
Sunday, March 10, 2019

Circle of Geese Plus :: A Fast and Furious Project

I'm trying to get back in the swing of things and start regular blog posts again.  I feel like I've been on vacation minus the sand, surf and sun that usually is the destination of choice!

Some time after I finished my pastel quilt Pink Haze, and before QuiltCon, I was looking for a project.  Something that was small, something that was quick and most certainly something with color.  

17.5" x 17.5"
One of my favorite paper pieced patterns is Circle of Geese by Piece By Number.  It's a pattern on BluPrint (formerly Craftsy) and free to anyone.    


I've made three versions of Circle of Geese, each time adding my own twist.  Borders, colors and quilting are fun ways to change it up and in a sense make it my own.  As much as you can when using someone else's design!

This is the finished design before borders.  I used 12 different shades from yellow to red in the circle and and Kona black for the background.  You can print the pattern so the circle goes clockwise or counter clockwise, and it consists of four sections.

Each section is identical which makes it easy to precut pieces.  I like to figure out the size, cut four and sew each piece before I move on.  It makes the process quicker, easier and less stressful for me!

This time I added the three geese on each side for more color, visual interest and to increase the size.  It took a few tries to get the side geese the right size, but with EQ8 I was able to do that with minimal paper waste.  

The border geese couldn't much more simple!  Once I figured out the placement, the rest was pretty straight forward.  Add a couple background pieces and the task was done!

I could have done a better job at lining up the border geese on all sides so that they were all the same.  As you can see from this photo, the orange side goose lines up point to point, but the yellow side goose does not.  Honestly it didn't even occur to me to check that part!  Perhaps there will be a next time!


When it came time for quilting I knew I didn't want to quilt the geese.  If I had I would of wanted to use matching thread for each goose, and I didn't want to get that detailed with thread.

I stuck with black thread and created a geometric star in the center to begin with.  From there I figured out certain points that I could use to continue the geometric design using lines.  It came together in the end.  

The back is a metallic gold piece of fabric I've had for years.  I'm not sure why I would have bought this...but I did.  This was a good time to use it for the back and in a weird way it kind of fits.  I mean, it's black and it has circles!  

I'm not sure why that it is, one of my many quirks I suppose!.  It isn't because I think I could improve the pattern.  It could be an ego thing...I gotta make it mine!  I don't know.  I just know that's the way I work, the way my brain works!

Do you follow the rules or do you color outside the box?



  1. Lovely; the colours shine against the black.

  2. it's terrific. you know me, I'm a color outside the box girl too!

    1. I know you are!! There is something satisfying about making a project your own even is the bones are someone else’s design!

  3. Fabulous, I love what you have done here. I pretty much just do what I want, by changing things then you get a really individual piece. x

  4. I like to shrink patterns to "make them my own." Your addition looks really good. So the points don't line up? SEW what!! Silly goose, you KNOW you can't control a flock of flying geese!!

  5. I frequently change things, especially in knitting. It's not an ego thing, I think it's just how our brains process and put into play methods. We all have preferred methods and fall back on them when we make. Your method is to push boundaries and limits. I don't think you change things just because, I think your brain sees options, on steroids sometimes, but that's OK. LOL. Here's my Circle Of Geese

  6. I like the extra movement the side geese give the mini. Birds in formation aren't perfectly aligned, either. I personally think that the small variation is great. :)

    1. I was surprised by the addition of the side geese and how it appears to be swirling or giving movement! Geese, real life geese flying are not perfectly aligned and since mine are not either…it makes it even better!

  7. Creating intuitively to make it your own is a wonderful thing. I have some of that gold and black fabric you are using for the back, bought for creating dragons.

  8. I tend to improvise or do my own thing on lots of patterns. I made it to 81 mostly following my rules ... as long as it was legal and didn't hurt anyone else. I think you need to be true to yourself. I like wonky or things a little off-center. My daughter, who quilts as well, likes order. So there is balance in our world. ;)

  9. It depends on the quilt - sometimes I follow the pattern and sometimes I change it up. I don't think of it as an insult to the original quilt designer, I think of it as a compliment. I like your quilt so much that I want to take my time with it - the extra time to change it up.

  10. You just like the challenge, nothing wrong with that!! Very cute 😍

  11. I just love the Circle of Geese pattern, and you make it look amazing in every color combination! I have it printed out - now I'm inspired to give it my own try.

  12. I love all variations of this pattern that you have done. I am probably more of a rule follower (after 29 years of having to adhere to state and federal regulations at is just too hard of a habit to break. I'm ruined for life!). Nadine W. N.Cali

  13. I have this pattern - need to make it at some point. I love the colors you picked, and what terrific quilting!

  14. Love your Hot Geese piece. and yep, that fabric is fabulous for its backing - very striking without fighting with the front. Oh, yes, I often like to go outside the rules/directions. Sometimes in terms of tweaking the design here or there, sometimes in terms of how the construction is done.

  15. Beautifully done! Love the colors and the black really makes them pop. I rarely follow a pattern completely, I usually have to tweak something along the way. I've never wanted to make a quilt just like someone else's. Not sure what that says about me, but I find it fun and a challenge to add my own spin.


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