Case in point, my Bee Inspired prompt for April! Here it's the end of June and I'm just getting to it.
The April prompt from Shelagh @stuartmoorestextiles was 'April Showers Bring May Flowers'.

One block needed to reflect the moody April weather using gray pink to dark pink with silver gray accents depicting rain. These are images Shelagh provided us.
The second bock was all about blue skies and yellow flowers. The yellow didn't need to be an actual flower just shapes that resemble flowers.
The pressure was on...
I decided to start with the flowers. I gathered my yellow fabric and began the cultivating of my flowers. Three flowers later, I what I needed. Yet, I couldn't help but see three eggs over easy! Yikes! I reminded myself that these were flowers, they look like flowers and therefore...they shall be flowers!
My idea was the center would be darker as if they were still in the process of blooming, and from there the yellow would become lighter. Improv flowers are very enjoyable to make, it's the 'fitting' together after the fact that can sometimes be the hard part!
I had to walk away several times when I became frustrated, but kept coming back until the job was done. I think it looks pretty good!
When I make improv pieces like this, I get highly focused! Almost like I'm in a frenzied trance! Fabric is flying, rotary cutter is humming and the mess is growing. By the end of it all I'm exhausted! Literally mind-numb!
Do you ever feel like that?! Not that I know this from first hand experience, but it's like running a marathon! By the end a good stiff drink is needed!
The next day I tackled the moody block. Once I came up with a semi thought out plan, I grabbed a variety of pink and gray fabric. This is where my love of pink came in handy! I have a lot to choose from.
I just love the images of the pink skies that Shelagh included! Whether they are real skies or computer enhanced, they are gorgeous. I was drawn to the second photo and decided I would try to replicate it using curves.
In order to get the vibe of the photo, I went heavy on the pink for about two-thirds of the block. Working towards the top using more gray, but including slices of pink. Does it look like a stormy sky? Given the colors, the theme and the prompt, I think it works out to be just that!
My last curve adventure was 'Making Waves'. I was so excited to finally get back to making something with curves again that I was inspired to do it again with this block. I also promised a tutorial on curves and I have not forgotten! I have all my strips ready to go...I just need to sit down and do it!
The devil is in the details as they say! I can almost say I'm caught up with our Bee Inspired group!
May was my month with the prompt: A Moment of Zen. With improv on the brain and being on a roll, I decided I'd try my hand at my own prompt. I'm nearly finished and I'll share those along with the blocks I've received from my bee mates very soon.
Bee Inspired Mates:
Kathryn @kupitis
Heather @quiltachusetts
Audrey @artandstole
Christine @ccpquilt
Shelagh @stuartmoorestextiles
Sarah @quiltscornerstone
Daisy @warmfolk
Me! @twiggyandopal
Our Hashtag if you want to follow along and see what were up to: #beeinspired2019
And of course, the original Bee Sewcial group: #beesewcial #inspiredbybeesewcial