
Saturday, October 22, 2016

Stuffed & Stashed

I haven't bought fabric in a long time!  This time I couldn't resist or refuse or hold back. 

I was shocked and excited when my quilt "Raw I" was picked for Viewer's Choice during The Blogger's Quilt Festival at Amy's Creative Side.  And then I was gobsmacked when it came in second!  So, let me thank all who voted during the festival and especially thank you for voting for my quilt!  It was so unexpected!  

Which brings me to the reason I bought fabric.  I was lucky enough to receive a gift certificate from Quilt Kit Market.  When I was finally able to sit and shop, I was naturally drawn to the solids.  It seemed like Christmas when I discovered there was an October Sale going on!  How could I pass up solids and a sale?!  Couldn't and wouldn't and didn't happen!

I've missed getting mail, missed the excitement of tracking my package, watching for the mailman and then ripping open the package as soon as I get my hot little hands on it! 

All the solids at the Quilt Kit Market are Moda Bella Solids.  At $3.99 per yard, my only regret is I didn't get more!!  But 22 yards was probably much more than I needed!

These three are the only substantial yardage of the batch.  Weighing in at 3 yards apiece and the perfect neutrals for me, I landed an upper cut with Bella Zen Grey, Porcelain and Bleached White.

How about some color?!  It was time to round out my stash, fill in around the edges.  The only sadness I feel about seeing this array...I didn't get purple anything!  That might be the one color I sorely am lacking in my fabric.  Do you have a color that never seems to make it in your stash?

These one yard cuts are: Amelia's Pink, Christmas Red, Amelia's Apricot, Peach, Saffron, Sunflower, Citrine, Pond, Mist, Horizon and Seafoam.  Welcome fabric!

The last two pieces are Grunge Basics.  I've had an idea brewing for a while and think these two pieces might be just the ticket!  Grunge Vanilla and Cream.  Sounds good enough to eat!  

The other frivolous, fantastic and fun purchase was from Mass Drop.  Not my normal place to shop, but sometimes there is something that peaks my interest.  Like this!

I don't know about you, but my thread can be a hot mess.  I have a couple racks hanging in my closet full of thread and bobbins.  Most of the time when I'm looking for something a spool will fall off or a bobbin with go flying.  Then there are times when I can't remember which spool a bobbin belongs with.  Confusion, frustration and dismay!


Alas, I've found my solution!  Bobbinis!  Now I can be organized and secure!  The neon colors are a bonus in my opinion.  

The soft rubber easily slides in to the top of spools and each bobbin pops on to the 'post'. It was worth the investment to stop the flying bobbins!  With shipping each bobbini ended up being .60 cents, which isn't too bad.

This ends my shopping spree.  My irresponsible, self indulging, splurge of happiness!  



  1. Very happy for you. Your quilt was so beautiful, light, creative... :-) Enjoy with all your fabrics. I'll be haapy to see what you are going to sew!

    1. I didn’t realize how much I missed getting packages of fabric! I hope to come up with a few quilts with this lovely bundle!

  2. I bet you enjoyed choosing all those lovely colours, can't wait to see what you do with them. I'm always fascinated by the size people choose to buy. I was choosing 2 meters for background neutrals but it's never enough, fat quarters add a lot to the stash for a low cost but that's not enough either. Yet buying in large amounts you don't get many fabrics for your money. Decisions decisions........

    1. It’s always fun picking fabrics when there is a big color selection! Solids I have no trouble with, if I had to pick prints I’d still be looking! For the most part I go with yard cuts. It gives me plenty to work with for several projects. For background or backing it’s always 3 or 4 yards. Then again I like a variety so a juicy fat quarter bundle is always good too!

  3. Congratulations again Jayne! Your quilt is amazing! Great shopping! I miss also purple and often blue (even it should be my favourite colour). Greetings from Finland! x Teje

    1. I don’t know what it is about purple! I have very little of it! It makes me want to look and buy some just to round out my stash now!

  4. Congratulations Jayne and beautiful purchases. Like you I don't have much purple in my stash and surprising to me recently...I have tons of turquoise but not much true blue. I suspect it's because I use it up when I have it.

  5. Yay! Looks like some fun shopping time...and happy mail time!!!

  6. A very good price on your Bella Solids! those thread/bobbin things look interesting I have been starting to see them on line

    1. The Bella deal was too hard to pass up! I really got tired of bobbins flying everywhere and when I saw them on Mass Drop I knew it was the right time to buy! They are pretty clever and work great!

  7. Congratulations on the well deserved win and gift certificate. I love the solids you picked up, and the Bobbinis look like a great solution. :)

  8. Good for you!! And what fun shopping!

  9. Congrats on the well deserved win! Great fabric choices...except I would have replaced all those yellows with pinks and purples :)

    Can't wait to see what you make with all your lovely purchases!

  10. How fun! You chose some delicious fabrics. And congratulations on your second place standing for Reader's Choice. Great job!

  11. I love your posts. I got a contact high today looking at the fun choices and colors. Awesome! LeeAnna

  12. Fantastic win and congratulations . I usually buy lots of fq but am trying not to . Useful fir bees but too small once they have been cut . And I find red is the lacking colour in my stash

  13. What a way to celebrate your win, congratulations! What a beautiful collection of solids!

  14. Congrats on the win! Don't you just love those bobbinis?! I got them from massdrop on the first go-around early in the summer. I absolutely love them. And thanks for the tip on the fabric. At $3.99 a yard, I need to do a bit of shopping as well.

  15. Congratulations on your win - you definitely deserve to celebrate with some guilt-free stash shopping. You have chosen lovely colours too (funny, I have hardly any purple too, though I quite like it as a colour).


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