
Friday, March 8, 2019

Dazed, Confused, Overwhelmed: QuiltCon 2019

I think I've finally come down from my first QuiltCon experience!  In a way I'm still soaking in what I saw and experienced.  To say it was amazing would be an understatement!

I'll admit I was unprepared for the entire show.  Having never attended QuiltCon, I didn't know what to expect and I was freaking out well before I even stepped foot at the venue.  My first day was so overwhelming.  When I enter the quilt exhibit, I was immediately filled with a sense of 'Holy Hell'!  The quilts, the people, the vendors, the noise.  I was dazed and confused, all the sensations you get when you've been over stimulated!  My first thought was I'm not coming back, this is too much!  That feeling stayed with me much of the day until I was able to calm down, relax and enjoy the moment.

Next time I'll have a sense of what to expect and I'm sure I'll handle it so much better.  QuiltCon is like the Super Bowl of quilt shows.  Everyone talks about it, everyone enters, everyone shows least in my mind!  I've come to the conclusion that I am far too insecure about my ability and my quilts.  Did I compare my entries to other quilts, yes.  Did I think they weren't up to par with other quilts, yes.  Did I stand off to the side and watch people get up close and personal with my quilts, yes.  Did I eventually get over my insecurity, yes.  To some extent.  

I don't want it to sound like my experience was horrible, because it was not.  Not at all!  I loved it and marveled at the artistry of every single quilt I saw.  Every time I walked the exhibit I saw something new.  I got to finally meet people I feel like I've known forever and become friends with through social media, people I've admired (fan girl), and so many others that that alone made it amazing.  My only regret is that I didn't get to meet everyone I wanted to meet!  I found myself always looking at peoples badges that were hanging around their neck to see if I knew them!  

I took many pictures, and didn't share one on Instagram!  I'm sharing ones that stood out to me in one way or another.  

I am totally in love with this color palette and the design is pretty spectacular!

Amazing right?!  This quilt received a 3rd place ribbon for piecing.

The color combination grabbed my attention first.  But the overall design is striking to me.  This quilt received a 2nd place ribbon for the Two Color Challenge.

This was a 3rd place winner in the Improvisation category.  The perspective of the houses is pretty great!

Even now I'm amazed at how skinny those red lines are!  It hit all my buttons for 'tiny' piecing!

The variety of every thing quilt related was shown at QuiltCon.  Machine, long arm and hand quilting.  Tiny, medium and large quilts.  Improv, applique and paper pieced.  There were many quilts that had matched and faced bindings.  I was surprised at how many quilts were faced and I'll assume that's because of my inexperience at quilt show etiquette!

The last thing I want you to think is that I was disappointed in any way with my first QuiltCon show.  By sharing my experience I'm able to gain a better perspective and maybe I can prepare others.

By the second day I fell into a groove.  It was also the day my daughter came and I was able to share it with her.  She did all the 'proud mama' things like take pictures of me in front of my quilts!  Having a 'buddy' to be with, having lectures or classes make a difference.  And first and foremost, connecting with people makes a difference.  

My husband was a champ during all this upheaval!  He talked me through my day when I needed it, he even bought me a bouquet of flowers to show how proud he was of me!  And the day after the show was over he said it was totally doable to go to Austin next year!  I can tell you I shut him down on that one!  I hadn't even taken a breath in 3 days...I wasn't ready to hear that!

The cherry on top for me was when I received an email saying 'Hypnotized' was selected for the Best of QuiltCon 2019 traveling exhibit!  This quilt will be heading to South Africa, France and Australia!  Safe travels little quilt!    

The only source of knowledge is experience. 
Albert Einstein

From this one experience I gained an enormous amount of knowledge.  Until next time QuiltCon!


  1. Thanks for sharing, Jayne. I've been so hungry to see pictures since the weather kept me in East TN. Your Hypnotized is worthy of its honor! I know what you mean about over-stimulation. I've stopped going to AQS Paducah because I get panicky in the crowds.

