
Monday, December 5, 2016

Day 2 :: The Stars Are Brightly Shining

Welcome to Day 2 of Seven Days of Giveaways!  

This gift has a special place in my heart.  It was the first paper pieced pattern I designed and the reason I finally started my very own Craftsy Pattern Shop!  It feels like every year I say this...but I would love to write some quilt patterns.  

I designed Star Thistle as a 12" block, but far be it from me to stick with the plan!  I quickly reduced the pattern to 50% and came up with this lovely color combination.

You can read about the design here:  
Cloud 9 - New Block Hop
Finishing Mini Mini WIP's
Get The Point

It's obvious I love this block?!  

This Mini Mini finished at 6" square and has dot-to-dot geometric quilting.  The perfect design for that kind of quilting!

What's a giveaway with out a little fabric?  By little, I mean an assortment of mini charm squares! Bits and pieces!

If you would like do download the pattern, just click here: 'Star Thistle' .  If you do make it...I would love to see your version.  Feel free to email a picture to me!

I know...get on with the question!
Answer one simple question to be eligible for the drawing:

Real of artificial?  
(I know what your thinking...I'm talking Christmas Trees here!!)

This drawing will stay open until 6PM CST December 11th, at which time I will pick a winner using Random Generator.  I'll email the winners by Monday the 12th.  

Click here for Day 1 giveaway!

Main Crush Monday

***this giveaway is now closed***
Thank You!


  1. Artficial. I hate throwing away trees.

  2. None. I leave them in the forest.

    I'm so in love with your star thistle pattern. I do need to find some time to make one for myself.

    Best Mareike (

  3. I used to be only real, but have switched to artificial several years ago...less mess and I'm all for saving a tree.

  4. I love a real one, but practically artificial does the trick ( especially with underfloor heating!)

  5. Love the real ones, but also I have an artifical one.
    Love the block and the colours you used

  6. I prefer the real ones in the forest

  7. Artificial , love real but they make me wheeze

  8. We always have an artificial tree but in my heart I would prefer a real one. Thank you for a fun giveaway. I have to be honest and say that I have never tried paper piecing, it just terrifies me. x

  9. A real one but an artificial tree would be easier ... Thanks for the giveaway !

  10. real, always! Yes they loose needles but nothing compares to the smell of a real tree. Thanks for the giveaway - I love the 'Star Thistle' block you came up with.

  11. Real. Tree is brought in on 23rd and leaves the house on Jan 6th.

  12. Real one, even here in my Greek home we have had over 20 years only fake tree and from last year drift wood 'tree' does the job of Christmas tree. It's more like winter tree with lights and stays several months. Your block is gorgeus! Thank you for sharing this super cute mini quilt and mini charms! x Teje

  13. It was normal to have real ones here in Switzerland but since our youngest was born 10 years ago we started to have an artificial one as our flat is small and ther is just not enough space, lol! The artificial i can make up for some days around Christmas and the put away again without feeling sorry for a real tree...
    Your star is so lovely!

  14. I love the idea of a real one but we have artificial. More practical!!

  15. I adore your star thistle block! The colors are great! I have to do artificial due to allergies :(

  16. I haven't had one since my kids left home....but I would definitely go with real or maybe quilted....and I have seen an interesting one from Ikea that is a tree printed on cloth....I just hate plastic which is why I wouldn't go artificial.p.s. we've got snow here and its looking very winter wonderland.

  17. I love real but family allergies therefore we have atrifuical.

  18. This is one of my favorite pieces you have done. Artifical tree for me, easy clean up, more time for quilting!!!

  19. We don't do either one but I like the looks of real better.

  20. Real, for sure! But I like the ones you can then replant. I hate the thought of throwing away a living tree just for decorative purposes.

