
Monday, August 12, 2019

Mini Quilt :: Curated Quilts

Since I've been in the black & gray mode of making lately, I decided I may as well toss my hat into the Curated Quilts Mini Quilt Challenge.  Yes indeed!  The call for submissions is open and going crazy with entries!

Mini Quilt Submission
Submissions are open to everyone.  Each mini must be square from 10" to 16", it must read black and white, have a sense of motion through piecing or quilting, solids or prints, and lastly, submitted by August 31st.  

My entry started with one idea that ended up being horrific, so I changed gears and came up with something that was right up my alley!

13 1/4" x 13 1/4"
You all know I've been on a circle obsession lately and resisting is pointless.  Pair that addiction with another of my favorite techniques 'Textured Twists' and lo and get 'Spot On'!  The perfect storm in terms of creativity, technique and artistic license for me.  

The starting point began with an inset circle measuring 3 3/4" across.  From their I added a few more circles making sure they were organically imperfect, if that's a thing.  As much as I love making perfectly round circles, I thoroughly enjoyed not having to be quite as precise and accurate.  It must have been my inner improv voice coming out!

This is a true black and white mini using Kona Black and White fabric.  Once the center was finished I felt like it needed something else, so along came the idea of adding half circles on the top and bottom.  Truth be told, I didn't want to stop once I started!  Maybe it's my mature age or a moment of clarity, but I stopped before things got out of hand!  It's a mini challenge for pete's sake!

The 'textured twists' along with the organic circles create the movement required for the Curated Quilts challenge in my humble opinion.  Just to be safe, I decided to add more movement with the quilting.

With about 1/2" between each twist, quilting can be interesting to say the least.  I kept it simple and added wavy lines.  Around each circle I quilting organic lines with not a care in the world!  Pedal to the metal, round and round, and a thread color change here and there.

After it was quilted I fell in love with the back immediately!  I wish I could say the white strip on the back was intentionally placed knowing how it would look after the quilting of the white thread...but it was just dumb luck!!   


It would be nice if I could get a clear photo of the front in all it's quilting glory.  I just couldn't!  It wasn't happening with my photo skills!

After I made my Because Quilt, and before I made my Simply Complex Quilt, I also made another mini mini quilt.  Yes, I did it again and most likely will do it for the rest of my life.  One project leads to another and another, and so on and so on!  

5 3/4" x 5 3/4"
Scraps inspire me!  A mini mini using left over stripes and semi larger pieces of black and dove gray.  

I sometimes feel the need to use every piece of every project.  It's a challenge and I like that!

It's also a fun way to see just how much quilting you can cram into one tiny space! 

Are you going to submit a quilt to the Curated Quilts Mini Challenge?  Maybe two?  Luckily there's still plenty of time, so you better get hopping!  

I just might make another know...for the fun of it!



  1. Another awesome finished piece, Jayne! I love your process, how you get "stuck" in a good way on an idea and explore all of the different pathways that one idea can lead to. It's really interesting to see where you take it next, just when it seems as though you've wrung everything out of it, and then you surprise me with another something fresh and new, subtly different, evolved from where you've been. That's why I love artist's retrospective exhibits, too, for trying to follow the thread of inspiration through someone else's head and artistic vision. Anyway, after spending MY week laboring to make some 70-odd PERFECT applique circles, most of them only 3/4" diameter (finishing up an applique workshop project), it's refreshing to stop by Twiggy & Opal and be reminded how beautiful the IMPERFECT circles can be!

    1. I really enjoy working on projects that I can figure out as I go along. That’s when the creativity begins and while it sometimes can become a bit dicey, I love seeing how it all plays out in the end. I’ve been on a circle obsession lately. Perfect or not. I cannot imagine working with 3/4” circles though! You really have your work cut out for you!!

  2. Challenge quilt and mini mini are both awesome in a BIG way, Jayne!!!! Thanks for posting the information and suggesting we give it a try.

    1. I love the Curated Quilts mini challenges, although I don’t always play along. This time I was already knee deep in black and white fabric scraps and it just had to happen!

  3. The black and white really catches the eye! Now I'm wanting to try some textured twists to add dimension to some wall hangings.

    1. I love the textured twists and have another project I hope to start working on soon! It isn’t a quick method, but it certainly is effective and different!

  4. Well, I started fiddling with grey, black and navy improv strips today. Not sure where I'm going with it. Of course, reading that the deadline for the B&W is the 31st when I thought it was the 10th. Hmm. I'm going to have to think on that. You can just see the joy you have in creating through your work, Jayne! Keep it up!

  5. Well done!! Well done!! It's amazing. I plan to play along. Guess I better put my thinking cap on. LOL

  6. Both of these are great pieces! There is so much movement and energy and fun in each one. I too make quilts from my leftover fabrics. I saw a video where they called them generations - each generation a child of the first one. I like the idea since I am interested in genealogy, so now I do it more often too! I hope your quilt gets published!

  7. Fabulous and yes there is definitely movement in your piece! It may be a small project but it has a big impact.

  8. so good. you continue to amaze me!

  9. Love this little quilt and I sure hope it gets in!! Your twisted technique is really a wonder.

  10. Wowey zowey!!! You did it again... twice! I love that style of organic circle, round and round quilting.

  11. Fantabulous post! I have to read through it again for twice the inspiration!

  12. Oh my gosh!! how cool is that!!! Its amazing!!

  13. Awesome post. Love the way you add the twisted whites. So cool!!

  14. Spot On is awesome! I hope you win - it's well deserved.

  15. Wonderful little piece. So simple yet so much detail.

  16. love it! thanks for the inspiration


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