There might not be a lot of people who use table runners these days, but it won't stop me from making them!
I have many reasons why I like making them. I even have a top three as to why I enjoy tossing a table runner in the quilt rotation!
1: they are quick. 2: I can use scraps. And 3: the size makes quilting fun!
Also, it's a good way to try new ideas and use orphan blocks. But that's just the beginning! How about it's a good way to add color and texture to a room? It can certainly add a big pop of color and deliver a bold statement! That right there is reason enough!
14" x 50 1/2" |
Here I was with this idea. The kind of ideas that you can't get out of your head until you do something about it. While I was designing it in my head, I knew it would make a much better table runner than a quilt. At least at this time.
The one thing I wanted to have was two colors and crisp points. What better way to achieve that than paper piecing?!
Simple! Not quite so simple. would just take a little more time than I thought. I launched EQ7 and came up with a couple pointy blocks. This is where the simple came into play. I designed two blocks that were slightly different from each other. One worked one was a total fail! That's all fine. The next step was a layout. The possibilities are pretty endless. I got the block, I figured out the design, now I just needed the right sizes. If you look at the runner you'll see that they all vary. Width, height...I like a variety and it soon came together.
With the plan solidifying, it was printing time. A few of the blocks were larger than a piece of letter size paper so taping was required. That's what happens when you want variations!
When it all comes down to it, most of my time was spent designing, taping and picking color combinations for the shapes. The shapes are among the easiest to paper piece. Which made the process quick and fun!
I picked grey, aqua, green and blue thread for the quilting. The center of the triangles were quilted using a coordinating thread (aqua or blue or green), and the background was grey thread all the way. Geometric straight lines were a breeze! That's why this size is always so much fun!
My last quilting project was free motion stippling and I loved it. It was fast! But my heart belongs to lines, geometric, straight or otherwise! As much as I wish I would be more of an 'all around' quilter...we each like what we like!
Now that I've 'sold' you on why you should make table runners, what's your experience or thoughts on the subject?
Are you thoroughly opposed to the idea, make them and love it, don't care one way or the other ...or have you just been coaxed into giving it a try?!