  21. Artificial. After our real one tipped over and caused some damage, that's all we do! Haha.

  22. Generally, we use an artificial tree. Occasionally though, nostalgia gets the best of me and we purchase a real tree. It's nice to have options. I love your color choices on Star Thistle. sjvonfumetti at yahoo dot com

  23. I prefer a real tree, but we've been using a fake for the past couple of years, due to logistics issues.

  24. Real is wonderful, but expensive! So artificial for me! Thank you, Susan

  25. Love the smell of real but we are going with artificial. I like this sharp block of yours. Thanks for your giveaway.

  26. In general, again I have to say neither. In this case, I do rarely splurge on something practical like a rosemary bush trimmed into a tiny tree shaped, though. :)

  27. For us it's always been artificial. For one, I'm allergic and would spend the entire month congested and miserable. Second, our cats would have a field day if we had a real tree in the house. And third, we are too environmentally conscious to cut down a tree just for our enjoyment. So we have 2 artificial ones that we use each year. Thanks for the wonderful giveaways!

  28. One of each! I love the Thistle pattern. Your colors are so pretty too.

  29. We use a real tree. We have very tall ceilings so I usually try to find a tree that is about 10 ft tall and not terribly large around. Tall and skinny? We have not yet put up a tree this year tho.
    Love the pattern and the mini. Happy Monday Jayne!

  30. Real! Gotta have that Christmas tree smell!

  31. Artificial-we bought real ones for many years though.

  32. We have a small artificial one that we place on a table and drape the treeskirt over the whole table to the floor.

  33. Artificial. Most of the family is allergic, so that's the way we go.

  34. If you're talking chocolate, it's gotta be real! If you're talking trees, it's artificial for much more environmentally friendly.

  35. I love real ones and last year for the first time since a long long time, I had a natural one and loved it. I will go the same this year for sure! Thanks for this giveaway!

  36. No tree here but I do bring in fresh holly and evergreen boughs to decorate with. Thanks!

  37. Artificial, because we put it up early and take it down late. It is safer for us. Thanks for the giveaway.

  38. Used to get real one every year and deal with fallout. (Pun intended) Got a GOOD artificial a few years back and now wouldn't have anything else.

  39. I'm getting older no children at home anymore so we use an artificial tree these days.

  40. Real is the way we go. Had artificial for many, many years due to allergies but they have subsided (for the Christmas tree allergens at least) so we are back to real trees and fir needles on the floor again! Love this pattern! Thanks for the giveaway chance. Nadine W. Northern California.

  41. Real for me. But the older we get the less we decorate in our house.

  42. As much as I would love to say Real, I have a tiny artificial tree. My current place just doesn't have the room for a big real tree.
    I love this block btw! It is beautiful!

  43. I was real for years but have gone to artificial. After a couple of years of none, I needed the lights so the artificial it is. Not enough real trees in the forests anymore. Thanks for a lovely giveaway. More, thanks for the "giving" thoughts that you with the giveaways.

  44. Real! Thank you,

  45. real for outside wreath; artificial inside the house.

  46. Since my children left home... no tree (or a quilted wall hanging)
    When they were here... real!
    We'd go for a walk in our woods, and find a "Charlie Brown" tree (or two or three to put together)... trees growing where they didn't have a chance to grow big and full...
    (I would rather leave the trees in the woods!)
    When I was little, my favorite trees were the real ones that my dad would buy for planting in our yard.... The tree would be kept in a tub, watered, and planted in spring! (He went through a lot of work, to "save a tree"!)
    *Thank you!* for the wonderful Star Thistle block!!... I love it!
    Your teal, black and white mini-mini is stunning!!
    Pat T.

  47. Real wreath inside....for the pine fragrance...artificial tree!

  48. I love Real, but it is not practical and not as safe. Artificial is the way to go with a little Christmas Scent to go with! Your Star Thistle block is beautiful and a 6" block must be challenging. Great job!!!

  49. Artificial because we have two that we put up.

  50. I love real trees, but I have done artificial in the past too.

  51. Nothing has quite the great aroma of a real tree, but you can't beat artificial for less mess and expense. Thank you for the giveaway opportunity, Jayne!

  52. We love the real trees but have finally switched to artificial.

  53. HI,real>right out of the Woods! Thanks for a neat giveaway!

  54. I think I would LOVE a real tree but we've just never gotten one. We always talk about it. Then nada.

  55. this little star is wonderful. thanks for the pattern. We do artificial trees. Now that we are empty nesters. we gave our 6 1/2 foot tree to our son who has been married a year and a half and we went and bought a 4 1/2 foot tree. perfect.

