
Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Metal Baby

I love working with small quilts!  Once I figure out what I'm going to do with to quilt it!  Which as we all know is the one thing I have difficulty with.  Deciding how to quilt something.  

This little quilt was an experiment with colors and my Casual Link Block (Heavy Metal blog post).  

Because this was a small quilt, I knew I could go with with something a little more challenging. It would be easy to maneuver.   Twisting, turning and shoving wasn't going to be much of a problem.

Geometric.  Straight lines.  Thinking the logical choice to start was the center, I pulled out the Hera marker and my ruler.  With a semi-basic plan I picked points and connected the dots. Over and over again.  Did it need more, should I go here?  All done as I went.

My mom use to make paper boats and hats out of newspaper for my kids when they were little.  This section reminded me so much of her and transported me back in time!  I can't lie, it made me sad and homesick a little bit!

I really love how all the quilting turned out.  I wish I could do this on my large quilt, but I'm afraid I would go crazy!

I used coordinating thread on the blue and chartreuse sections, which especially show up on the back.

34 1/2" x 34 1/2"

I have to say I couldn't be more pleased with the quilting!!  Sometimes you just gotta go with it...color, fabric, quilting.  



  1. Great finish Jayne! I love the quilting you did on it. I think it really enhances your lovely block design without being over bearing. Nice work!

    1. I kind of let the quilt tell me what to do! How weird is that?! I didn't want to go overboard, and I think I hit it on the nose!

  2. I love this little quilt! I think the geometric lines you quilted really brings this one to life. Figuring our a quilting plan is always enough to drive someone crazy, but you 100% hit a home run.

    1. It really turned out much better than I thought it would or could! Quilting anything has always been my downfall…I never know what to do or where to go with a design!

  3. The quilting looks great, Jayne! I love the boat shapes you point out. I recall as a kid in elementary school that there was a story that went with folding the shape, and that if you rip the top off and the two triangles across the sides you end up with something that looks like a TShirt... ahhh, memories.

    1. For some reason the t-shirts sounds so familiar! My mom use to do so many crazy fun things, I wish I had learned some of them! Guess growing up in the depression had a lot to do with that. You had to entertain yourself with practically nothing!

  4. Your quilting perfectly compliments this very cool quilt Jayne! Those sections you mentioned really do look like paper boats. I know just what you mean about things like that triggering emotions and memories of people you love.

    1. It's crazy when anything triggers a long lost memory! It makes me literally take a step back and pause!

  5. I love the graphic impact of straight line designs on a quilt, yours is wonderful.

  6. I love it!! Good call on the quilting. What an awesome idea of connecting the dots.

    1. It made quilting so much easier when I had specific points to work with! It was a bit confusing at times, but worked out very well!

  7. Well, it's good to hear that I am not the only one who struggles with how to quilt something after it's put together. I have a tendency to pick really complicated blocks, and am then left clueless as how to quilt it!

    Your quilting turned out really nice! So simple, but great way to think of it... just connect the dots!

    1. Knowing how to quilt a quilt is one of the hardest parts! Connecting the dots worked well with this design and while I didn't have a specific design in mind during the quilting part…it all came together!

  8. What a great looking quilt. Love the colours and the design. How to quilt a top is a question I ask myself every time.

  9. It was worth all your effort and time, nice job! If you need inspiration for quilting just go to pintrest and search-I go there a lot!

  10. Wow, I just love how you quilted this. It really looks amazing. Did you use a walking foot or did you free motion quilt this? Either way, it's fantastic.

  11. Very nice quilting Jayne. I like how your block looks good on this scale and I really like how the lighter colour kind of fades into the background. I love that gold accent as well.

    1. I've never been drawn to metallic fabric. When I saw the colors of this fabric and the small touch of metallic…I was sold! The quilting ended up being just right and I'm super happy with it!

  12. Yeah Jayne - it's perfectly done. I'm getting more and more into the actually quilting these days. I think my skills are finally catching up with my imagination. Well - not yet, but I still find I'm enjoying it more and am less intimidated. Now I can't compare myself with some of those amazing quilters, mind you, but I'm more and more pleased, like you are (and well should be), which is nice.

  13. Great quilt and great quilting! :)

  14. Such a fun pattern and a beautiful quilt. The quilting is brilliant. And the finish.... Fabulous!

  15. This is beautiful finish, Jayne. Your geometric quilting really accents the quilt design. I need to teach myself again how to fold paper airplanes. My grandsons always ask for one. To get the puppy from ripping them to shreds when she catches one is another story. Do you do your hera marking on just the quilt top or when it is basted? I wondered about how to get the lines to stand out so nicely. I used to have numerous hera markers. They used to be given away in the mail with quilting magazine subscription order forms. I need to look into purchasing one. Thanks for sharing your quilt and it's process.

  16. This is great! The quilting really makes it.

  17. It is great finish! The quilting is perfect for it!


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