
Friday, September 28, 2018

Maelstrom :: Scraps & Improv

I finished quilting my Geometry Lesson quilt last week and decided before I could move on to the next one I had better take my machine in for a tune up.  It was getting a bit clunky and squeaky, which I'm sure isn't a good thing!  Hopefully it will make the machine quilting process a little less painful.

That very same day I started feeling getting a cold blah!  I wasn't feeling horrible, but not feeling well enough to take on a new project.  That being said, I also wasn't going to sit on the sidelines and not do something!  So, I blew my nose, made a cup of tea and grabbed a project that would be mindless and inconsequential.

17 1/2" x 17 1/2"
Do the colors look familiar?!  This quilt is from all the scraps I had leftover from my recent finish 'Bridges'.  Trusted Kona Deep Blue and Toasted Pecan!  

Several weeks ago I started sewing some of these scraps together for no other reason than they were there.  Simply put.  And now was the time to put them together and let the chips fall as they may.

This is where it ended weeks ago and where it started a couple days ago.  It certainly isn't very impressive is it?!

It wasn't long before things changed and the unimpressive slab morphed into what I think is a pretty interesting quilt.  

It looks a bit pixelated or a little chaotic, and that's all true.  Not all improv is 'flying by the seat of your pants', there is a part of the process that has to be planned to some degree.  That's my experience, loose planning.  

When I decided to add the curve around the center I wasn't sure which color to use.  I only had two to choose from so it didn't take long to narrow it down! 


I almost took the final border in a completely different direction and I'm so glad I didn't take that road!  The way the pecan and blue are opposite from each other exceeded my expectations!  I couldn't have planned it any better...or did I plan it at all?!  

Let's talk quilting for just a second.  Same same...dense and organic.  Enough said!  I'm not terribly creative!

One of my favorite details is the binding.  Look at that line up!  Adding a matched binding was the perfect final accessory!  It's a wonderful way to take the eye from edge to edge.

Hopefully I'll get a handle on this cold situation and be back on top of my game soon!  It would help if this rain would stop and the sunshine would make an appearance!


  1. Striking, intriguing, and eye catching. It draws me in and invites me to take a closer look. Matching binding is harder than it looks I find, especially on a smaller project, it sets it off beautifully. I’ve been away from blogland recently, I’m glad I didn’t miss this one.

  2. Another brilliant composition! I need to get back to some improv work myself.

    1. I feel like I’ve veered away from improv lately too! Which made making this one all the more fun!

  3. "I'm not terribly creative" HAHAHA right! this is amazing. hope you're feeling better soon

    1. Well, not creative in the sense of quilting…for the most part!

  4. I had wondered what you were making with the same colors again when you showed them on Instagram, Jayne. I hope you are feeling better now!

  5. I love the idea of loosely planning! That fits what I do, too. This is a lot of fun, Jayne - the curve around the center piece is a neat surprise! Hope you're feeling much better.

  6. This is a very unique quilt! I like the densely quilted back and how you have matched up the binding.

  7. A very modern improv-just what we expect from you! Feel better soon:)

  8. Wow, this is pretty amazing considering you weren't even feeling good! I love it though and that matched binding - oh yeah!

  9. I love how you handled those borders. And the curves were a perfect addition. I am thinking you are feeling poorly because I swear you must never sleep :)

  10. I hope you will get better soon, but even sick, you achieve beautiful quilts! So maybe sometimes it's good to have a cold ;O Amazing binding, perfect match!

  11. I love how you reimagined the scraps into this fun mini!


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