Me...oh boy do I have ideas! I just haven't had a chance to jump in...yet!
Until that happens I thought sharing a 'semi-striped down-EPP-diamond-pincushion-tutorial' might be fun. I say this because I didn't exactly take notes while making it. I'll be relying on my memory, such as it is.

I printed 1" diamond templates on card stock from Incompetech. You can buy templates for your English Paper Pieced projects or make your own. Incompetech is a good option especially if you are making some thing small.

You need 12 - 1" diamonds for the top. I wanted this one to be scrappy, so I picked 12 different fabrics. Diamonds are a fun shape for EPP and there are a lot of great combinations to be had.

Either method of basting works well, glue or thread. I usually go for the thread when I baste.
Baste your diamonds and stitch the shapes together.

For the sides you need six (6) 1 1/2" x 2 1/2" rectangles. Baste your rectangles and then stitch them to the sides of the diamond top.

Next, stitch the sides of the rectangles to create the pin cushion shape.

Here's where my memory is a little foggy! A pin cushion has to have a bottom and this one requires a hexagon. I used a 5" hexagon which allowed for 1/4" seams.
After removing the paper templates, I turned it inside out. I pressed 1/4" seam around the entire hexagon making it easy to match up with the sides and keep an accurate seam allowance. With right sides together, I stitched the bottom to the top on five (5) sides.
Time to fill and finish! I used crushed walnut shells for the first time and really like how heavy it was. I was lucky enough to find one (and only one) bag at a local fabric shop! Thankfully it was just enough. Do you know that you can get crushed walnut shells at your local pet shop? I didn't either!

If you are new to English Paper Piecing, there are so many great tutorials out there. Jodi @Tales Of Cloth has a great series on the basics. Florence @Flossie Teacakes has a great 'where to begin' post if you are not sure how to start! Two great places to start!

I hope you enjoyed my 'semi-striped down-EPP-diamond-pincushion-tutorial'...such as it is!