
Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Back To Hand Quilting

I've about hit my limit on hand stitching bindings on pot holders.  So, its time to get back to a little hand quilting.  The weather is becoming crisp in the evenings, the leaves are turning and falling by the bucket loads and snuggling up under a quilt with a small hand quilting project is calling my name.  

When I found this piece tucked away in my closet, I knew then and there it would be a fun project to hand quilt.

The possibilities were there!  I just needed the time and a free evening to get started with it.

The goal is not to go overboard and quilt it in to submission, just quilt it enough to enhance what is already there.  

I started with the mountains using the usual big stitch.  I often think one day I will try a new stitch...the same thing I say when I FMQ...until then, this is my stitch of choice!

Texture Happens!!  The further you get into it, the more stitches you do, the more the texture shows itself.

Hand quilting doesn't have to be perfect.  The stitches can vary.  Size isn't important. Perfection isn't the goal.  The end results are what matters.

That last part is how I think about hand quilting!  I don't know what the 'gold standard' is, I only know what I like.  It's more about the process.  


The back stitching I've heard, is suppose to look just like the front.  I try!  It never quite hits that mark!

I'm hoping to work on this more over the next couple days, maybe even finish it?!  Since I'll be laid up a couple days...  

Today I'm getting my wisdom teeth out.  Yes, it's true!  All four will be yoinked from my mouth today and frankly I'm not looking forward to it at all.  It seems a bit unfair that after all these years (and years and years) I have to part with them now!  There's a shift of power in my mouth...that is not going my way!  Hopefully once they are gone I'll finally be able to chew again, stop grinding my teeth and clenching my jaw.  Bring on the pain meds!  



  1. Hi Jayne! This looks exciting; enjoy the hand stitiching! Sorry to hear about your visit to the dentist. My too upper wisdom teeth have been removed years ago. Wasnt' too painful after. x Teje

    1. I’m looking forward to digging in to hand quilting again! I’m sure I’ll be fine in a day or two afterwards, it’s just nothing anyone looks forward to!

  2. Very beautiful. You really bring this piece to life. Good luck with the surgery!
    cottonpaperflowers at gmail dot com

  3. Jayne, I hope all goes well! Did you hand dye that piece? It's nice from the back also!

    1. My daughter dyed the piece and gave it to me. It’s nice to finally make use of the panel!

  4. I hope the mouth doesn't bother you for long and that they give you pain meds - I have only had one out and I remember being told to buy ice cream and to hold it in the mouth for a little bit before swallowing and that it would help with swelling and pain - it did I was only on pain meds for one day but I only had one out.

  5. Super interesting piece, I love it. Good luck with the extractions. At least you can eat ice cream all weekend : )

  6. Thanks for the encouragement! I was just thinking about adding some big stitches to a couple of quilts. I've heard the same about sashiko stitches on the back and while I seem to be getting better over time, my stitches are far from perfect. I don't really mind though! Good luck with the surgery!!

  7. I was just thinking about starting a hand quilting project while I am traveling next week, thanks for the extra nudge. I hope that your wisdom teeth surgery goes well and you have a fast recovery!

  8. It looks dreamy and very atmospheric. Good luck with the further embroidery and with the tooth.

  9. This is a perfect piece for hand quilting and it's looking great so far. I hope the teeth removal goes well and that you aren't knocked out for too long.

  10. I hope your recovery is speedy! Just enjoy the time off and relax :)

  11. I like how you said hand quilting isn't supposed to be perfect. I tell myself that constantly. Good luck with the teeth, I had all four of mine out when I was 19, local anesthetic too back then (only cos I was too stingy to pay for gas). Hope you recover quickly.

  12. All the best with your recovery ♥

  13. Ooh! I hope all went well! And that milkshakes are part of your prescription for recovery. That neat little quilt looks like the perfect convalescence activity. I wouldn't worry about how the stitches look on the back. In my experience, they never look like the stitches on the front, but they do develop their own look that's pleasing in it's own way.

  14. I hope the wisdom tooth extraction went well. As an adult that surgery is never fun -- trust me, I know! Of course I think I had more complications than most, so here's hoping yours is uneventful and as pain-free as possible. Once you're feeling a bit better this will be the perfect sewing project while you recover.

  15. That's an awesome little panel. Looking forward to seeing what you do in the sky! Feel better soon.

  16. Good luck with those teeth. This fabric is perfect for handquilting and it's looking great so far!

  17. I love your big stitch and sure wish I enjoyed doing it more myself. Hope you are feeling better by now!


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