
Saturday, May 18, 2019

Pink! Pink! Pink!

I've been dabbling, dawdling and slowly getting things in order so far this month.  Nothing earth shattering is in the works, but I'm finding my way and coming up with a couple new ideas.

When the mood strikes me I like to make pot holders!  They might be small, they might not be every ones cup of tea, but I do like making them.  When I can use scraps of any kind I do get excited.  I've made numerous red, black, blue, teal, yellow, orange, green and rainbow pot holders, but it never crossed my mind to make pink ones.  Pink isn't a classic kitchen color combination by any means.  Far be it from me to tamp down an idea or go classic when it comes to pot holders!!

8 1/2" x 8 1/2"
My pink scraps were getting out of hand, now not so much!  Bits and pieces of pink sewn together haphazardly, or are they!  I built the improv sections first and then added the curve lines at the end.   

With all my pot holders, I use a layer of cotton batting and Insul-Bright in between the top and back.   

Because I love pink and gray together, this set ended up with the best of both worlds.  Another bonus of making pot holders for me is quilting them.  You don't often hear me say I like quilting, but in the case of these...yes I do!  They are easy to handle, I can get as crazy as I want and they are fast!  

8 1/2" x 8 1/2"
Another design I like to use when making pot holders is curves.  I tend to have a 50-50 split of odd size scraps and skinny strips.  The curve style is a good way to use the long strips regardless of width.  

Normally pot holder sets are exactly the same.  Two with the exact same design.  I don't know why they have to be, but they are.  I like to have my sets in the same colors, but each one is unique and different.

When I'm making my curve pot holders I use the same number of strips and same colors for each pot holder, except I mix it up so each one is unique.  That way they are similar yet different. 

Another plus to making pot holders is you can use large scraps for the back, colors that aren't your favorite or stray layer cake precuts.  

Do you have a favorite color combination for your kitchen decor?

I've been slowly making progress on my Neon Pink quilt!  I'll make a block or three here and there, which was the plan.  

I have about 50 more blocks to make for a queen size quilt.  We'll see how accurate I am with my calculations!

When it comes time to add the sashing, I think I might sew half a dozen of the rectangle blocks together to make one big block and then sew the bigger sections together.  That step is a long way off and how it comes together will be determined at that time!



  1. Replies
    1. It’s crazy bright, but I’m hoping after the sashing it will tame it down a little bit!

  2. I always love seeing your potholders, or is it the colors you use. In the end it is the combination of the two;)

    1. It’s a fun way to explore color combinations and as always…using scraps!

  3. you know your potholders make me giddy! and that neon pink... whoa!

  4. love the gray added to your potholders. The quilt is looking good!

  5. Fraternal potholders? I love it. I think potholders need to be the same size so your hand always knows how much protection it has when you grab one in a hurry. I say this from years of cooking both at home and in our church kitchen with industrial style appliances. I think I might need some new potholders now.

  6. That neon pink is great! Love the potholders too -- and now I'm noticing bright pinks all over. Haha. Always enjoy seeing what you are up to!

  7. I really love your potholders.

  8. It looks like you've been having fun with your pink scraps!! Not my go to color for the kitchen. Your house - your rules!! Although, I would totally make a batch of pink mug rugs for friends. :o))

  9. Looks like your quilting mojo is back with a bang. A few years ago, I had a bright salmon pink kitchen, and I loved it. Those pot holders would have blended right in, but they might even be a game changer in a dull, neutral kitchen. LOVE the blocks for that quilt, with the pops of pink. Can't wait to see it finished.

    1. I feel like I might have gotten my mojo back!! At least I have pot holders made! I think I would love having a salmon kitchen! I think you hit the nail on the head with a neutral kitchen…spice it up splashes of color from pot holders, towels or kitchenware!

  10. These look great. My kitchen is green and cream, I could happily make myself some potholders but will need to get some of the insulating fabric first. I have hardly any green scraps so whatever I make will be a contrast to the kitchen. x

  11. Too cute! The potholders are great ideas!! and that Neon Quilt - Wow! LOVE that combo!

  12. Your potholders are so cute and a great use of your pink scraps! You're inspiring me to play with my scraps and replace the shabby potholders in my kitchen drawer.

  13. I love the color pink. Great idea using your scraps to make those lovely pot holders. My kitchen is Orange and turquoise. I will have to get out my scraps and make some of those curvey ones. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  14. Your pink sewing is so much fun! Why not use up your pink scraps for potholders - I think that would be really cheery in the kitchen. Your neon pink blocks are amazing, too - I'm looking forward to seeing what happens next with that project.

  15. Hi Jayne! I had to do a double-check and cock my head like a German Shepherd who doesn't understand. Was that pretty little striped potholder fooling my eyes with the quilting to think there are curves, or are there curves??!! Aha! There are curves, and I just adore those potholders. And I am not a pink person per se, but these would and maybe should live happily in my home. ~smile~ Roseanne

  16. Great looking pot holders. Do you give them away? I just keep picturing a huge stack of pot holders in your kitchen LOL

  17. Love all the pink - one of my favorite colors! Those line (can't tell if they're curved or not) pot holders are awesome!


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