
Thursday, February 21, 2019

Pick Up Game :: Revisited

This past Saturday we had our monthly Guild meeting, which happened to be an open sew meeting.  I needed something to sew that day...I had nothing in the I invented a new project!  I know, it seems ridiculous even to me!
24" x 24"
But what's a girl to do?!  I took a design I made last year (Connections) for a Curated Quilt Challenge, and revamped it using bright jewel tone Peppered Cottons.

I fully intended to stop right where it was, but something got to me and I felt the need to keep going.  Story of our quilt life, right?!

I've had this Studio E Peppered Cotton fabric for quite a while, and I figured it was about time I use them.  Plus, I wanted to make something with bold colors ever since I finished my pastel Pink Haze quilt.

The blocks are a very simple paper pieced design.  Three sections are all you need!  However, when four blocks are sewn together that's where the magic starts.  You can take it in many different directions depending on your color placement.  

Since this was suppose to be a simple small 'pick up' project, I played with the design and colors in EQ8 until I found one I liked.  Even then, I had to change a color I choose in the original design. 

I was bound and determined to get every seam to line up, which was easier said than done!  Using a large basting stitch (3.0) before sewing a 1/4" seam was used to ensure this would happen.  It helped, but I still had to get the seam ripper out and try a couple times on some of the blocks.  

Even though this was a project to fill time, I learned from previous projects that I would be very sad and dissatisfied if I didn't try for perfection!  So I did my very best!

Dare I say I had so much fun that I felt the urge to go one more round?!  I wouldn't say fun had much to do with it.  But I loved how it turned out and was curious what I could do if I were to add more...

And so I did.  As I was cutting out the fabric for the new round, I had to change up some of the fabric selections.  I pretty much used every stitch of my peppered cottons, which is a good thing.  There is no way this quilt will get any larger, unless I add a border.  After the final round it will be 36" x 36".

If I hadn't precut the pieces of fabric before making the blocks it could have been a disaster!  Midway through brought some color changes and that led to having to
s-t-r-e-t-c-h some of the fabric to make it work.  Otherwise I would seriously been short by 'just that much' and the quilt would have stalled!  As it was I made it work and time will tell if it'll come together as planned!

Today is QuiltCon!!  My first time attending and I can't tell you how excited I am about that!  I've only watched from afar, and now I get a front row seat to the festivities and hoopla!  Plus, the real bonus is meeting many of the people I know only through Social Media.  It's gonna be amazing!  Of course, seeing all the beautiful quilts promises to be the cherry on top of the entire experience!  


  1. Love hearing about and watching your process. I hope the rain stops long enough for everyone to enjoy QuiltCon. What an introduction to Nashville for first-time visitors. Looks like we're going to stay in the Glade so I'll miss seeing you.

  2. have fun at Quilt Con waiting to hear all about it from all you that blog. Your small piece is so bright and colorful so very cool!

    1. QuiltCon is nothing short of amazing and overwhelming! I was able to pick up more fabric for this quilt…in case I decided to keep going on it though!

  3. Oh boy, that bright, bold orange just really sings! I love it! I could just sit and happily look at that quilt for the rest of the day, that's how much I love orange. Anyway -- enjoy QuiltCon! Can't wait to hear about it.

  4. I love the bright colors of this quilt! Enjoy QuiltCon. Nadine W. N. Cali

    1. I was looking for a bright project to make and this one hits all the high notes for me!

  5. These colors are definitely back to your bold and bright ones! Fantastic job on getting all those points and corners to match :)

  6. I love peppered cottons! this is awesome, maybe we'll see it hanging in Austin next year! I had fun finding all of your quilts today.... see you tomorrow!

  7. Of course, you had to invent a new project LOL It looks great. Hope you're having an awesome time at QuiltCon.

  8. I sure would love to see this up close. I think Peppered Cottons can't be fully appreciated on a screen. I really liked Pink Haze, but it's good to see you scratching your bright itch again. Have fun at QuiltCon!

  9. Fabulous bright colors to play with - especially at this grim gray time of year!

  10. Hope you had a great time at QuiltCon. Your quilt is lovely! The peppered cottons are a favorite of mine too. I have stacks of it and I really should get it out and use it someday.

    Thanks for linking up with Oh Scrap!

  11. That is such a neat design, and I love all the color! You are a master of making something amazing out of one simple block. I hope you had a great time at QuiltCon!

  12. This is absolutely lovely - just my kind of design. Supremely bright and in your face. It reminds me of the movie Coco. Have a fabulous time at Quiltcon.

  13. What a glorious use of color.Great design.

  14. Gosh, that's beautiful, Jayne! Glad you had "just enough" fabric rather than "almost enough." Been there, done that way too many times!

  15. Great bold colors. I really like how when the blocks come together, they form larger background colored areas.


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