I don't know if that's good or bad! I think I'll go with good! If I don't look at it that way I wouldn't be motivated to keep going. I couldn't imagine putting all that work into it and then not finishing or liking it!
Here's the scoop! My adventures with diamond hexies documented over the past nine months!
Star Light, Star Bright
Diamond Hexie Stars
Diamond Hexie Stars 2
The Real Work Begins

Since my last post I figured out the layout. In a way that was the easy part. I've never tackled an English Paper Pieced project on this scale. Following my usual 'jumping in with both feet' philosophy, I pretty much went for it. I had no idea if there was a proper way of sewing the rows together or if there was an easy method to go about it. Eventually I developed a way that worked for me and from there...there was no turning back!

I had all my rows labeled (seems to be a theme for me lately!), and on the backside of each hexie I marked where each black triangle would end up. After sewing the triangles on, I moved on to row assembly.
The method that worked for me was sewing each row in two sections. Then sew row one, section one to row two section one together and repeat with the remaining sections. Once that was complete, I'd sew row one and row two section one to row one and row two section two together. And with that I have totally confused you! I can see your eyes have glazed over and you are thinking 'this girl has totally lost her mind'!
Trust me when I say...it works for me!!

One thing I did not think about before this madness began, was how I'd end the rows. Is anything easy these days?! I'm playing with a few options right now, but I certainly wish I had worked that out before hand! I put myself in a quandary. I still have time. As of today, right now, right this very second...I still have the last two rows to assemble in my ever so 'mad as a hatter' way!
Hopefully the next installment of 'Harebrained Hexies' will be all about how I solved the side issues and finally...finally have the top finished!