
Sunday, August 18, 2019

I Could Resist :: B & W Mini

I hadn't intended on making another black and white mini quilt, but here we are!  Resisting the urge to make another one would be like telling me not to breathe any longer.  The 
Black & White Mini Quilt Challenge by Curated Quilts has inspired me more than I expected!

Black and white quilts can be quite striking.  The contrast between the two colors is about as graphic as it can get.  

Don't Stop Me Now
10 1/4" x 10 1/4"
This time I had three goals in mind.  One was to make it as close to 10" x 10" as I could.  The second was to use more white than the last quilt  (Spot On).  And the third goal was to use improv and make it graphic.  All three goals were met!  

I started with a simple half circle and pretty much every thing else fell into place from there. The black triangles in the white set the tone for the remainder of the quilt.  

It's so easy for me to take improv to a ridiculous level, but I wanted to keep it clean and open.  Negative space.  

Machine quilting something this small excites me!  I know I can go a little overboard because I can handle the size.  

Match stick quilting using white thread in the large white section is more than rewarding...but, I could help myself and leave one black triangle untouched.  The black circle has pebbles, and for the most part the black sections received 1/4" lines.  I made it up as I went!

Thank you Curated Quilts!  I love inspiration!  Just when I thought I was in a creative slump!

Mini Quilt Submission
I promise I have something other than mini's and black & white quilts to share!  There are a few things on the horizon!  



  1. When you are inspired, you there’s just no stopping you! This mini is amazing!

    1. I always feel if I don’t act on inspiration when it hits me, I might lose it!!

  2. You're going to end up with a whole series of these, that's my prediction -- and as fabulous as they each look individually, a grouping of several would look stunning together on the wall. So if you don't WANT to stop and you need some PERMISSION/ENCOURAGEMENT/ENABLING to keep on going, here it is! :-)

    1. Thank you very much for the encouragement to continue with these quilts! I find them to be so much fun! The challenge is making each one different and being able to pack an idea into such a small quilt! There may be more!

  3. I too think you will end up with a whole series and it would look grand on your wall! Your mini's are always so neat to look at

    1. They would make a nice series! I’m pretty sure there will be more in the works one day. I love the challenge of making these mini quilts!

  4. I am so not surprised that you have another black and white done already!! It's just as grand as the other;)

    1. I’m not really surprised either! I’m like a dog with a bone…I can’t let it go!

  5. Yay for making another! I'm tempted!

  6. I don't think you should ever resist when you have an idea! I love seeing what you come up with. Mini quilts are definitely perfect for trying different quilting ideas - they're so easy to maneuver!

  7. You are the queen of solids! You really made two lovely minis from your black and whites. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  8. I vote for a series too. Why stop now that you are on a roll?

  9. Another amazing piece. You are a winning streak!

  10. Make another one! Love seeing what you are doing. I played with B&Ws this weekend, but sure didn't get as inspired as you! So fun!

  11. Well, by all means keep breathing! And I guess that includes keep making these inspired B & Ws!!! I do love matchstick quilting, and the closer the better!

  12. WOW, wow, Wow Jayne. Look at that stunning piece. The matchstick quilting is really noticeable on the back. You really have a knack for this whole quilting design thing - I'm glad I get to sit on the sidelines and admire you. ~smile~ Roseanne

  13. You certainly met all three of your goals :) Such a bold black and white quilt.


  14. These are really fun. I love a good mini quilt. What are you planning to do with all of them?

  15. Awesome! I love looking at improv quilts and am always amazed. They usually turn out better than a planned quilt.

  16. Totally all 3 goals were met!! That is such a graphic quilt! LOVE it!

  17. Congrats on meeting your goals with this piece. There is something about black and white that is so striking and kind of artsy too. Love the quilting you did too. Happy stitching from me!!

  18. You are so on a roll! And the back looks great too!

  19. Feel free to continue on this road! Thank you for sharing your process on both this and "Spot On". I've long planned to do a B&W improv mini quilt but it's hard for me to make creative space for working freely like that. This was personally very inspiring and I look forward to seeing more if you feel you still have some creative sparks left to be explored!

  20. Using B&W helps to "see" a design. It really works on this little quilt. I love the stark contrast. It's been too long since I've used strictly B&W. Wow, your quilt looks fantastic!


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