
Sunday, September 23, 2018

Look Into My Eyes :: Hypnotize

Look into my eyes, you are getting sleepy...

I'm thinking Hypnotize might be a good name for this quilt, it seems so obvious!  One  definition of hypnotize is:  capture the whole attention of someone; fascinate.   

I can not get enough of my 'textured twists' these days!  The idea of a black and white quilt with twists had been brewing for a while in the back of my mind.  I wondered and experimented for a couple weeks before settling on this design.  The hardest part was getting the perfect half circles.  Persistence!

34" x 37"
I've made textured twists in panels, squares, curvy curves.  What else could I do?  Half circles seemed like the next logical shape to tackle.   

The trick was getting the curve just right.  There needed to be enough space at the top and bottom so that the twists didn't get lost in the seam, and with the bulk of the seams with the twist there had to be enough space on the sides...but not too much...just exactly enough! 

Trial and error played a big part in mastering the half circle block.  I made long panels that I cut the curves from using a cardboard template.  It made the cutting process go a little bit faster and while each block isn't exactly the same, they are about as exact as they could get.  What's that saying?  Done is better than perfect?!

The next step was the layout.  I had an idea on the layout before I started, but I wouldn't be me if I didn't change it along the way at least once.  My husband played a part in the final design and I'm thankful for his input.  But wouldn't you know after the first couple of rows were together he comes to me with a different idea!  He must know by now that once I get an idea in my head I'm not going to stop until it's finished! 

6 3/4" x 5"
Finished Block
I knew I could easily become confused on which side was up and which was down with the twists, and it really does make a difference in the overall effect especially with it being in black and white.  So I pressed all the blocks with the twists pressed in the right direction before sewing the outside on the half circle.  

I was shocked to see how much black dust came from the fabric after each sewing session.  I fine layer was all over my sewing space and I was compelled to clean each time I finished for the day.  I used Kona White and Black for this quilt.  If you have use a black other than Kona, I'd be interested to know if it does the same thing.

The quilting was intentionally kept simple.  Straight lines between each twist and 1/4" curved lines around each half circle.  In black thread of course!  Even though it's just black and white, there is plenty going on without overwhelming it with quilting detail.  

One other thing about this quilt, the visual effect is all in the pressing of the twists.  I wanted to get photos taken so I haphazardly pressed the blocks.  Now that I look at, I'm not sure I like the angles of the pressing.  I can easily change that with a hot iron!  What other block can you change the look of by pressing it differently?!  I'm not sure there is one!

You know cutting curves leaves you with a lot of scraps, so don't be surprised if you see another black and white combination one day soon!

My second entry for the Blogger's Quilt Festival hosted by Amy at Amy's Creative Side.  If your looking for inspiration or new blogs to follow, you will certainly find it here!



  1. This is adorable, Jayne! It reminds me of the little striped hats they put on newborns at the hospital to keep their little heads warm. I love how you're continuing to explore the possibilities of the texture/fabric twist idea!

    1. I still have plenty of ideas for this technique, but I feel like I need to give it a rest for a while! Now that you mention the newborn hats…I totally see it! It’s funny how everyone sees something different in a quilt!

  2. I like the randomness of the pressing.

  3. Wow, you've definitely have created a unique quilt here - awesome! As i scroll through your post, my computer screen kind of 'moves' through all that twistiness, lol. Very nice to have your husband's input with your projects.

  4. Jayne, you have made many amazing quilts, but this has to be my favorite so far! You must enter this in shows! It’s a winner, for sure.

  5. hypnotize is the perfect name! well done as always!

  6. It's fabulous! The randomness of the pressing is essential.

  7. Hypnotize seems like the perfect name! I love all the movement in this little quilt! Amazing! Now i feelva sudden urge for a nap...

  8. I wouldn't be able to use that fabric - it would make me dizzy!

  9. Is this another quilt you plan to enter in the 2 color challenge for QuiltCon or perhaps the piecing category? Black (any black) is notorious for showing lint, especially from batting. I keep meaning to try out some black batting with a black quilt to see if it is any better, but I've yet to do that to be able to report on.

    1. I do hope to enter this one as well! I wondered about black batting after the fact when I was taking photos of this one. The pictures seem to magnify the batting lint, but in person it isn’t quite as bad as it looks! If there is a next black quilt I most certainly will invest in black batting!

  10. Wow. Every version you try of this technique is more amazing yet. Very interesting in black and white with the half circles!

  11. I love how you experiment with a technique in all kinds of different ways! It's always fun to see what you've tried. I think the way the twists show in this one makes it look like there is light shining here and there on those "windows!"

  12. Whoa..................can't look at for too long ----- getting dizzy!

  13. This one is so very fascinating. Using black batting is the key for eliminating lint on black fabric. I usually keep some in stock just for applications like this. You just have to be careful the batting doesn't change the color of the other fabrics in your quilt (like lights, etc). In this case, it would work perfectly!

  14. I am simultaneously getting very sleepy, and very excited!! What a cool effect! You never cease to amaze me, Jayne :)

  15. I love this quilt, the hypnotic affect is just too cool! Are you planning on submitting this to quiltcon? I would love to see it in person. As for black fabrics, I have not had the black lint issue with Kona. I have used black Cotton Couture in the past and it was worse than a lint brush, I would use a roller to get the lint off and within 1 minute it looked like my cat had slept on it for hours.

  16. All I can say is that this quilt is definitely a big WOWZER!

  17. That is wild. It's a fascinating design!

  18. It certainly is hypnotic. I love your colour choices, they work so well with the design. It’s lovely Jayne.

  19. I am getting sleepy, but I was that way before I looked at your quilt, haha. Too much quilting for one day I guess. Love seeing all the different twists you are coming up with!!

  20. Very dramatic! You picked the perfect name for that project.

  21. Your creativity just knocks me off my feet every time Jayne! I love everything you make. Thanks for sharing your quilt on Main Crush Monday!

  22. You are doing magical things with twists! This is another one that's Quilt Con worthy.

  23. This is fantastic Jayne! SO ingenious and so much to look at, and play with the eye. Isn't it wonderful to have a husband to add his two cents' worth? Even if it's at times "too late! On a mission!" time. :-) For some reason I have become a no-reply blogger on blogger blogs with embedded comment boxes. I have spent a couple hours trying to fix it all to no avail, GRRR. So ephdra at gmail dot com is my email address.

  24. I love this! I'm putting your textured twists on my list of things to try some day. Certainly not a whole quilt, but maybe at least a potholder :) Looks fun.


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