Where did time go?! I cannot believe it's the end of February already and I also cannot believe I spent 8 days with zero, zilch, zippo sewing! And then let's not forget there was the virtual QuiltCon Together show going on as well!
Many of you know that we quarantine for two weeks in order to spend time with my daughter's God-Children. There are three of them including the mom ranging in age from 7-1 1/2 years old. We take Covid very seriously and both our families take extra precautions so that we can all have visits.
We usually spend three or four days together and then they go back home. However this time we had the added bonus of snow! Snow and ice to be exact! Now, Mid-Tennessee doesn't often see snow except maybe a dusting once in a while. This time was a bit different and frankly, a very nice surprise!
I think we all had a blast and we sure love having the children here! We are always thankful for our visits. However...when you aren't use to it...it can be exhausting! We look forward to the next visit of course, this time without snow!
All that being said, I didn't have one second of sewing in 8 days! Truthfully the first several were a welcomed change. But I was going through withdrawals by day 4! Luckily those days were spent tooling around QuiltCon Together!
I was luckily enough to have two quilts in the show. QuiltCon is the only show I enter quilts in mostly because don't know any others to enter!
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I understand why a virtual quilt show had to happen and not that I would have been able to go the the show had it been in Atlanta like it originally should have been, but it was nice to see the quilts. I didn't sign up for classes or lectures...I just looked at all the quilts! They were great eye candy, but it was a little bit of a let down. There is nothing like seeing people, their quilts and all the detail in person. Next year...I hope!
Now that I was finally able to get back to sewing I got to start a project that I've been thinking about for a while now. Neon pink, Cotton + Steel and Kona Ash! Couldn't be a better combination in my book!
And of course circles AKA Drunkard Path blocks! I don't have a lot of the old Cotton + Steel fabric with neon pink left, but it was time to use it. It just was. The neon Pink is a Michael Miller fabric that is no longer available. I bought several yards when I saw it on sale and then realized it was not going to be around for long.
I drew up a couple blocks in EQ8, printed the templates and began cutting. By the way, there are a couple prints in the mix that aren't Cotton + Steel, but have neon pink in them!
The blocks are suppose to be 5" finished and an 8" circle. I always have issues with the edges of the blocks lining up. I do the crease in the center, often glue my blocks, but they don't always end up perfect.
I think in the end it might because I don't manipulate (pull!) the fabric enough. Truth is, in the end it doesn't matter because I'll trim all the blocks to whatever size they need to be.
Many of my designs aren't set in stone so I'm able to go with the flow. I make it up as I go! Which seems to be my way!
Hopefully I can make progress today and soon enough have a finished quilt top to share!!