  56. My volunteer firefighter hubby nixed real trees after we had kids. Too much of a hazard if you keep the lights on all night like we do.

  57. My volunteer firefighter hubby nixed real trees after we had kids. Too much of a hazard if you keep the lights on all night like we do.

  58. Artificial - been the family tree for decades.

  59. Real .... your Star Thistle design is the best!!

  60. Real. Big. Lots of homemade ornaments on it. Real candles (candleholder from my grandma with little angels on it). Love it.
    Also the colours of your design :)
    ehodasz at yahoo dot com

  61. Artificial

  62. Artificial. We just bought a new one so I'm excited to get it up and see how it looks!

  63. Real tree! The Boy Scouts in our area sell them for a fundraiser, so that's where we buy it every year, my girls are just getting to that fun age where they're going to get excited about picking a tree!
    Your work is so beautiful!
    I'm enjoying the daily posts!

  64. Artificial. The last time I got a real tree--because I wanted the fresh smell--I ended up with needles in the carpet for months, and no fragrance. So I went back to my easy, already paid for tree. susanprincess at

  65. Real for many years, but more recently we've switched to artificial. Much easier when the holidays include traveling.

  66. Artificial. I prefer to let real trees keep growing!

  67. Definitely artificial - can put up earlier, less mess. Thanks for the opportunity to enter the giveaway. The mini-quilt is just beautiful - colors, fabric and design. (

  68. Real tree. I love the experience of being out in the woods in winter.

  69. Real; I love the pine smell. :)

  70. Artificial in the traditional green color.

  71. Artificial because we like our tree up for about six weeks and do not want to risk a fire.

  72. Only real. And I don't care that the needles drop and get everywhere :)

  73. Artificial! I'm a lazy waterer lol

  74. I'm happy with either, but I wish I had my grandmother's aluminum tree and color wheel.

  75. It's a great pattern. You should be proud. I'd have to go with artificial. As much as a real tree is nice and smells good in the moment, I'm allergic to grass/trees, and after a few days, the smell is a bit overpowering.

  76. Artificial cos I am too old to go tree hunting!!
    paweis at yahoo dot com

  77. I go for real as we have a good city tree chipping program (so recycling!) and we don't have storage space for an artificial tree. We've only done real trees for about 4-5 years though.

  78. I love real but artificial is more practical for us.

  79. I feel cheap saying it, but artificial. Then again, I wouldn't have to store a real one year-round.

  80. Real, always real....we have had some really small ones but they have always been real

  81. Real, I live surrounded by woods.

  82. Artificial - I love the smell of real trees but I can't cope with all the needles and mess!

  83. Real, always, no matter what one may be thinking!

  84. Love a real tree! Love the family getting together to go pick one! Love the pine scent going all through the house!

  85. I love the way a real tree makes my house smell. However, because I have 3 cats, I put up an artificial tree with plastic ornaments. Every day I come home from work and reassemble it. So far this year the score is TREE - 0, CATS - 5. I hope they outgrow this phase. Thank you for the chance to win and Merry Christmas.

  86. I have an artificial tree, but I LOVE real trees.

  87. I love real, but recently we have been using a white artificial to show off our collection of hand blown glass ornaments.

  88. Has to be real when you live in the north woods!

  89. Beautiful colour combinations in your block Jayne. I love real, they can't be beat, but, I go artificial for practical reasons and to be 'green' my tree is on it's 16th Christmas and still looks great.

  90. I love real Christmas trees, but having said that I have an artificial tree!!!

  91. Real all the way - yep - the smell!

    Thx, Jayne!

  92. I love your Star Thistle! Artificial for me as I am allergic to real trees. Thanks!

    Please click on the delaineelliott above for my email link.

  93. The year we bought our house, we had no budget for Christmas gifts. And we decided that a real tree would be the only splurge. A real tree is nice. I do not mind the mess. Recycling (cutting/disposing) is a chore for Paul.

