art and in my opinion...did it justice!  

The Art in Fabric Blog Hop really lit a fire under me!  And not because my time was running out and I was behind.  I had to dig deep!  Except for the Log Cabin block, the other three I had to start from scratch and make it work.  

I hope you will check out the other blogs that are participating in the 'Art With Fabric' blog hop.  This week is full of inspiration and full of art!   

Tuesday, October 11th, 2016 
Carol @ quiltedfabricart (
Janis @ turtlemoonimpressions (
Jennifer @ inquiringquilter (

Jayne @ twiggyandopal (  (ME)



  1. Спасибо за мк! Получилось великолепно!

  2. Breathtakingly awesome! And what a creative family :-)
    The quilting enhances the art so beautifully - I think you completely nailed it :-)

  3. I agree, you did do it justice! Well done you.

  4. Super fantastic Jayne! Love everything here + the wrinkling! x Teje

  5. Such an interesting quilt Jayne ! I love that you used a piece of art made by your daughter as inspiration.

  6. Wonderful Janye! Did her exposure to your quilting influence the design, because it's fantastic as a quilt also?

    1. I think her influence was her experiences with her own quilting. I don’t think I have ever had the effect on her art. She has always been my biggest supporter and inspiration!

  7. Great post Jayne. It's nice to see the colour theory in real live quilting. I know it's photos but your photos are so good. Of course those triangles floating out of the frame are my favourite part of it! Gotta love that triadic colour combo! Thanks for showing the quilting on the back as well. It's inspiring!

  8. Fabulous from start to finish! Colors are incredible!

  9. What a beautiful tribute to your daughters work. You should keep them side by side above the bookcase! Thanks for the 'how to' insights.

  10. This is absolutely fantastic! I love the quilt and that it was inspired by your daughter's artwork!

    1. The Art screamed quilt from the first time I saw it! I knew it was the right time to finally make that happen!

  11. I am so glad you showed your finished mini with your daughter's work, boy did you do an amazing job translating it into fabric!! I'll be curious to hear what your daughter thinks of it. :)

  12. Won't your daughter be so pleased that you were inspired by her? I imagine her simply bursting with pride. You did such a wonderful job rendering it exactly, and the quilting is perfect. Yep, you can call the back a whole cloth quilt if you want and display it like that from time to time. So beautiful!

  13. no better artist than one's own daughter! This also shows how much fabric and quilting can make a good piece of art even better adding texture, which you certainly did with your wonderful quilting. thank you for showing the back so we can see it. nicely done!

  14. Great job on this one Jayne. And thanks for sharing the color wheel information. I am sure your daughter will be impressed!

  15. wow, love, love, love what you made! I can see why you decided to use your daughter's artwork: nice way to honor and, plus, it really was perfect!

  16. terrific job. What an honor for your daughter too. It's a whole cloth quilt with a pieced back!

  17. I think it's wonderful that you were inspired by your daughter's art! I'm guessing she'll be very happy with the results, too. Great job!!

  18. How wonderful it is to turn your daughter's artwork into a quilt. Really fabulous quilting and a great finish, Jayne!


  19. I think it's fantastic that you used your daughter's art. She'v very talented! As is her Mom! I love how your piece turned out and I'm with you, I think the back is fabulous!

  20. Great finish! You interpreted the art into quilt form so well!

  21. Wow! Super cool collaboration - love it!

  22. Come to my guild and teach a Color Theory class. You are so awesome!!!I love Albers' work. It is meant to be made into quilts.

  23. Love the lesson in colour theory. The quilt is such a fun design. But I would be tempted to hang it showing the back every now and then. Even the quilting is a work of art!

  24. I love that you used your daughter's long saved piece to work from! What a satisfying finish it must be! Of course your workmanship and interpretation are way up to par for this challenge! Well done Jayne!

  25. How wonderful to use your daughter's piece as your inspiration! I really like your quilt - especially the back!!

  26. Love it! You did a wonderful job!

  27. What a clever interpretation of Alida's brief - and how cool to have used your daughter's art work. Have you thought about doing a whole cloth quilt? I really think you should.

  28. Your quilt is amazing. I bet your daughter is happy.

  29. So great to read this post after seeing pics on IG. You certainly did do the art justice - it's wonderful!

  30. Hi Jayne, it's great that you can use your daughter's art piece. You were right, it looks amazing in fibre. The quilting really adds an extra dimension to it. I'm sure your daughter will be thrilled.

  31. Thanks for the very interesting lesson on how to look at the color wheel and find different cool color combinations! I think you did a great job with the piece and the fact that is a mirrored version of the inspiration makes it even more original! I really really love the binding and the back too!! I am so glad that the hop encouraged you to explore this work of art!! Thanks again for participating!!!

  32. What a beautiful and colorful quilt. I love it!

  33. Totally flippin amazing! I so luv that you used your daughter's artwork! Great tribute! Also must say that hers was a fab piece of art too! Like mother like daughter- talent talent!

  34. Totally flippin amazing! I so luv that you used your daughter's artwork! Great tribute! Also must say that hers was a fab piece of art too! Like mother like daughter- talent talent!


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