    1. Thank you Libby and I was sure there were many others who were just as overwhelmed as I was. I did get over that feeling and was able to take in more and enjoy it. It could be that the first day is always the craziest and that didn’t help!!

  2. I think going to these quilt shows can be overwhelming the first time you go to them. I remember the first time I went to Paducah KY for the AQS show - I think I missed half of the displays I was wandering and wandering trying to take it all in and then the vendors! well it was a bit much - and then the time I went to the show in Houston LOL - well I won't even get started on that one. Glad you had the experience and congrats on your quilt being part of the traveling show

    1. Thank you for sharing your experiences! Now I know I’m not alone! The entire first day I spent wandering trying to take in everything. I tried to be strategic with the vendors and held off until the second day to make a purchase! If you aren’t accustomed to crowds like that, it certainly can leave you with a paralyzing fear!

  3. I hear you! It is overwhelming. I was so happy to meet & hang out with you! and Austin.... it is totally doable! You've got a whole year to get ready. As for "faced quilts" I think that is mostly a modern thing. I have not noticed it so much at traditional shows

  4. How wonderful you got to experience it. You can totally do Austin! Faced quilts is more of a modern technique. Traditional quilts are finished with binding. I prefer binding as it "finishes" an edge. As a knitter I dislike necklines that are continued from the body, I prefer to bind off necklines and pick up for the finishing edge. I think it gives a more stable edge. But that's just MHO.

  5. It IS overwhelming! The second I stepped into the show hall, I swear my heart shopped for a second and I couldn't breathe! It is amazing, wonderful, intimidating, scary - SO many feels! So glad I got to meet you!

  6. Overwhelmed or not, it sounds as if you had a wonderful time. Congrats on having your quilt chosen to do a world tour. Big crowds of people are not my thing but I might give in for QuiltCon. Hope you are getting some rest after all the excitement. Nadine W. N. Cali

  7. It is definitely a lot to take in and Nashville was the biggest show in terms of number of quilts, vendors, and people attending yet. I do wish I had been able to give you a big, reassuring hug. You and your quilts are worthy and amazing!

    1. I was hoping this would finally be the time I’d be able to meet you in person! Hopefully it’ll happen one day in the very near future! Even though it overwhelmed me I was able to settle in and take it all in. Talk about a quilt smorgasbord! Way more than I expected!

  8. It seemed very exciting from a distance. Those big things generally are easier when somebody is with you I think. Partly because it always seems to me that everybody else has a buddy, and also you can bounce ideas of a friend. I am going to a big yarn festival soon, one day on my own, and one with my dil. I bet I enjoy the second better

  9. I hear you, Jayne! I'm an introvert, so downtime by myself is what recharges me. Meeting new friends (even if I "know" them through social media) and talking from sunup to sundown is exhausting for me. I make a point to stay as close to the venue as possible so that I can go back to the room midday just to chill.

    That being said, I'm already planning on Austin!

  10. I absolutely adore your quilt. It is simply outstanding.

  11. I love your honest telling of your experience, and I join with you and others about that inundation! I tend to avoid big events like this because I get so exhausted (mostly from overexposure/overexcitement!!), but I also secretly yearn to see some of these beauties in person, and like you, meet some of those cyber-friends in person. Congratulations on the selection of your piece for the traveling show. I'm a HUGE fan of yours, and you would be one of those "greats" I would want to meet, but would also feel intimidated about! Love getting your emails - if I could only get one blogger's, it would definitely be yours. Thx again for sharing!

  12. OMG how awesome it is that your quilt will be traveling, congrats! I could tell you really enjoyed the show 😉

  13. Congratulations! I am planning to go to the Adelaide show to see the best of quilt con so I will get to see your quilt! I am a member of the Melbourne Mqg and I was lucky enough to have my quilt chosen as one of three representing our guild in the show. I convinced Hubby to do the 8hour drive with me as I haven't seen one of my quilts in a show. I am a bit scared too :-) Couldn't get to quiltcon so this will be next best thing!


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