  94. Real. I am so tempted to get an artificial tree but when we were first married we use to sell Christmas trees and we so loved the family from Oregon who supplies our trees. It has to be a real tree. The entire experience of the TREE is so much a part of our Christmas. We do not get it until a few days before Christmas and we keep it up until Epiphany, Jan 6, for the wise men.
    Thank you for your wonderful giveaway.

  95. Real until we got a dog who went after the tree. We then moved on to an ornament tree, and I don't think that even qualifies as artificial it's so far from a tree ...

  96. Have artificial tree past few years...but real are the favorite!! :) Love your star, in the blues! Beautiful!!

    Thank you for chance to win your Give-a-way too! :D

  97. Real...I love the smell and the falling needles too!

  98. Real with a root ball that we can plant in the spring!! Thanks for the inspiration! And the give away!

  99. I would love a real tree - we had them in the past - but an artificial one is just easier. More time to decorate and less time vacuuming up needles! Many thanks!

  100. Usually artificial, unless my husband decides he absolutely needs a real one - about every 3 - 4 years :)

  101. A real tree with real candles on christmas eve . But than artificial light. We love it

  102. Real. Gotta have that fresh pine smell going on! Thankyou Jayne for the Star Thistle to paper piecing and I've wanted to try a star pattern.


  103. I love the smell of real but the ease of artificial. We switched to fake when my oldest was a about 18 mo old because we did not want him eating the pine needles.

  104. I love a real tree but we bought a fake one last year after installing new floors. I REALLY miss the fresh tree scent. grinnie1961 at gmail dot com

  105. We've done artificial for several years now, and it's worked out well having a bunch of small kidlets! :)

  106. Real tree but we put up just a little plain one now since we had the furrbabies:)

  107. I go for real trees! I know it's more cost-effective for artificial, but it's only once a year. squidlebees @ gmail. com

  108. Artificial. Thank you for the giveaway.

  109. Artificial here :) We had to replace our tree last year and found a lovely one on sale. When we put it up, even the kids were impressed, so we went out and bought them each one as well :D This Christmas we all have the same tree!

  110. I love real trees but have a really hard time wanting to cut one down for our lil ol house.. So we use artificial. :)

  111. Love the smell of a real tree but it's been artificial here for a long time :)

  112. I love everything about a real tree but we are limited for space a small artificial has to do. Merry Christmas! Barb at

  113. Artificial, but have to have a real wreath or centerpiece for the aroma!

  114. Artificial as my daughter and I are allergic to real ones!

  115. ARTIFICIAL - I have no room for a real tree anyway :/

  116. Real, with root ball, then plant it to grow!

  117. Artificial. I'm too ocd for a real one with the wonky branches haha. I do miss the smell of real though.

  118. Real for full sized tree when we have a gathering here. Thanks for the chance. The design is so nice - and the fabrics very pretty!

  119. Artificial. I love this design--I remember Tish making it to test it! Lovely colours and charm squares too.

  120. Artificial x
    Iain.ross30 at gmail dot com

  121. Artificial. I used to like the real when they actually had the real evergreen tree smell but I haven't smelled that smell for years so we stick with the artificial. I've even decorated an artificial palm tree and it was beautiful! Thanks.

  122. real hubby insists he and kids have fun picking out and I sweep the needles

  123. I love real but have to settle for artificial due to allergies. I would love to win this!! thanks you!!

  124. I love real, but settle for artificial for simplicity. I'd love and to get a real tree sometime, and treat my daughters to the memories I have of real trees!

  125. Artificial, real is too labor intensive any more

  126. Real... and some small artificial because I love making ornaments

  127. Oh, Jayne, this block is lovely! And the colors are so beautiful! As for trees... REAL!!! And cut-it-yourself if possible : )

  128. It's been real for us, but as we get older and kids are leaving the house, I'm thinking artificial might be easier on us.

  129. Artificial; too many allergies in this house. I do love the smell of pine though!

  130. Artificial, I am to allergic to the real one.

  131. I like both but artificial to save money and trees

  132. Artificial. We go through less kleenex that way lol

  133. Artificial ! Thank you .

  134. Artificial ! Thank you .

  135. Love real but since I'm allergic...artificial it must be!

  136. Artificial, we had always had a real tree until we couldn't find one last year. We had to get a fake tree, and discovered that we liked it much better than a real one.
    jen dot barnard at btinternet dot com

  137. I love real, but sadly can't get them where I live, so have to settle for an artificial one!

  138. We still have our artificial tree but for the last few years, we've gotten a real one because I love the pine scent.

