
Saturday, May 25, 2019

Half Circles :: The Test

I've been thinking about making another circle quilt for some time, but wanted to do something a little different. Usually I make Drunkard Path blocks using print scraps, but not this time!  Solids and half circles came to mind so I set about and started my plan.  Which in reality wasn't much of a plan at all!  

I sometimes have to start a new idea with a test project.  Just in case I can't pull it off as I see it in my mind.  In this case I was drawn to half circles.  Rectangle half circles to be exact.  I figured out the math which is always the tricky part for me.  Latifah Saafir and her Glam Clam ruler came in very handy to make the perfect half circles.

I grabbed my 8" Glam Clam, an assortment of solids and with my fingers crossed...I hoped it would all come together.  I followed the instructions included with the ruler and cut rectangles for the circles and then cut the circle itself.

The outside of the circle was slightly more involved.  As I said I wanted the finished block to be a rectangle with the circle towards the bottom.  By more involved, I mean I had to add an extra two inches to achieve that.  By marking a two inch line with my hera marker, I was able to make sure all the circles were positioned in the same place. 

I think the hardest part or maybe I should say the most scary part was aligning the seams so that it made a perfect circle.  I carefully pinned each seam and for the most part it worked. 

The blocks remind me of beach balls!  After making four blocks and feeling pretty good about my capabilities, I had to come up with a plan for them.  They weren't quite large enough on their own for a decent size table runner length wise, so I made one more.  

Five blocks worked much better for the length, but it wasn't wide enough for my liking.

I certainly didn't want the blocks to gather moss by setting them aside, so I came up with the idea of adding a row of squares along one side.  Right now I have it pinned and ready to quilt.  

Before that can happen I needed to start the project that I really had in mind for the half circles.

Using the 12" Glam Clam ruler borrowed from a friend, I grabbed my Painter's Palette March Madness bundle and went to town cutting!

Sometimes I plan everything from start to finish, sometimes I don't and sometimes I have to roll with the punches and make a few changes.  I wanted the finished quilt to be a decent size and that wasn't going to happen if I only used this bundle from Paintbrush Studio, which was the plan.  No worries!  It wasn't like I didn't have plenty of other fabric to choose from!

The first two 12" half circles I pinned before sewing thinking I'd have better control over all.  That didn't last!  I tried one without pinning and it was much faster and...easier!  And, in order to have perfect, perfect, perfect seams, I glued the seams together before sewing the two half pieces together.  Gotta love glue!  Fun little tricks! 

I'm in the process of sewing all the blocks together with the final layout is to be determined!  And I can't wait!


  1. that looks great! love the designs and the colors

  2. amazing! I am always impressed by your precision. and the colors of your "real" project! SO SO GOOD!

    1. I knew if I was going to do these circles I had to be precise on the matching the seams. Sometimes it doesn’t happen, this time I had amazing luck and even impressed myself!

  3. Love the colors and the way your table runner came together. Anticipating your quilt.............know it will be something fun. Nadine W. N. Cali

  4. Beautiful. I have a bunch of things to finish up and THEN I get to tackle some circles. Have been wanting to for quite some time and you inspire me.

  5. I still have to try your method or pre-gluing your fabric on curves. Your circles are perfect! I love your pink/orange/yellow version.

    Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

    1. I couldn’t be happier with how the circles turned out in the runner and now the quilt! I usually glue smaller Drunkard path blocks all the way around before sewing, but with these blocks being larger I decided to take a chance and forego the glue for that part. However, I did glue the seams. It works so good and will be a lifesaver for the 12” blocks!

  6. Can't wait to see your finished quilt. But the runner --ooh lah lah! It is so fun and cheery! The extra squares on the edge are just perfect!

  7. So fun—and so precise! I’m envious of your use of glue to line up the seams. I am too much of a klutz with glue to try it, but it sure looks good!

  8. Your new blocks look really good! Thanks for sharing your process (including the glued seams)! I look forward to seeing the quilt.

  9. I love this! It’s stunning! I’m glad you in-crossed your fingers while you were cutting!!! 😃 The next project looks just as intriguing!

  10. Lovely half circles! So precise and pretty in those candy pinks :)

  11. Those half circles are amazing! I love what happens when you join two and how the blocks offset. You have such cool ideas, Jayne! I have to try glue-basting for something like that - I haven't done that yet.

  12. Glue can be a quilters best friend! I love your runner, with your fantastic quilting you will have a true winner;) Anxious to see what else you are coming up with.

  13. What a fun design!! I never think of glue as a quilter's aid. Definitely need to remember your use for the product!

  14. Love the table runner looking forward to seeing how you quilt it.

  15. Very fun table runner, a nice way to use up your "test" blocks. Love the color palette you have picked out for the "big" project. Happy stitching this weekend.

  16. Just love the brilliance of these colours as well as the perfection you achieved with your circles!

  17. Again you have cracked it. Love these bright circles, they look such fun. I recently bought a drunkards path die cut, and see lots of circles in the future. I look forward to seeing what you come up with

  18. Gorgeous, Spectacular, Amazing. If I was a bride (or a princess going to a ball), I would want a dress made out of those colors, with those half-circles, with your signature on it.
    For now, I am going to check out the glam clam ruler.

  19. Wow...looking great. I've been tempted get one of those rulers, but I don't know what size.


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