
Monday, January 1, 2018

Best of 2017 :: Happy New Year!

I couldn't very well let the year end without sharing my Best of 2017, now could I?!  Thanks to Cheryl @Meadowmistdesigns, who is hosting the Best of 2017 Blog Linky Party, I've decided to compile my list and join the fun.  

The idea is to pick five top blog posts of the year by views, comments or our personal favorites.  I'm going with a combination or all of the above.    

This is the perfect time of year to look back and reminisce, reflect and evaluate what 2017 meant to us.  I'm not sad that this year has come to an end.  It's been a hard year, yet a good year.  A mixed bag of life, which is pretty normal I'd say!

It's also a time to celebrate!  Enough gloom...bring on the happy!

I've always had trouble keeping my zippers in place and decided to experiment with glue basting them.  Turns out it works and for someone (me) who needs all the help they can get with zippers, this is the perfect solution!  This tutorial also received the most views on my blog!

Another tutorial!  I designed this block mostly with a color palette in mind, but also wanting to make it BIG!  The block is available as a free download on Craftsy (X-Squared) and comes in two sizes: 16" and 10".  This is a beginner friendly block and can easily be made with scraps!  We like that!

3.  'Revitalized' :: Pantone 2017 Quilt Challenge
I'm picking this quilt as one of my personal favorites for a couple reasons.  First, it combined improv and precision work.  It is a color that I normally do not gravitate!  And lastly my favorite because it's my first quilt accepted into QuiltCon!  More on that later...

What can I say about this one?!  It's wild, wacky and slightly out there!  Plus, there is that rainbow connection...cue Kermit singing.  

5.  'Create' :: Love Patchwork & Quilting Magazine 
This one also because it's a rainbow, but mostly because it was in a magazine!  I was very honored and excited to share my 'faux trapunto' technique!  Hopefully it inspired people to 'create' something all their own!

And that is that!  A wrap up of my year!  I couldn't have done it without the support of our amazing quilting community.  The encouragement, support and inspiration is endless...and of course what would a blog be without you?!  I have appreciated every single comment, every single interaction and hope that I have given something back to you in return.  Happy New year to you all!  Cheers!  

For those who are on Instagram, I'm sure you've seen many, many #2017bestnine  mosaics.  They are your nine most viewed posts from your Instagram feed.  I had to see what mine would be and must say, it was a surprise even to me!



  1. How did I miss your X Block tutorial. I love it. Can I use this in a Bee Hive in 2018?

  2. Fun seeing these projects again! All the best in 2018!

  3. It is fun to see your highlight reel, Jayne! You have had a colorful quilty fave is that log cabin...but you knew that, right? Happy New Year...I will be here, tagging along as usual! xo!

    1. I hope you keep tagging along and you have to know…I really appreciate your constant support!

  4. I had a great time revisiting these posts from 2017! Happy New Year!

  5. These are such a great recap and summary of your quilting year, Jayne. I look forward to seeing what you create in 2018!

  6. Happy New Year! I enjoyed seeing this recap.

  7. Enjoyed reading your favorites for the year. You have so many wonderful finishes, I don't know how you can pick! Your zipper tutorial was a timely one. I need to install a zipper in my daughter's hedgehog pillow. Do you mind if I ask you a few questions about this?

  8. Happy New Year!! I always enjoy your posts! Your work is always fun, fresh, and modern!! All beautiful!!! Here's to an amazing 2018!!

    1. I love sharing, inspiring and creating and hope to continue throughout 2018!

  9. That's a great list. 2017 was a great year. Here's to an even better 2018.

  10. Your quilts are always so fun and bright, and I love your modern, minimalist style. Looking forward to seeing what's up your sleeve for 2018, Jayne :) Happy New Year!

  11. fun to see your compilation! Here's to a better year for us all!

  12. So colorful, clean and modern! I love all your quilts and photos!!!

  13. Loved seeing the highlights of your year. Thanks for sharing!

  14. 2018 the grand entry for someone. but this year, I can't receive it perfectly. May be 2019 will be the great.


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