Sunday, April 11, 2021


I couldn't have taken any longer to share my latest HST quilt version!  Few quilts excite me like a quilt made from HSTs.  When the idea of this version came to me, I couldn't wait to make it!  

46" X 57"

I really love it!  Rainbow, gray, HSTs...all my favorite components.  In fact I'm so enamoured by it that I decided to write a pattern!  Not my favorite thing to do, but I think it's worth it!  

Hopefully by the end of the month or early April it'll be tested and ready for public consumption.  The pattern will be slightly different than this one, but it's essentially identical.

What I like about this design is all the color.  The HSTs have four different shades with the background in the center, and the 'sparkle' are the gray with the single color centers.

It's very similar to my Color Explosion quilt except that one has a zillion colors!  'Sparkle' is perhaps more refined.

I machine quilted the design using a light gray thread.  It was fun and tedious, but worth it after it went through the wash!  The size ended up being 46" x 57" after all was said and done.  The new version is a little bit larger.

I debated about adding a plain border or a gray border with the edge triangles extended.  In the end I didn't do either of those ideas!  The original design is exactly how I wanted it, so why mess with it?!

To call it 'Sparkle' or not to call it that...that is the question!  Why do names have to be so hard?  I'm really not creative in that department!

Let me just say that pattern writing is hard.  Hard for me!  If it wasn't for the encouragement from so many people in the social media arena and the support of my family, I probably would never take the pattern writing leap!   And I have to give a huge shout out to 
Yvonne (Quilting Jetgirl)  for the Technical Editing!  Her editing magic makes me feel much more secure and confident when it's all said and done!

Anyone who writes you stress over it?  Do you have any tips to help ease the anxiety some of may feel when it comes to pattern writing?  Asking for a friend...😉!

Saturday, April 3, 2021

Color Explosion Finish

While making this quilt I had the urge to change up this design and give it a make-over.  Which I did, but I couldn't show that one until this one was quilted, bound and washed!  That's jus the way I work!

51" x 62"

Many of you know that I make this quilt often, either in a lap size or baby quilt.  And you might know that I have a suitcase full of HSTs to pull from.  It's so much easier to have the HSTs at the ready where I can pull from when the mood strikes me!

I also love to quilt these using lines...a lot of lines!

This is a breakdown of how I quilted this recent quilt.  I section off the quilt either before I start or more often than not I'll quilt a section and figure out the next section on the fly.  Each quilt like this has its own quilting design as well an color layout, which makes each one unique.  I use 1/2", 3/4" and 1" lines every single time though!

By doing that it also feels like it's a new design and keeps it fresh and much less repetitive.

Another way to keep it new is using different colors of thread.  A small change, but if it inspires me that is always a good thing.  For this quilt I used the last of my Gray variegated thread.  And by last...I mean literally the last inch was used on the last line!

By adding the center squares you get a chance to see the intended design of the squares that are like colors.  Blues, greens, yellows.  Same color family, different shades.  

I'm always drawn to the 1/2" lines the most!  For some reason they hit all the highs for me.  Especially after the quilt is washed and the crinkle comes to life!  You might think the dense quilting would make a quilt stiff and uncomfortable, but that is just not the case!  I use Warm & Natural cotton batting and have never felt the quilting I do was too much. 

 As for the new and different's finished!  I'll share that in a couple days.  Right now I'm remaking it, writing a pattern and hoping I don't go crazy in the process!  Wish me luck!

On an entirely different subject, I received my second Covid shot a couple days ago!  If nothing else it gives me a sense of relief.  I will continue with all the safety protocols when I go out as a precaution, but at least I can go out!