  139. Artificial!! I love the real thing, but unfortunately, I'm allergic to them and sneeze constantly when they're in the house.

  140. I love real, but we have artificial due to one year almost freezing our toes off!!!

  141. Artificial - no mess and allergies.

  142. Last year we had a real and this year we're using artificial, so both! It just depends on what's going on in our lives.

  143. This little block makes me smile and I can say is so much fun to make and quilt!!! Artificial :) Our one and only real tree came pre-loaded with praying mantis cocoons. We got them out of the house before they hatched, but I said never again :)

  144. Real. I love the scent of pine wafting through the house. This mini is outrageously beautiful!

  145. Real. Unfortunately a house full of playful kitties dictates Fake! lol!
    lstangl482 at aol dot com

  146. Real. Unfortunately a house full of playful kitties dictates Fake! lol!
    lstangl482 at aol dot com

  147. I love the smell of real trees.

  148. My favorite is real, but we have artificial.

    Pink Scissors Design on Etsy
    pinkscissorsdesign @gmail .com

  149. Artificial. We always got a real tree from the same vendor each year, but one year bugs started hatching a couple of days before Christmas and before we realized the source they were all over the downstairs. We had to clean like crazy before my family came over for our Christmas Eve dinner. So we ended up with no tree that year, and went out and bought an artificial one on sale after Christmas. It looks real and is so easy.

  150. Artificial, due to cats and space constraints.

  151. Artificial is how we roll. Love a real tree, but it's messy.

  152. Now I've switched to artificial.

  153. I like to put up pre-lit artificial but nothing beats the real deal!

  154. Real, if at all. And whimsy.

  155. We've had an artificial Christmas tree since year dot!

  156. I wish real, but artificial due to allergies.

  157. artificial tree - it means i can hang up all the ornaments each year!

  158. Artificial so it lasts longer.

  159. We have a real tree each year.

  160. Artificial, though I grew up with real trees. There's something wonderful about being able to have it up for weeks without worrying about all the needles dropping off, lol. Your little mini is adorable. Thanks for all the chances to win :)

  161. We keep an artificial because we travel with work extensively, right up til holiday time. Once we retire I would love the nice smell and earth friendly Christmas tree. Did you know that for each tree cut, the farmer replaces it with 3 more! Way to go! And ours goes back into the ecosystem once retired? Artificials will stay in land fills for hundreds of years :(

  162. Real. No place to store an artificial tree!

  163. We now have an artificial much to my children's dismay.

  164. Artificial. The hubbie got sick of fallen needles. Bah humbug! Tarnia.hodges at gmail dot com

  165. Sadly, artificial. The last real tree we had put me in the hospital since I'm allergic to them!

  166. Both. Equal opportunity trees around here.

  167. Artificial, although I had to get one that looks real. I would love to celebrate with real trees, but there are so many reasons not to. Kudos to the people who re recycle their trees for mulch, fish habitat, etc.

  168. We have been real for the past 30+ years, but this year we broke down and are now fake

  169. Artificial I am allergic to pine and cedar trees

  170. Artificial, because my mother and sister visit and they are allergic. But I love the real trees and their smell.

  171. Artificial, yet real trees sure do smell wonderful! I will surely be downloading your pattern, it is beautiful. It may be awhile before I can make it though with all Christmas things going on. Thank you for this fabulous give away; you are such a talented quilter, artist and pattern writer. Have a fantastic creative day!

  172. Real but I'd really like an artificial one to save the mess in the car. Just like everyone this pattern.

  173. Artificial, for the ease of it. Plus I'm cheap and don't really like buying once-living plants that can't be replanted when I'm done with them in the house.

  174. I've only ever had an artificial tree, though I hear the smell of the real deal is nice. IDK if I could bring myself to kill a tree for 4 weeks of decoration though.

  175. Artificial so the tree can stay up for a longer period of time.
