
Sunday, August 25, 2019

Drunkard's Path + Scraps = Baby Magic

After finishing several Black & White quilts I was in the mood for some color!  What better way to feed that hunger than with this group of gorgeous colors?  

33" x 44"
I have been trying to work my way through the pile of scraps I accumulated from a previous project.  

This one might look familiar to you.  I haven't made any progress on quilting it, but it is pinned and ready to quilt as soon as I get up the courage!  

Scraps are inevitable when making circles, half circles or quarter circles.  You could consider it to be a waste of fabric.  I think of it as possibilities.  

With each project I try to design something different.  The basic shape might be the same, such as curves, but half the fun is figuring out how to use what I have in front of me and how to make it different.

Each DP block was trimmed to 3 1/4", which means the finished blocks became 2 3/4".  A little bit small!

In the beginning I decided on a Drunkards Path block.  With the curves at hand I decided to neutralize the color by adding light gray.  Once again I had scraps in different shades that weren't large enough for much of anything.  But they certainly were the right size for this project. 

After I made all the blocks I considered sewing together four and making circles.  Its the logical layout, but I wanted something different.  That's when I decided to add squares along with the DP blocks.  Not only was it a different shape to me, but it created twice as many blocks.  

Even with more blocks at my disposal, I still need a few more in order to make an actual usable sized quilt.  Four square blocks to the rescue!!

I like the addition of the four square block!  It adds a little surprise to the mix!

You'll notice I also added some blocks without the gray.  When working with specific size and shapes of scraps you often have to work with what you have.  I'm very happy I did and love how this quilt turned out!

I explored several different layouts, okay...I was flipping blocks like pancakes!  There are so many options!  In the end I decided random was the way to go.  

Then it was border time.  I used 3" strips in four different colors.  It was all about using those scraps!  You can see in this picture that I have a dark pink border on the bottom.  After I had sewn all the borders on I wasn't happy with the pink.  Out came the seam ripper and it was replaced with orange.  Much better!!

The quilt that started all this used 12" half circles and there were inverted, convex, concave...whatever you want to call them...scraps left over.  Big pieces, but scraps nonetheless!  From the 12" scraps, I made a table runner which is being quilted now, that uses 8" half circles.  I also made a small wall hanging, and now this baby quilt.  If you thought that would be the end of the scrap heap, sadly you would be wrong!  There are more, many more, way too many more!  

I might have to put an end to this madness.  Perhaps I'll shove it in a dark corner of the closet and one day I'll rediscover it with a renewed sense of excitement!  

Why is it that sometimes scraps seem like they multiply?!  I'm about out of new ideas at this time!



  1. Lovely and bright quilt, beautiful use of your previous scraps! So glad to know you have still more scraps, a new quilt soon ;)

    1. I love all the colors in this quilt and I especially love that I was able to make a dent in the scrap pile. There probably is another quilts worth left to use!

  2. I love this quilt, the color palette, the addition of squares, so creative! & yes, I've noticed that scraps do seem to multiply!

    1. If I can get to the other side of these scraps one day, I’ll be happy! I never imagined when I made the 12” circles that there would be so much left to work with!

  3. I really like the addition of the squares to create something like an oval. Yep, scraps are like mushrooms, they multiply in the dark.

    1. I really how the squares worked with the DP’s! That was a moment of joy when I came up with that idea. Mushrooms indeed!!

  4. I think you know by now that we love seeing what all you can make out of your scraps! You never disappoint!!!

    1. I so appreciate that you and others tolerate my rampages!

  5. Oh my goodness, that is a fun burst of color! You make me want to go find the brightest scraps I have and sew. Ditto what Vicki said - your ideas never disappoint, Jayne!

  6. You are the absolute queen of scrap quilts. No one would guess this was a “use up scraps” project; it’s so intentional and striking.

    1. With each new ‘version’ of the same scraps I try to bring something different to the table! I guess that’s why I make two, three or four things from the same scrap heap! The possibilities are endless!

  7. Love this design so much! Looks like the border is an ombre. So effective.

  8. Love this. The colors make me think of a tropical mimosa. The scrap thing is definitely a vortex, isn't it? Just when you think you'll use it all up, more appear. Go figure! You sure do make gorgeous things from your little bits and pieces though!

  9. Love the solids and your use of the hot colors. It wasn’t until the last photo that I realized each “ leaf” shape is made up of two 1/4 circles and two squares. Duh! Any way you turn them seems to make a totally new top.

  10. It is wonderful!!! I love the twist you put on it. Must remember that for the future. I took photos of a few quilts at the AQS event that screamed Jayne at me! LOL

  11. I love how my eyes deceive me when looking at this quilt. I see variations in the gray, but then suddenly the gray parts look like cutouts. I also love seeing how your mind works—no, plays!

  12. What a wonderful baby quilt that is going to be! SEW bright and cheerful. A little ray of sunshine for some little someone!!

  13. I love the colors in this one Jayne! You are so creative in how you use those leftovers. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  14. Wow! Your quilt is super bright and happy. What a wonderful way to use your fabric scraps.

  15. Circle scraps seem to just never end! I have a big stack of them lurking in a drawer, myself. But I love what you've done with yours! Juicy citrusy leafy shapes...yum! :)

  16. I love these circle quilts you make, and the drunkards path is great too. love the colours, really summery

  17. As soon as I saw the thumbnail, I knew it was your design. It sings your name and I can hear it from a mile away. Just the kind of quilt I want to see on a Monday morning - beautiful, cheerful and uplifting.

  18. I love your quilt and the addition of grey to the palette also adds an interest. The 'lemon shape' you obtain goes very well with the citrus feel of the colours

  19. This quilt is amazing. I LOVE the colours and the use of grey as a neutral.

  20. Oh this is beautiful!!!! Sherbert, fruit salad, citrus.....I too had to REALLY look at it to see what you did. At first I thought it was applique-finally saw the DP + squares. Wow! Love the way you use color!!!

  21. I love this...really love it...actually the original is lovely, but this one is better..great job

  22. And once don't disappoint. This is amazing. I can't believe you used scraps.

  23. Yes, it's a great quilt, very summery! And such a creative way to use up those scraps. I'm thinking an all-solids quilt will be on my 'to do' list soon!

  24. Oh, my goodness, you just blow me away! I loved this post and I’m crushing on your finish!

  25. Hi Jayne, your quilt is going to be stunning!

  26. Beautiful! The colors are so summery and pretty!


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